

7 Spring Cleaning Tips to Get Your Garden Shed and Tools in Order

As the weather starts to warm up, you are likely itching to get outside and start all of those spring garden tasks that keep you busy until its time to plant. But before you can begin trimming bushes, adding compost to your soil, and planting seeds, you’ll want to make sure that you embrace the spring cleaning fervor outside as well as inside your home. Preparing your garden shed and tools now will help you stay organized and make each of your precious garden days count. 

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How to Have Great Success With Arugula

Isn’t it wonderful that we can grow an abundance of delicious and nutritious leafy greens in a small space? In fact, arugula, the slightly bitter and spicy leafy green grows exceptionally well in a container. As a bonus, if you don’t pick your arugula, it will grow beautiful flowers that you can harvest and eat right along with the greens. Here are some tips to help you successfully grow arugula in a container as well as in your garden.

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Grow Climbing Roses: Tips for Success

There’s just something about climbing roses that makes me think of idyllic English gardens and fairytale cottages. If you love the look but have been hesitant to take the plunge into rose gardening, let me tell you…it’s not as hard as you think. This simple guide will give you everything you need to know about growing climbing roses and will set you on the path to success. 

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Best Flowering Vines to Grow on a Trellis

There’s nothing like a flowering vine to really tie your yard together and add a unique visual element. Once you have put structures in place, such as fences or trellises, turn to this guide for the best, most attractive vines you can grow today.

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Top Perennials for Floridians

If you live in Florida, you’ve likely experienced the unexpected difficulty of trying to start a perennial garden. While it may seem like everything should grow in abundance in such a lush environment, the humidity and heat actually create a unique tropical climate unlike that of any other state, making it a challenge to find the perfect plants for your home garden. We’ve rounded up a few of our favorite perennials that are specifically suited for the sunshine state that will help your garden flourish.

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10 Best Shade-Tolerant Plants

Contrary to popular opinion, a shade garden doesn’t just have to be filled with boring foliage (no offense, foliage) or left empty. In fact, you can fill the darkest corners of your garden with some of the most beautiful blooming plants that will make you want to spend time strolling the more secluded parts of your yard just to appreciate the array of colors.  

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9 Best Perennial Plants for Arid Regions

Just because you live in a dry climate doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy flowering plants and beautiful, colorful vegetation. These are our favorite perennials for arid regions and a few tips on how to weave them into a beautiful landscape.

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5 Steps to Success When Hardening Off Seedlings for Your Outdoor Garden

Hardening off your seedlings is the best thing you can do to prepare them for the harsh, unforgiving outside world that is so different from the regulated environment they have been in for the entirety of their short lives. Instead of simply sticking them in the ground (which is just setting them up for failure), take the time to acclimate them to things like wind, rain, and inconsistent sunlight to help them grow stronger and withstand environmental extremes. Follow these simple steps to harden off your plants and help them thrive.

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Gardening Basic Took Kit: What Everyone Should Own

One of the most fun things for a gardener is going shopping for new tools. In fact, it is right behind plant shopping, which is saying something. There’s just something about the brand new, unblemished metal, pristine wood, and sharp edges that make me look forward even more to getting out in the garden and putting my shiny new tools to work. However, if you don’t have any gardening tools, figuring out what you actually need can be difficult, especially if you are a gardening novice. This list is a great place to start. These are the tools that you’ll actually use and keep in your shed for years to come. Happy shopping!

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17 Best Perennials for Dividing and Tips for Success

You’ve probably heard of dividing perennials and may have been intimidated by the thought of digging up perfectly healthy plants. If you are just starting your garden, you have a few years before your perennials need to be divided, so don’t worry about it just yet, but if you have established plants, it’s time to grab your sharp spade and get to work. Don’t worry, dividing perennials is actually incredibly easy and is a great way to keep your plants healthy and flourishing. 

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How to Create a Beautiful Loose Border Living Fence

As the saying goes, “good fences make good neighbors.” While this may be true, you may have a desire for a non-traditional fence. Have you considered a living fence? This fence is beautiful, and when done correctly, can provide more than ample privacy for both you and your neighborhood. Furthermore, a living wall can act as a refuge for wildlife and a windbreak. Read on to discover the best shrubs for creating a vibrant and effective living fence!

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