

3 Fruit Tips for a Bigger and Better Harvest

I remember when I first started growing fruit. I assumed I could just plop a tree or bush in the ground, and mother nature would take care of the rest. Boy, was I wrong! Through a process of trial and error and some self-education, I came to learn how to best care for my neglected fruit trees. Here are some lessons I learned.

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It’s Late Summer: What You Should Be Doing in Your Garden

In some places in the country, hints of fall are on the doorstep, while in others, the summer sun continues to beat down hard. No matter where you live, there are certain things that you need to be taking care of in your garden now. Some of these things will ensure that you have a solid fall harvest, and others will ensure that you prepare your beds for the next season to come. Either way, here is a great checklist to help you give your late summer garden the love it deserves.

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10 Ways to Garden on a Dime

Gardening is incredible. It allows you to get in touch with the earth, spend time outdoors, and grow beautiful flowers and produce that you can share with family and friends. However, it can quickly become an expensive hobby with a lot of reoccurring costs that add up over time. Thankfully, there are plenty of easy ways to keep your expenses to a minimum. Read on for our favorite money-saving tips to garden on a dime. 

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Delicious Cool Weather Crops You Can Plant This Fall

Though it is sad to think of it, the end of summer is here. As you enjoy the last few weeks of warmth and sunshine, you are probably busy in the garden, getting everything prepared for the winter and harvesting your late summer veggies. But don’t put those tools away quite yet, as long as you have at least 60 days before your first expected frost, there are plenty of veggies you can plant today and enjoy in just a few weeks. 

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5 Steps to Reviving a Sad Looking House Plant

Houseplants bring great joy and health benefits to any home. Unfortunately, even under the most diligent care, they don’t always thrive. If your houseplants are looking a little ragged, don’t despair! You can still nurse it back to health. These are the most common reasons your houseplant may be struggling and steps to revive it. 

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Soil Building 101: Start With the Best and Your Plants Will Deliver

“The cause of plant disease is poor nutrition and an unhealthy soil ecosystem. The fate of plants is as inseparably entwined with that of the soil as our fate is entwined with theirs. If we want to eat nutritious food we need to take care of the soil, for we too are part of this web of life.” – Heide Hermary

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Want the Best Grass on the Block? Do These Things

Any suburban dweller with a plot of grass in front of their home knows the status that comes with having a green, lush, weed-free lawn. Though it may seem like having a great lawn is a luxury for those with endless free time to spend on their precious grass, it is not as far out of reach as you may think. Follow these simple tricks and soon you’ll be basking in the glow of your “best lawn of the month” award…without spending four hours per day on yard work.

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Urban Homesteading Gaining Traction: Are you In?

To some, the words urban and homestead just don’t seem to mix. However, more and more people are realizing their lifelong dream of becoming more self-sufficient without actually having to quit their job and move to the country. In fact, it is quite possible and popular these days to create a homestead within city limits on a relatively small piece of urban land. This is good news to those who can’t afford 50 acres of land but still want to catch the homesteading wave.

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How to Throw the Ultimate Pollinator Party

Have you ever taken a stroll through your veggie or fruit patch to find full blooms and gotten really excited only to see that nothing comes of them? This is one of the most disheartening things that can happen to a gardener, and the reason behind this is a lack of pollination. 

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How to Turn Your Patio into a Stress Busting Oasis

Aside from the occasional barbeque, do you really embrace your outdoor living space? Yes, your garden may look great, but how often do you actually enjoy it? Whether you have an uninspired simple concrete slab, a toasty deck off your back door, or a tiny apartment balcony, it can be hard to find inspiration to create your dream patio. However, it is possible and not nearly as difficult as you may think. Here are a few ways to ramp up your outdoor living space and take advantage of those warm summer evenings. 

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