

Solve These Common Garden Problems with Cinnamon

While TV advertisements and mainstream gardening advice would have you believe that all sorts of chemicals are required to manage issues in your garden, we think otherwise. A holistic approach often works best – preventing any toxic side effects and also saving you money. Here is how you can enjoy the superpower of cinnamon in your garden.

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So, You Want to Be a Goat Owner…Things You Should Know

Getting a goat isn’t as simple as bringing one home and leaving it to roam your backyard. Even if you’ve been a lifelong pet owner, it’s essential to keep in mind that goats have different and unique needs from other common pets.

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Secretly Poisonous Plants We Eat all the Time

While health experts recommend eating more fresh, natural foods, some are best left alone. Many plants are not here for our benefit but to protect themselves from predators. That’s why some plants have developed chemical weapons to avoid being eaten. Surprisingly, our daily diets contain several of these potentially-toxic plants, which humankind has figured out how to eat safely. Be warned, some of your favorites could be on this list! Here are 11 secretly poisonous plants that we eat all the time. 

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Dangerous Toxins Found in Popular Dog Food Brands

Multiple popular dog food brands have recently been recalled after a random test has revealed a dangerous toxin. Aflatoxins are a group of toxins produced by certain fungi found on agricultural crops, including corn, peanuts, cottonseed, and tree nuts. While consuming a small amount of these toxins will not usually harm a human or pet, there are regulations in place that limit how much of this toxin can be present in dog and human food.

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Amazon Bans these Seeds from Delivery

Whatever you do, don’t plant these seeds. Thousands of packages of unsolicited seeds have been delivered to households in the United States over the past several months. According to the US Department of Agriculture, mysterious light gray or beige packages containing seeds postmarked from China, have been showing up in mailboxes all over the country. In response, Amazon is now banning the sale of foreign seeds, and federal officials are warning us not to touch or plant these seeds. But what is really behind this strange seed scandal?

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7 Tips for Growing the Best Herbs Ever in Containers

The beautiful thing about growing herbs in containers is that there is no green thumb required. In fact, growing herbs in containers is an amazing confidence booster for anyone. Whether you have a few containers on your balcony or in a sunny inside window, herbs will reward you with their lush growth and aromatic pleasures.

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Fentanyl and Marijuana: How Overdoses are Spreading Outside of Hard Drugs

It is like morphine but around 50 to 100 times more powerful. Fentanyl is a Schedule II prescription drug generally used for pain management after surgery. Like many other prescription drugs, Fentanyl has leaked its way into the drug vein of the streets where it is known as Apache, China Girl, China White, Fiendm Dance Feverm Goodfellas, Jackpot, Tango and Cash and Murder 8. 

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4 Things to do With Your Extra Tomatoes

It’s that time of the year again, when the summer heat has been working its magic, and the tomato plants are absolutely overflowing with bright, colorful fruit. Whether you’ve got your hands full of tiny grape tomatoes, some ripe Romas, or big old beefsteaks, you might be wondering what to do with those buckets and buckets of tasty fruit.

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Wow Your Friends with These Creative and Frugal Container Projects

Container gardening is so much fun! Not only do containers make gardening a possibility for everyone, even those with little space, but they also make great conversation pieces. This is especially true when you use recycled, free or cheap containers. Most garden plants are happy in any container as long as there is great organic soil with excellent drainage. 

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Don’t Throw Out That Citrus Peel, Use it to Start Your Seeds

Sure, you can get a starter kit for your seeds, or you can turn something you probably have lying around the house into a useful and compostable (even better), seed starter. These materials are basically free, and you can feel good about their simplicity and earth friendliness. All you have to do is fill with a potting medium, start your seeds and, when ready, plant them in your garden.

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