

Yes, I Add Broken Eggshells and Baking Soda to My Tomato Planting Hole

I get asked about growing and caring for tomatoes more than any other fruit or vegetable. It seems that everyone is after that perfect, prize-winning tomato and will stop at nothing to achieve it! Well, the good news is that tomatoes are not too tricky once you learn the basics, and you can have a beautiful tomato crop year after year, once you have the basic knowledge down.

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Chicken, Chicken, Duck: Why Your Mini Farm Needs Ducks

Chickens are great; they are easy to keep, provide loads of delicious eggs, and are super fun to watch. There have been times in my past, where I have pulled up a lawn chair and literally watched my chickens for hours. But lately, I have come to appreciate just how great ducks are, especially when it comes to natural pest control. If you have been thinking about getting ducks but are on the fence, let me help you. Here are some great reasons to invest in these happy fowl.

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How to Save Your Lawn From the Hot Summer Sun

While the peppers and tomatoes in your veggie garden may appreciate the summer heat, your lawn does not necessarily feel the same way. Extreme heat may leave your grass looking worn and sad. To get through those hot stretches, it is important to baby your lawn a little bit. Here are some simple tips that you can follow to keep your grass looking awesome, even in the dead of summer.

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Poison Ivy: What You Need to Know to Stay Safe

Summer means many things, beautiful gardens, backyard fun, and long walks in nature. Unfortunately, nice weather also means a few not-so-attractive things like mosquitoes and the dreaded poison ivy. You may have heard the Ben Franklin saying, “ Leaves of three, let them be.” This is good advice to avoid this vining plant that can cause an irritating rash. To keep you and your family safe from this dangerous plant, there are a few other things that you need to know.

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Asparagus and Sandy Soil, a Perfect Match

Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) is a perennial flowering plant whose young shoots are used as a delicious spring vegetable. If you love to roast tender spears tossed with olive oil and seasonings, perhaps it is time to grow some of your own. Although it takes a while for asparagus crops to take off, there is nothing like the taste of these homegrown, green spears. 

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8 Ways to Create Your Go-to Outdoor Relax Room

Picture yourself in a relaxing oasis with the calming sounds of running water, birds singing, and a breeze blowing in the treetops. The only thing better than relaxing indoors on a beautiful sunny day is to do all that outside, surrounded by nature. But first, you must make your outdoor area look and feel inviting, relaxing and pleasant not just for you but also for your guests and anyone who might want to join you.

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Unique Ways to Capture and Save Water For Your Thirsty Plants

Did you know there are hundreds of gallons of usable water going to waste in your home every day? With a little know-how, you can save much of this wasted water and use it for your garden. Many of these water-wise gardening strategies serve more than one purpose, reducing water usage, improving garden soil, protecting plants, and saving money on your utility bill, too. Here are the best ways to repurpose water that would otherwise go to waste and water your thirsty plants.

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Draw Nocturnal Pollinators With a Magical Moonlight Garden

Although you may be familiar with the host of pollinators that visit your garden during daylight hours such as hummingbirds, butterflies, and bumblebees you may not know about the secret night life in your garden. When these pollinators finish their shift and retire for the evening, the night shift comes on strong. Pollinators, including hawk moths, bats, and squash bees are known as crepuscular pollinators that work hard in the hours when other pollinators are resting. Creating a moonlight garden to draw these hard-working pollinators to your garden is easy and beautiful.

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7 Really Good Reasons You Should Grow Your Own Food

While growing and preserving food is still a widespread activity in many cultures around the world, it isn’t necessarily popular in America. Many people take food for granted, simply going to the grocery store without much thought as to where the food comes from. We just expect it to be there, right?

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Everything You Need to Know About Planting and Caring for Passion Vine

Do you love exotic flowers, but think they’re either out of your gardening expertise or not likely to grow in your hardiness zone? Then you may want to consider growing a passion vine. Passion vine is a unique plant that sprouts exotic, tropical-looking flowers that can grow almost anywhere. In fact, with the genus Passiflora containing over 500 different species, you can even find these outwardly delicate vines growing alongside the road. Here’s everything you need to know about planting and caring for passion vine.

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5 Immune-Boosting Survival Foods You Can Grow Indoors All Year Long

You don’t have to be a gardening mastermind to grow your own edible plants; you don’t even have to have space outside for a garden! In fact, there are lots of health-promoting plants that can be grown indoors, even in a tiny apartment space. Just imagine, all you have to do is wake up in the morning and take a few steps to tend your crops. 

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