

20 Fruits And Vegetables You Can Grow In Containers

One thing this pandemic has taught us is that we rely too heavily on modern supply chains for food. What happens if grocery stores run out of food? The solution is simple; grow your own. In a not too distant future, growing vegetables and fruits in containers could be a necessity. And you don’t have to live in the country. Today, urban and rural gardeners alike rely on patios, balconies, rooftops, alleyways, or whatever space is available to grow their produce. Here’s a list of some of the best fruits and veggies you can grow in containers.   

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Are These 12 Immune-Boosting “Weeds” Growing in Your Backyard?

If you’re like me, you eagerly await the arrival of spring so that you can escape the house and start gardening again. You probably work hard on your garden like I do – with one of the biggest chores, of course, being weeding. Until recently, I had a serious vendetta against weeds. But then I found out that by obsessively removing all the weeds from the garden, I was actually throwing away valuable produce!

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How to Store Fresh Fruits and Veggies for Months Without a Refrigerator

Believe it or not, people enjoyed fresh produce for hundreds of years before refrigeration was introduced! You don’t need a fridge to keep food fresh. In fact, refrigeration could actually decrease the lifespan of some fresh produce. Plus, if you want to become self-sufficient, it is a good idea to stop relying on the potentially unstable power grid to keep your harvest fresh and edible, and if you have a large garden, you’ll likely need more space for storage regardless. Here are our favorite tips for storing fruits and veggies without refrigeration and a few methods that will keep your produce good for months on end. 

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Why Bringing Back the Victory Garden Is A Great Idea NOW

In the wake of WWI and WWII, millions of American citizens embraced the idea of the victory garden. With food shortages, rising costs, and the need to support the war effort overseas, the government called upon communities and individuals to grow their own food for nourishment and to keep up morale in a country afflicted by the mounting effects of such an enormous war. Citizens answered the call with relish, and by 1943, almost 40% of all fruits and vegetables in the U.S. were being produced in victory gardens. 

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These Are the Best Seeds to Stockpile Now

While stockpiling seeds is a great idea, keep in mind that seeds do have a shelf life. They don’t last forever, and if you’re planning to have some on hand for an emergency, it is important that you practice growing them so that you can guarantee success when it matters most. Use a rotating seed system to plant, store, and refresh your stored seeds regularly and add these plants to your garden today to deepen your emergency gardening experience. Don’t wait until it’s too late! Start your emergency garden today. 

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Never Run out of Food When You do This One Simple Thing

Food preservation is an ancient technique that allows you to stockpile a large amount of food for a rainy day, or even a global health or economic crisis. Dehydration is easy once you get the hang of it and the food you preserve goes a long way! Read on to find out how you can get started saving food today.

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If You Were to Only Plant 1 Seed During This Crisis, This Would be It

While all fresh produce has great value, especially when you grow it yourself, spinach is a crop that you don’t want to forget about. Not only is it easy to grow from seed, but it is loaded with nutrients and highly versatile in cooking. In fact, if you were to plant only one seed during the present crisis, spinach would be the winner!

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7 Flower Bulb Shopping Tips

Shopping for spring-flowering bulbs isn’t as easy as it seems. Take a few minutes to review these helpful tips and tricks before you end up with hundreds of unused bulbs sitting in your shed or unsuccessful bulbs that never come up when the weather warms. If you stick to these shoppin guidelines, you will have a beautiful garden that welcomes the spring with a brilliant display of color. 

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How to Grow Perfect Peonies Like Your Grandmother

Peonies remind me of my grandparents and my mother, who always had these beautiful anchor flowers in their gardens. My mother even had an offspring of one of her father’s best peony plants right outside of our living room window. Not only can peonies continue to grow and bloom for over 100 years, but they have a unique vintage look and feel that makes them such a joy to grow.

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Enjoying Moss Rose in Your Garden

Portulaca grandiflora, or moss rose, is a member of the purslane) Portulacaceae family. This small family contains less than 100 species, including the edible purslane weed, which is a prolific self-seeder. Moss rose plants are beautiful when used in pots and container gardens and also make an excellent ground cover. Don’t let this plant’s small stature fool you; portulacas are sturdy and beautiful at the same time. They are a great option for hot and dry climates and have a short and sweet spreading habit.

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Growing Mustard for Greens, Cover Crops, and Seeds

Mustard is an ancient plant that has plenty of appeal for today’s gardeners. This hardy plant is easy to grow and produces seed in as little as 60 days. The greens are edible and can be used in salads, soups, stews, egg and potato dishes, casseroles, and more. Mustard flowers are a beautiful bright yellow, and when you allow the seeds to mature, they will self sow and allow for more and more mustard. 

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