

Top 11 Homemade Fertilizers

How you feed your plants makes a tremendous difference to the quality and quantity of your harvest. Organic fertilizer can provide your plants with the nutrition that they need to grow and thrive, defend pests, and resist disease.

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No Fail Houseplants For Every Room in Your House

It’s no secret that we adore houseplants here at Backyard Vitality. They clean the air, lift your mood, and bring a taste of the garden right into your living room. In fact, we believe that house is not a home without a few plants scattered across every empty surface. Sadly, many people are scared to get houseplants because they have a “brown thumb” or just “aren’t good with plants.” This list of no-fail houseplants will finally put those fears to bed, help increase your confidence, and allow you to decorate every room in your home with vibrant living decor. 

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Easy and Creative Vertical Garden Ideas

Do you love to be surrounded by vibrant plants but are short on space? You can fit a vertical garden anywhere, indoors or outdoors, and have plenty of gardening fun. A vertical arrangement will help you fit more plants in a small area. Try these ideas for fun ways to try your hand at vertical gardening.

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Garden Mistakes Everyone Wants to Avoid

The best gardeners in the world have learned from their mistakes, but there’s no reason to repeat them. Learn from the mistakes of others if you’re just getting started in gardening. You can avoid a lot of problems, save time, and prevent the sad death of plants by learning some common and easy-to-make gardening errors before you make them.

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Strange Gardening Techniques to Save Plants from Hot and Dry Conditions

As the summer season heats up, gardeners sometimes struggle to keep plants healthy and producing. To make matters worse, water restrictions often follow periods of drought and heat, causing gardens to suffer further. If you happen to live in an area, like me, that is particularly hot and dry all summer long; these water-saving gardening techniques are for you.

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Furry, Soft, and Tacky Plants That Love to Be Touched (and smelled and tasted)

If you are a gardener, it is likely that you, like me, love to touch, smell, taste, and even listen to plants. It’s not weird! When we garden, we like to gaze at plants, run our hands over the leaves and petals, and bring our noses down to take in the beautiful scent. Something about this brings me great pleasure – to know that I have planted and cared for such a beautiful thing and then to have the joy of partaking of it with all of my senses! 

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The #1 Inflammation Busting Weed You Need

Before you grab your weed-killing tool of choice and get to work eradicating the dandelions from your garden, you may want to continue reading. Dandelion is actually an incredibly healthy edible plant with several surprising benefits. Here are our favorite and how you can enjoy this yellow weed today. 

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This Common Weed Tastes Delicious and Reduces Inflammation

Common chickweed is a plant native to Europe. It has become naturalized throughout the U.S. and other areas of the world. You’ve probably seen it in your lawn and may consider it a weed. It tends to grow in moist soils in full sun or partial shade. But, don’t think too poorly of this common weed – it has tremendous medicinal value and tastes great!

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Sunflowers, The Happy Plant, Take the Sting Out of Insect Bites

For me, a garden is not a garden without sunflowers. I love how they tower over smaller garden plants, providing just the right amount of shade on a hot summer afternoon. Their big and bright flowerheads make me smile. And, talk about easy to grow! Did you know that sunflowers are also delicious and make a fantastic natural remedy for insect bites?

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The Top “Happy” Plants for Busting a Sour Mood

I always feel better after taking a walk through my garden. Plants are mood boosters and can turn any frown upside down. Certain plants have even been found to scientifically improve moods. Planting and enjoying these beauties is a sure way to keep your spirits high.

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