

The No Fail Veggie Anyone Can Grow and How to Do It

Are you ready to be a successful potato gardener? This versatile starchy tuber is easy to grow and can be cultivated by anyone with great success, even the novice gardener. The best thing of all is that there are endless possibilities when it comes to growing potatoes so everyone can get in on the action.

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3 Reasons to Stop Using Peat and What to Use Instead

Peat is a fibrous material made up of partially decomposed plant materials and natural forms in the earth in locations that fulfil particular requirements. For instance, the climate has to be mild (not rising above a certain temperature), stagnant water must be present, and it will only form in anaerobic conditions, which essentially just means the the absence of oxygen. Peat is most commonly found in Russia and Canada.

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Grow Your Own Hand Rescue Salve

Gardening and health are intrinsically linked. You grow your own fruits and vegetables, so you begin to eat more whole, fresh food. You have to harvest, plant, and tend your garden, so you get more physical activity and daily doses of fresh air and sunshine. However, unless you wear gloves all the time, you probably also experience the dry, cracking hands that come from spending hours digging in the dirt. Thankfully, all the herbs needed to create this soothing hand salve, and make dried out hands a thing of the past, can be grown right in your garden.

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What are Hitchhiker Weeds and How to Control Them

When new plants are uprooted and introduced to new areas, many of them become invasive, crowding out native species, which in turn affect native insect pollinators and other animal populations dependant on them.

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Why This Brain-Like Nut Is a Superfood for Mental Health

Nature has a fascinating way of giving us hints about the benefits of certain foods. One such example is the walnut, a nut that closely resembles the human brain and is one of the best foods for cognitive health. Packed with essential nutrients, walnuts have been scientifically proven to support brain function, reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases, and enhance overall mental well-being. 

In this article, we’ll explore why walnuts are a true superfood for mental health and how incorporating them into your diet can boost cognitive performance and so much more.

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The One Food You Need for 100% of Your Vitamin C Every Day (hint: It’s red)

When it comes to essential vitamins, few are as well-known and widely recognized as vitamin C. This powerhouse nutrient is crucial in immune support, skin health, and overall well-being. While many associate vitamin C with oranges, one food provides more than 100% of your daily vitamin C needs in a single serving.

So, what is this incredible superfood? The answer: the humble yet powerful red bell pepper.

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This Biblical Bulb Has Been Used for Centuries for Its Healing Powers

Throughout history, certain plants and herbs have been revered for their remarkable healing properties. Garlic (Allium sativum) is one of the most potent natural medicines, referenced in ancient texts and modern science. Mentioned in the Bible and other historical records, this humble bulb has been used for centuries to treat ailments, boost immunity, and promote overall well-being.

In this article, we take a deeper look at the medicinal prowess of this humble bulb.

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Grow Your Own Apothecary: Medicinal Plants That Thrive Indoors 

Imagine feeling under the weather, perhaps with a scratchy throat or a tension headache. Instead of rummaging through a medicine cabinet stocked with store-bought remedies, you simply reach over to your windowsill, pluck a few leaves, and brew yourself a natural, healing tea. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, it’s possible with a homegrown indoor apothecary!

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The Penny-Priced Roundup Alternative That’s Safer for Your Garden

Roundup and other chemical herbicides have been the go-to solution for killing weeds in gardens, driveways, and farmlands for years. However, growing concerns over health risks, environmental damage, and soil degradation have led many to seek safer, natural alternatives.

The good news? You don’t need to spend big money on organic herbicides—there’s a penny-priced, safer alternative you might already have in your kitchen! 

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Surprising Pesto Ingredient Packs a Punch Against Inflammation

If you love pesto, you’re already on the path to better health, whether you realize it or not. Basil, the star ingredient in pesto, is more than just a fragrant herb that adds flavor to pasta and pizza. It’s a potent anti-inflammatory powerhouse packed with compounds that can help fight chronic diseases, ease joint pain, and support overall wellness.

Let’s dive into why basil is a natural anti-inflammatory champion, the science behind its benefits, and how you can incorporate more of this healing, easy-to-grow garden herb into your diet.

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7 Flowers That Can Help You Breathe Easy

Deep breathing can sometimes feel like a luxury in a world filled with pollutants, allergens, and stress. But nature has gifted us with pretty flowers that actively support respiratory health.

Scientific studies have shown that certain plants and flowers contain compounds that can help clear congestion, soothe inflammation, and even enhance lung function. 

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