

3 Annual Flower Window Box Ideas For a Beautiful View and Tips For Success

Whether you live in the city, suburbia, or the country, window boxes add beauty, texture, color, charm, and even drama to your view. Adding window boxes brings flowers and foliage to eye level, which offers a different perspective than having them in your garden. From inside your home, plants create a lush view to the outdoors that can brighten your day no matter how gloomy the weather. And from the outside, plants and window boxes provide curb appeal that becomes part of the architecture. Here are three ideas for a beautiful view.

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The Ultimate Guide to Growing Organic

Leaping from traditional gardening methods to organic ones may seem daunting at best. However, there are many little tricks that you can employ without much effort to help you get started on your organic gardening journey. Here are just a few of the most important areas to focus on as you transition to organic growing.

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How to Grow the Perfect Lemonade Garden

Who doesn’t love an ice-cold glass of lemonade on a hot summer day? What is even better than a glass of lemonade is a glass of homemade lemonade made with plants from your very own lemonade garden. You won’t believe how incredibly easy it is to create and care for your own lemonade garden. Here’s how to do it.

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Plant the Ultimate Tea Garden and Make the Perfect Cup of Tea

Growing and crafting fine teas is an involved and time-honored tradition that can take many years to master. That said, if you love gardening — and drinking tea — growing and processing your own organic, herbicide- and pesticide-free specialty teas will be an enjoyable and rewarding experience. In case you think you’re limited to tea leaves, think again. The ultimate tea garden can even include teas made from roots, seeds, and fruit. In fact, there are so many options, you could create an entire garden devoted to the art of tea drinking. Here’s what you’ll need to know!

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Everything You Need to Know About Growing Big, Beautiful Beets

Some people hate them because they taste a bit too earthy, while others love them for the same reason. If you fall into the “love” camp, then growing your own beets make a whole lot of sense. Not only do homegrown beets taste leaps and bounds better than those purchased in the grocery store, but they are tons of fun to grow. Here are some tips for growing the biggest and best beets ever.

Beets can be cooked in a variety of ways and pack a nutritional punch. Though the bulbous parts of beets are most commonly served, the greens are delicious and contain even more iron than spinach. This annual plant must be sown every year, but it is incredibly easy to start from seed and one of the hardiest crops you can grow. 

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How to Make Your Very Own Five-Gallon Bucket Hydroponic Garden

Don’t let the word “hydroponic” scare you. Although large-scale growers use this system to grow massive amounts of produce in a short period of time, the system is not limited to commercial agricultural use. You can make your very own inexpensive hydroponic system at home and get started right away to grow tasty produce all year long.

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6 Easy to Grow Therapeutic Herbs (and why you should grow them)

Growing herbs is a rewarding experience that can also be quite practical. Herbs have a long history of both culinary and medicinal use. Loading your garden up with a few powerhouse herbs like the ones below offers not only great beauty but also a treasure trove of therapeutic benefits.

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Love Eggplant? Here’s How to Grow, Harvest, and Store It

Eggplant, also known as aubergine or brinjal, is a favorite in Mediterranean cuisine. Additionally, it’s low-calorie, provides fiber and nutrients, and makes an excellent grilling vegetable. However, eggplant can be tricky to grow. Nevertheless, with these tips, you’ll be harvesting your eggplant just in time for your favorite Italian feast. If you love eggplant, there’s no reason why you can’t make it the star of your garden. Here’s how to grow, harvest, and store it!  

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7 Tips for Beautiful Hydrangeas

Renowned for their lush, eye-catching blooms, hydrangeas add old-fashioned charm to any garden. You might think hydrangeas are high maintenance. But surprisingly, they need little care. With a few tips, your hydrangeas will thrive in a variety of conditions. So, if you’re looking for a stunning garden flower, with large globes of colorful blossoms, then hydrangeas are the perennials for you!  Here are seven tips for beautiful hydrangeas.

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Got a Dog? Don’t Ever Plant These

Chowing down on any plant material may cause gastrointestinal upset and vomiting for your dog. But some plants, when ingested, can be life-threatening. Certain herbs, vegetables and edible plants that are perfectly fine for human consumption could cause everything from excessive drooling to anorexia for your canine pal. Don’t assume that dogs instinctively avoid dangerous plants. That may be true of some animals in the wild, but dogs have no way of distinguishing between safe and unsafe plants. The following is a list of common plants that could be dangerous for your dog. So, don’t ever plant these if you share your yard with a canine friend.

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Everything You Might Not Know About Chickens and Their Eggs

Perhaps you are ready to add some chickens to your homestead or even to your backyard garden area. Chickens are a great addition to a country or a city home and can bring much enjoyment along with the added benefit of natural garden pest control and delicious and nutritious eggs. If you have been dreaming of chickens but have some questions when it comes to eggs, let me help you on your way so that you can start enjoying your feathered friends today.

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