

Passionflower, A Beautiful Plant that Can Help Reduce Anxiety and Promote Sleep

I discovered a stunningly beautiful plant about eight years ago that has far surpassed my expectations in so many ways. Passionflower looks like something that belongs only in the most tropical locations in the world. However, this eye-catching plant will grow in most regions of the world, even in cooler areas like zone 5, where the thought of a tropical-looking plant may seem out of the question.

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Lower Blood Sugar with Cinnamon: Here’s How to do It

Cinnamon has a long history and is one of the oldest spices known to humanity. It received honorable mentions in the Bible and was used in ancient Egypt to flavor beverages, as medicine, and as an embalming agent. Some ancient Chinese botanical medicinal writings date its use as far back as 2700 BC.

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Rosemary Can Lift Your Down Mood and Improve Eyesight

Ah, rosemary. Almost everyone is familiar with the woodsy aroma of this native Mediterranean herb. Needlelike leaves and beautiful blue flowers adorn this evergreen plant with a rich history of culinary and medicinal use. Rosemary is a member of the Lamiaceae family of plants, including mint, oregano, lemon balm, and basil. 

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Improve Energy by Drinking Mushrooms in Your Coffee

How do you like your coffee? Maybe a little cream, a little cinnamon, honey, or perhaps a few mushrooms? Maybe I had you at cream, cinnamon, and honey…but lost you at the mushrooms. Believe it or not, fans of mushroom coffee rave about benefits like increased energy, stress reduction, better sleep, and clear thinking. But does it work?

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Make FREE Apple Cider Vinegar From Scraps (it’s easy)

Do you have an apple tree in your yard? Perhaps you have access to loads of apples in the fall from your local farmers’ market or nearby orchards. Making applesauce is a great idea, but you can also take it a step further to get the most out of your apples. 

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How to Collect and Use FREE Water

Water is life. Life for humans, animals, and life for plants. Water is also costly, and in many places, scarce. Because of this, collecting and using FREE rainwater is an excellent idea. The practice of rainwater catchment is an ancient practice that has proven effective for thousands of years. 

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9 Cash Crops that Can Help You Meet Your Financial Goals Sooner (even if you live in the city)

Gardening is a fantastic hobby and a way to provide fresh food for your family. Did you know that that it can also be lucrative? What if I told you that you could accelerate your savings by growing some popular cash crops? There are even some great options for people who have limited space in which to grow plants. Now that I have your attention let’s take a look at how your garden can keep you in the green (if you know what I  mean).

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7 Ways to Use Cardboard for a Bigger and Longer Harvest

Are you ready for a staggering statistic? In the United States of America, over 850 tons of paper and cardboard are thrown out each year. Sadly, this is equal to about 1 billion trees! Pretty horrifying, right?  Over 80% of the packaging used in America contains some form of cardboard. An average household can toss as much as 13,000 separate pieces of cardboard each year.

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7 Expert Florist Tips for Outstanding Cut Flower Arrangements

Fresh flowers brighten any space they occupy. I love to grow a number of my favorite flowers just for cutting. Once a week, I make a couple of fresh bouquets during the growing season and place them on my tables. They exude cheer and always seem to bring a smile to my face no matter how many times I look at them.  

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5 Free Garden Hacks You Don’t Want to Miss

I don’t know about you, but I love to get free things – especially practical, free things that I can put to good use. When it comes to gardening, I love free stuff even more. Over the years, I have gathered ideas and hacks to help lower my gardening budget. I am happy to report that I have compiled quite a list of free garden hacks.  Read on to find out how you too can garden on a dime.

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