

Should You Spend Money on Annuals? (here is when it works)

Experienced gardeners are all across the board regarding annuals, and it can often be challenging to sort through all the noise and figure out just when these temporary plants should have a place in your shopping cart. Here are a few dos and don’ts when it comes to the alluring (yet fleeting) eye-candy of the garden.

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What Seed Bombs Are Doing For The Ugly and Barren

What comes to mind when you think of the term “seed bombing?” Perhaps it conjures up mental pictures of masked vigilantes sending floral explosives into barren landscapes. In fact, this vivid descriptor isn’t too far from the truth. This practice of “guerilla gardening” has begun to transform ugly urban plots into forces of nature. Read on to find out exactly what seed bombs are and how they can revolutionize spontaneous gardening.

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7 Facts About Geraniums You Need to Know

These bright, fragrant flowers, are an excellent way to add a burst of color to any porch, patio, terrace, backyard garden or window box. As summer approaches, you may want to consider planting these warm-season bloomers around your outdoor living areas to enjoy their cheery influence and alluring perfume. Before you do, however, here are 7 intriguing facts about geraniums you probably didn’t know.

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9 Plants You Should NEVER Grow in Your Garden

It may seem strange to cultivate a list of flowers you should avoid planting in your garden, however it is vital to be aware of some eye-catching beauties that are more trouble than they’re worth. These plants are either toxic, invasive or could potentially cause damage to your other healthy flowers. It is best to avoid growing these 9 plants in your garden, no matter how enticing they may be.

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7 Flowers You Must Plant if You Want More Bees

When you think of bees, it probably isn’t your first instinct to want to attract more of them to your yard. These striped insects often get a bad rap due to their rather painful natural defense mechanism and are often shoed away from the garden by harsh insect repellents and pesticides.

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5 Things You Should Do Differently in Your Veggie Garden

When planting your vegetable garden, it can be challenging to keep all the advice straight, “build a raised bed,” “make sure that you try companion planting,” “always use fertilizer,” “never use fertilizer.” Eventually, the overwhelming words of well-meaning fellow gardeners go in one ear and out the other, and you usually end up winging it. That works for a time, and usually, you will see a harvest, but here are a few essential things that you should be doing differently to maximize yield and encourage healthy growth.

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5 Beautiful Cut Flowers Everyone Should Grow

There is just something so refreshing and energizing about a vase of beautiful cut flowers. Their aroma fills a room and no matter what the weather, brings joy to any space.  I always have a vase of fresh cut flowers in several places in my house.

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Companion Planting Tips for Success (Plants that are Friends)

Plants are the new people. They seem to have definite preferences when it comes to the company they keep and even exhibit noticeable aversion to certain members of their society. Not very surprising after all, since had successfully colonized the earth, long before we came along and started ‘civilizing’ them.

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Add This to Your Soil to Grow Bigger Crops

Years ago, the Farm Equipment Association of Minnesota and South Dakota was quoted as saying, “Despite all our achievements, we owe our existence to a 6-inch layer of topsoil.” It makes perfect sense because this critical half-foot of dirt is where plants access moisture and nutrients.

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Seed Starting Tips for Success

Seed-starting isn’t difficult as you may think, and it’s a lot of fun to plant flower and vegetables you have grown. There are several things you can do to ensure your seeds will germinate and grow to maturity.

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