

Everything You Might Not Know About Growing Perfect Peppers

Peppers are a wonderful addition to any home garden, and there are many varieties to choose from, ranging from super hot to sweet and everything in between. No matter how you like them, there is a pepper for you. Growing the perfect pepper plant is not as easy as simply plopping a young seedling into the ground and walking away! However, if you pay attention to a few things that peppers really love, you will be in luck, and your plants should produce an abundance of pepper for you to enjoy.

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Homesteading: How to Grow 100 Percent of Your Food

Many Americans believe that to feed a city, it takes miles and miles of machine-laid and chemically-grown crops. But in reality, with the right soil and a little space, you can grow enough food to feed your family in your backyard. A homestead garden is your ticket to becoming self-sufficient and less reliant on commercial grocery stores. In fact, there’s no better time than now to become self-reliant — especially with the pandemic still looming over our heads and climate change on the forefront. Here’s what you need to know to grow 100 percent of your food.    

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Urban Homesteading: How to be Self Sufficient in the City

Living sustainably is no longer limited to the size of the land you own. Although you might not have enough space in your garden to grow large crops like wheat and corn, you can still grow fruits, vegetables, and trees in a city garden — or even containers. There’s a growing number of urban dwellers looking to become self-sufficient while reconnecting with nature. So, if you’re a big city dweller and dream of becoming a modern-day homesteader one day, why wait? Here’s how to be self-sufficient in the city.

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These are “Pests” That You Want to Attract to Your Garden

Often, the word pest is used to describe anything that crawls, slithers, hops, flies or otherwise invades our neat little worlds or annoys us. We seldom realize that some of these “pests” are actually beneficial, especially for our garden. It is these beneficial pests that we should strive to attract to our yard and garden. Here is a look at those that make our garden a better place and how to attract them.

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Live in the City? Try These Awesome Urban Gardening Hacks

Do you live in the city? Perhaps in an apartment, townhouse, or a condo where you have limited outdoor space? If this is the case, and you are longing to grow your own fresh, delicious, and nutritious produce, I have great news for you. Not only is it possible for you to grow your own food in a very limited space, including a balcony or patio, but you are going to have a blast doing it. Here are my top garden hacks for those of you who live in the city.

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Do You Have High Blood Pressure? Try Gardening

Over one hundred million American adults have high blood pressure, according to the American Heart Association. This is nearly half of all American adults and a staggering statistic for sure. The most common cause of cardiovascular disease-related deaths is high blood pressure, a condition that can be reversed. Two ways that you can lower blood pressure are by reducing stress and engaging in some sort of physical activity daily. If you aren’t much for jogging, why not try gardening your way to lower blood pressure? 

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The Beginners Guide To Homestead Gardens

Do you dream of being self-sufficient and lessening your impact on the environment? If so, then homesteading might be for you. Homesteading is sustainable living at its best. Simply put, it’s a lifestyle where you grow your own food while minimizing your carbon footprint. In turn, you’ll be more self-reliant and less dependent on outside sources. Here’s a beginner’s guide to homestead gardens.

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14 Reasons to Grow Sprouts on Your Kitchen Countertop

Sprouts are seeds that have been germinated in water. They form a tiny root and shoot that can be consumed in its entirety. These baby plants are a nutritious food you can grow all year round – no soil needed. Some of the most popular types of seeds to sprout include radish, alfalfa, pea, sunflower, and mung bean. Broccoli sprouts have also become increasingly popular due to their health properties. 

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27 Lemon Fixes That Work

The lemon was first created as a cross between a lime and a citron, and all three grow on evergreen shrubs. The Arabs introduced this small citrus fruit to the Europeans, who then brought them to Spain in the 11th century. Along with other fruits and vegetables, Christopher Columbus brought lemons with him on his second voyage to the New World in 1493, and they have been growing in Florida since the 16th century.

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5 Ways to Create a Beautiful Edible Garden

There has long been an incorrect assumption in the garden community that ornamental plants are the only ones that can look good, while vegetables and fruits are strictly for practical purposes. Essentially the opposite of a mullet, gardens are viewed as “party in the front, business in the back”. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a large front yard for flowers and ornamental purposes and a spacious backyard that can be reserved for edible crops, however. And some people feel like they have to choose one or the other…practicaltiy or beauty. Thankfully, recent breakthroughs have turned this misconception on its head, and a new practice is rising in popularity…edible landscaping.

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Top Small Greenhouse Projects to Do While You Have Some Extra Time

Many novice (and experienced) gardeners are intimidated by the idea of a greenhouse. Its time to stop putting it off and tackle this essential, practical garden staple once and for all. While you are still working from home, or have a little extra time due to canceled social engagements, use this opportunity to accomplish these small greenhouse projects and make your yard space even more valuable and usable.

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