

Kids Home? Here are Fun Ways to Keep Them Engaged in Gardening

Instead of plunking your kids in front of the tv or game console during the remainder of the stay at home order, why not try to use this time well by getting them into the yard and introducing them to gardening. Even if you are a novice yourself, you can learn alongside your child and grow beautiful food and flowers for your family. Here are a few easy ways to get them involved and keep them interested in planting and cultivating a garden. 

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What to Plant in a West-Facing Garden

Finding the right flowers or vegetables to plant on the west side of your house can be a real challenge. The morning sun is blocked, which means that your plants have to be able to withstand a little shade, but they will also be exposed to direct, hot sunlight in the afternoon. Stick to plants that can grow in full sun to partial shade. If you’re at a loss for what to plant in this tricky section of your garden, this helpful list could give you some ideas. 

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Grow These Ancient Survival Grains in Your Home Garden

There’s a good reason why our ancestors relied on ancient grains for survival — and why they’ve resurfaced in home gardens today. Ancient grains are highly nutritious superfoods, far healthier than the processed wheat products lining the store shelves. In addition, many ancient grains flourish with far fewer pesticides and less fertilizer and irrigation, making them an ideal survival grain for gardeners looking to minimize their carbon footprint.

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5 Ways to Creatively Start Seeds on a Budget

Starting seeds is an exciting time. It is filled with anticipation for the start of the official gardening season and excitement over watching your seeds grow into hearty seedlings that will populate your garden. Unfortunately, a lot of newbie gardeners get sucked in by catchy advertising and pricey kits that really eat into your gardening budget. If you are looking for ways to be frugal, recycle household goods, and start seeds without breaking the bank, these budget-friendly, creative ideas will set you on your way. 

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How to Set Up the Ultimate Patio Garden for a Massive Harvest

While most patios and balconies are reserved for beautiful overflowing flower baskets and ornamental displays, when space is tight, it may be prudent to prioritize growing fresh, organic food for you and your family. If you haven’t already embraced the idea of container gardening, what are you waiting for?

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10 Ways to Spruce Up Your Patio on a Dime

Since you likely have a little extra time on your hands due to shelter-in-place orders and the weather is warming up in many parts of the country, you may have started utilizing your outdoor living space more than ever before. If you aren’t exactly thrilled with your patio but don’t want to spend a fortune fixing it up, these 10 fun ideas will inspire you to get creative with what you have and spruce up your porch or patio on a dime. Plus, most of these ideas are renter-friendly, so you don’t have to worry about not getting back your deposit when you move out. 

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The One Herb Everyone Should Grow Now

During these uncertain times, fear and anxiety for the future are commonplace. If you’re struggling to relax and find that you can’t unwind, it may be time to plant a lovely, aromatic patch of chamomile in your herb garden to help ease your worries. Here’s why we love this useful herb and how you can grow some today. 

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Grow Food Instantly Without Soil Using This Method

Getting into the world of hydroponics can be more than a little intimidating. If you’re new to this type of gardening and just want to get your feet wet (no pun intended), you don’t have to have an extensive growing system with complicated pumps, electricity, or miles of land. All you need is a few basic supplies, and you can get started growing your own food right away…no work required.

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How to Grow Loads of Potatoes in a Bucket

Potatoes are one of those staple foods that you should always have on hand. They last for a long time (especially when stored properly), are super filling, and can be incorporated into a wide variety of dishes. Plus, they are incredibly easy to grow, even in a tiny space like a balcony, porch, or small yard. All you need is some soil and a few five-gallon buckets, and you are well on your way to a bountiful potato harvest. 

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The 20 Fastest-Growing Foods To Get Self-Reliant Now

If you’re feeling the stress of current events, you’ve probably spared a thought to the security of your food supply. What would happen if there was nothing on the shelves at the grocery store next week? Though that is unlikely to happen, it is still important to be prepared.

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9 Gardening Activities To Keep Kids Busy At Home

Helping in the garden is one of the best learning activities for kids. They can get in touch with nature, indulge their curiosity, and gain self-confidence, all while soaking up the sunshine and getting their hands dirty. Whether or not you’re a keen gardener yourself, you can easily enjoy these simple activities with your little ones. 

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