

How to Create the Perfect Tea Garden

Tea is up there at the top of the list of favorite beverages, and for a good reason. It comes in so many different varieties and flavors and can be brewed light or strong to match any mood. Moreover, the presence of several antioxidant compounds in tea has now given it a super drink status.

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This Common Weed Tastes Delicious and Reduces Inflammation

Common chickweed is a plant native to Europe. It has become naturalized throughout the U.S. and other areas of the world. You’ve probably seen it in your lawn and may consider it a weed. It tends to grow in moist soils in full sun or partial shade. But, don’t think too poorly of this common weed – it has tremendous medicinal value and tastes great!

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Sunflowers, The Happy Plant, Take the Sting Out of Insect Bites

For me, a garden is not a garden without sunflowers. I love how they tower over smaller garden plants, providing just the right amount of shade on a hot summer afternoon. Their big and bright flowerheads make me smile. And, talk about easy to grow! Did you know that sunflowers are also delicious and make a fantastic natural remedy for insect bites?

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The Top “Happy” Plants for Busting a Sour Mood

I always feel better after taking a walk through my garden. Plants are mood boosters and can turn any frown upside down. Certain plants have even been found to scientifically improve moods. Planting and enjoying these beauties is a sure way to keep your spirits high.

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Should I Pee in My Garden? Recognizing the Value in Human Urine

Believe it or not, you are flushing valuable, nutrient-rich liquid down the toilet every time you urinate. We don’t think twice about putting cow manure, chicken droppings, and various other animal excrements in our garden, so why is the thought of using your own urine in the garden so appalling? Instead of immediately dismissing the idea as some all-natural, health nut hoax, take a look at these research-backed reasons to add human urine to your garden.

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These Common Weeds Could Kill Your Dog

Some say that weeds are just plants out of place, but, at their root, weeds are plants whose undesirable characteristics outweigh their desirable characteristics. Some of these undesirable characteristics can be fatal to both humans and animals. Here are the most dangerous common weeds to be on the lookout for in your yard. 

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Battle Chemicals Inside Your Home With These Pretty Houseplants

Ever since the industrial revolution, we’ve been sending vast clouds of toxic chemicals into the air. Even today, with our clean-burning factories and more efficient vehicles, the airways of the cities and towns we live in are clogged with particulates and chemicals that contribute to a wide range of respiratory and general health conditions.

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5 Garden Favorites to Eat Before Working Out

Perhaps you have grown theme gardens before like butterfly, tea, salsa, or salad gardens. But have you ever considered growing your very own energy garden? An energy garden is packed with homegrown goodness that can give you just the right amount of energy before a hard workout. 

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Honey Fixes for Radiant Skin and Healthy Hair

Do you enjoy a dollop of honey in your tea? Perhaps you have traded out refined sugar for local raw honey in your favorite muffin recipe. You might not know about honey because it contains many therapeutic properties that make it a fantastic natural substitute for sugar and a sweet elixir for great hair, skin, and overall health and well-being.

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