

7 Flowers You Must Plant if You Want More Bees

When you think of bees, it probably isn’t your first instinct to want to attract more of them to your yard. These striped insects often get a bad rap due to their rather painful natural defense mechanism and are often shoed away from the garden by harsh insect repellents and pesticides.

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7 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Succulents

I would bet that if you have any houseplants as living decor in your home, you have at least one succulent taking up residency on a bookshelf, coffee table, or resting in a sunny windowsill. And this is with good reason! Succulents are super cute, easy to care for, and incredibly popular right now which makes them a no-brainer addition to your collection. But did you know that succulents can also be grown outside, even if you don’t live in the desert? Here are a few other facts you probably didn’t know about your favorite plants.

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5 Things You Should Do Differently in Your Veggie Garden

When planting your vegetable garden, it can be challenging to keep all the advice straight, “build a raised bed,” “make sure that you try companion planting,” “always use fertilizer,” “never use fertilizer.” Eventually, the overwhelming words of well-meaning fellow gardeners go in one ear and out the other, and you usually end up winging it. That works for a time, and usually, you will see a harvest, but here are a few essential things that you should be doing differently to maximize yield and encourage healthy growth.

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Top Garden Trends for 2019

Just as there are trends for fashion, makeup, and home design, there are yearly garden trends as well. It can be difficult to keep up on all of the exciting developments in the yard and garden. Keep in mind that, ultimately, the true heart of gardening is a timeless act. The therapeutic process of selecting a plant or seed and placing it into the ground, tending it with care and diligence will always remain the same. These steps of gardening have been around since the dawn of agriculture and contribute to the fact that gardening will never go out of fashion.

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5 Common Mistakes People Make when Growing Roses

For years, roses have kept the prized position among all the garden flowers. They captivate the mind, enchant the soul, and awake the senses, bringing beautiful vibrant blooms and decadent scents to anywhere they are grown. However, even though they are an excellent addition to any flower bed, many gardeners shy away from these sweet flowers because of their supposed “growing difficulty.”

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Top 8 Tomato Varieties for Container Gardening

Container gardening is on the rise in many urban environments. This type of gardening is primarily utilized by city dwellers still wishing to grow their own fresh food and live a greener lifestyle but who don’t have an acre of land to do so. All you need to get started with container gardening is a small outdoor space such as a patio, balcony, or simple front step.

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8 Secrets to a Successful Container Garden

Container gardens can be used to liven up any patio, grow a vegetable garden in a restricted space, bring color to your backyard, or keep your fresh herbs in easy reach.

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9 Fun Container Gardening Ideas for Growing Strawberries

Container gardening is a fun, easy way to spend more time outdoors with your hands in the dirt. Even if you don’t have much room outside, you can still enjoy the benefits of container gardening with these exciting ideas to utilize vertical space and grow fresh strawberries today.

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Starting a Vegetable Garden? The Five Things You Must Do

There is nothing quite like the feeling of enjoying fresh vegetables straight from your garden after a season of hard work and patience. Knowing exactly where your food comes from helps to ensure that you are getting the best quality produce. However, learning the basics of planting a vegetable garden can be incredibly difficult. With so much information available, it can be confusing to know where to start.

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