

Your Ancestors Grew Their Own Food and So Can You

In the early pioneering days of America, most people grew their own food, learning how to cultivate and grow it, not for fun but because a home garden was necessary for survival. In the 17th century, those settlers farmed their own fruits and vegetables, often using small, enclosed gardens that sat just outside their front door. Typically these gardens were focused on essential edibles, culinary and medicinal herbs. While food gardening has waxed and waned since then, it will never stop. 

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Late Summer Tips to Keep Your Flower Garden Looking Great

July and August are months when you should be enjoying the fruits of your labor in your flower garden. Unfortunately, high summer temperatures and drought conditions sometimes bring a premature end to your garden’s beauty. Fortunately, there are some key things that you can do now, in the heat of summer to renew your flower garden’s vigor.

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7 Ways to Feed Your Backyard Chickens for Free

You got backyard chickens to become more self-reliant – because isn’t growing your own food supposed to save you money? Unfortunately, those backyard chickens can quickly become an expensive hobby. Plus, if you’re relying on store-bought feed to keep your little egg farm running, then you’re still tied to mainstream supply chains.

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The Ultimate Guide to Growing a Massive Harvest Without Soil

For most people, gardens are going like gangbusters right about now. You have gotten plenty of rain and are happily harvesting and sharing fresh veggies with friends and neighbors. However, you also know that soon, all too soon, it will be time to clean out the garden as the season winds down for another year. If you want to continue to have fresh greens for your family all winter long, consider hydroponics, the art of growing plants without soil. 

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Answer these 5 Questions Before You Get Backyard Chickens

Like any other pet, it’s important to evaluate the viability of folding a new animal (or entire flock) into your routine, lifestyle, physical space, and budget. Raising chickens can be a blast, but it is important to be prepared before taking on the responsibility. Here are the top questions you should ask before committing to raising a group of chickens.

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8 Great Uses for Wood Chips in Your Yard and Garden

Wood chips are a versatile material that you can often get for free. They have many uses for your yard and garden, from the aesthetic to the practical. Read on for some creative ways to use wood chips to improve your property.

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Create Your Very Own Patio Paradise in 7 Easy Steps

Apartment and condo living is becoming increasingly attractive to persons of all ages. Living small is becoming the new living large as people downsize to accommodate busy lifestyles and a desire to have more freedom. Creating an inviting outdoor space on your balcony or patio is one of the great ways you can increase your living space, especially if you enjoy being outside. Here are some easy and fun ways to own your outdoor space, no matter where you live.

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3 Summer Fun Garden Upcycle Projects

Now that your garden is going gangbusters and you have a bit of a reprieve from your planting, it’s a good time to engage in some super fun garden upcycling projects. You will be amazed at what you can make to decorate your garden with items you have lying around. Below you will find a few of my favorite garden recycle projects. Have fun!

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Stop Buying Grapes at the Grocery Store, Grow Your Own Instead

For over 6,000 years, gardeners have been growing grapes. Don’t let the idea of cultivating grapes scare you; it is easier than you might think. And, it is a good idea to stop buying grapes from the supermarket as they are one of the most heavily sprayed commercial crops. Do you even know what you are eating with your grapes?

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Growing Great Greens all Year Long (and why you should)

If you only grow one thing in your home garden, it should be greens. There are several delicious and nutritious greens that are easy to grow and provide a valuable resource throughout the garden season and even beyond…More on that to come. Leafy greens are also known as salad greens, pot herbs, vegetable greens, or just greens. These plant leaves are eaten as a vegetable and contain important vitamins and nutrients. Likely, you don’t eat enough greens, and those that you do eat are not nearly as healthy as they could be. 

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