

The #1 Mistake You Can Make When Watering Your Houseplants

I love houseplants. Not only do they help to keep the indoor air fresh and toxin-free, but they also add a warm and organic flair to decor. Most houseplants are not overly fussy and require only minimal care once established. However, it is essential to adopt an excellent watering regime if you want your plants to flourish. Read on to discover how to keep your houseplants looking their best and discover the number one mistake you must avoid when watering your precious indoor plants.

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How to Make Your Own Chemical-Free “Miracle Grow” Plant Food

When it comes to plant fertilizers, there are plenty to choose from. However, not all plant food is created equally. There is good reason to be overwhelmed with all of the options out there, especially if you are a new gardener. There are two broad categories of plant fertilizers – inorganic and organic. One type of plant food reigns far superior in my books, and that is organic. Let’s look at why and how you can make your very own miracle plant food using common household items that plants love.

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7 Ways to Use Sugar in Your Garden

It’s a new year; perhaps the year you will cut all refined sugar from your diet, which is a great thing to do. Your resolution to be healthier, however, may leave you with a few extra bags of white sugar – you know the kind that you loved (past tense) to put in your favorite cookies? No worries, that same sugar that you are trying to nix out of your diet is the very thing your garden needs. 

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Ward off Spring Black Spot with this Baking Soda Spray

As the wind blows and the snow flies, you might find yourself gazing out your window at your garden. Are you dreaming of big and beautiful spring roses with luscious warm scents? For many gardeners, roses play an integral role in the garden – they are either beautiful focal plants, the perfect privacy screen, or simply a breath of fresh air in early spring.  No matter what role roses play in your garden, you won’t want to miss these tips and tricks to have the healthiest roses of all in your 2021 garden.

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Amazon Bans these Seeds from Delivery

Whatever you do, don’t plant these seeds. Thousands of packages of unsolicited seeds have been delivered to households in the United States over the past several months. According to the US Department of Agriculture, mysterious light gray or beige packages containing seeds postmarked from China, have been showing up in mailboxes all over the country. In response, Amazon is now banning the sale of foreign seeds, and federal officials are warning us not to touch or plant these seeds. But what is really behind this strange seed scandal?

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Late Summer Tips to Keep Your Flower Garden Looking Great

July and August are months when you should be enjoying the fruits of your labor in your flower garden. Unfortunately, high summer temperatures and drought conditions sometimes bring a premature end to your garden’s beauty. Fortunately, there are some key things that you can do now, in the heat of summer to renew your flower garden’s vigor.

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Poison Ivy: What You Need to Know to Stay Safe

Summer means many things, beautiful gardens, backyard fun, and long walks in nature. Unfortunately, nice weather also means a few not-so-attractive things like mosquitoes and the dreaded poison ivy. You may have heard the Ben Franklin saying, “ Leaves of three, let them be.” This is good advice to avoid this vining plant that can cause an irritating rash. To keep you and your family safe from this dangerous plant, there are a few other things that you need to know.

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Draw Nocturnal Pollinators With a Magical Moonlight Garden

Although you may be familiar with the host of pollinators that visit your garden during daylight hours such as hummingbirds, butterflies, and bumblebees you may not know about the secret night life in your garden. When these pollinators finish their shift and retire for the evening, the night shift comes on strong. Pollinators, including hawk moths, bats, and squash bees are known as crepuscular pollinators that work hard in the hours when other pollinators are resting. Creating a moonlight garden to draw these hard-working pollinators to your garden is easy and beautiful.

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Everything You Need to Know About Planting and Caring for Passion Vine

Do you love exotic flowers, but think they’re either out of your gardening expertise or not likely to grow in your hardiness zone? Then you may want to consider growing a passion vine. Passion vine is a unique plant that sprouts exotic, tropical-looking flowers that can grow almost anywhere. In fact, with the genus Passiflora containing over 500 different species, you can even find these outwardly delicate vines growing alongside the road. Here’s everything you need to know about planting and caring for passion vine.

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3 Annual Flower Window Box Ideas For a Beautiful View and Tips For Success

Whether you live in the city, suburbia, or the country, window boxes add beauty, texture, color, charm, and even drama to your view. Adding window boxes brings flowers and foliage to eye level, which offers a different perspective than having them in your garden. From inside your home, plants create a lush view to the outdoors that can brighten your day no matter how gloomy the weather. And from the outside, plants and window boxes provide curb appeal that becomes part of the architecture. Here are three ideas for a beautiful view.

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7 Tips for Beautiful Hydrangeas

Renowned for their lush, eye-catching blooms, hydrangeas add old-fashioned charm to any garden. You might think hydrangeas are high maintenance. But surprisingly, they need little care. With a few tips, your hydrangeas will thrive in a variety of conditions. So, if you’re looking for a stunning garden flower, with large globes of colorful blossoms, then hydrangeas are the perennials for you!  Here are seven tips for beautiful hydrangeas.

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