

Got a Dog? Don’t Ever Plant These

Chowing down on any plant material may cause gastrointestinal upset and vomiting for your dog. But some plants, when ingested, can be life-threatening. Certain herbs, vegetables and edible plants that are perfectly fine for human consumption could cause everything from excessive drooling to anorexia for your canine pal. Don’t assume that dogs instinctively avoid dangerous plants. That may be true of some animals in the wild, but dogs have no way of distinguishing between safe and unsafe plants. The following is a list of common plants that could be dangerous for your dog. So, don’t ever plant these if you share your yard with a canine friend.

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Think Flowers are Just for Show? Think Again

Flowers add beauty to the environment, but the colorful blossoms may have added benefits that you haven’t considered. Many familiar flowers are edible, and they’re often chock full of flavor and nutrients.

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What to Plant in a West-Facing Garden

Finding the right flowers or vegetables to plant on the west side of your house can be a real challenge. The morning sun is blocked, which means that your plants have to be able to withstand a little shade, but they will also be exposed to direct, hot sunlight in the afternoon. Stick to plants that can grow in full sun to partial shade. If you’re at a loss for what to plant in this tricky section of your garden, this helpful list could give you some ideas. 

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7 Flower Bulb Shopping Tips

Shopping for spring-flowering bulbs isn’t as easy as it seems. Take a few minutes to review these helpful tips and tricks before you end up with hundreds of unused bulbs sitting in your shed or unsuccessful bulbs that never come up when the weather warms. If you stick to these shoppin guidelines, you will have a beautiful garden that welcomes the spring with a brilliant display of color. 

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How to Grow Perfect Peonies Like Your Grandmother

Peonies remind me of my grandparents and my mother, who always had these beautiful anchor flowers in their gardens. My mother even had an offspring of one of her father’s best peony plants right outside of our living room window. Not only can peonies continue to grow and bloom for over 100 years, but they have a unique vintage look and feel that makes them such a joy to grow.

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Enjoying Moss Rose in Your Garden

Portulaca grandiflora, or moss rose, is a member of the purslane) Portulacaceae family. This small family contains less than 100 species, including the edible purslane weed, which is a prolific self-seeder. Moss rose plants are beautiful when used in pots and container gardens and also make an excellent ground cover. Don’t let this plant’s small stature fool you; portulacas are sturdy and beautiful at the same time. They are a great option for hot and dry climates and have a short and sweet spreading habit.

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Grow Climbing Roses: Tips for Success

There’s just something about climbing roses that makes me think of idyllic English gardens and fairytale cottages. If you love the look but have been hesitant to take the plunge into rose gardening, let me tell you…it’s not as hard as you think. This simple guide will give you everything you need to know about growing climbing roses and will set you on the path to success. 

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Best Flowering Vines to Grow on a Trellis

There’s nothing like a flowering vine to really tie your yard together and add a unique visual element. Once you have put structures in place, such as fences or trellises, turn to this guide for the best, most attractive vines you can grow today.

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Top Perennials for Floridians

If you live in Florida, you’ve likely experienced the unexpected difficulty of trying to start a perennial garden. While it may seem like everything should grow in abundance in such a lush environment, the humidity and heat actually create a unique tropical climate unlike that of any other state, making it a challenge to find the perfect plants for your home garden. We’ve rounded up a few of our favorite perennials that are specifically suited for the sunshine state that will help your garden flourish.

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10 Best Shade-Tolerant Plants

Contrary to popular opinion, a shade garden doesn’t just have to be filled with boring foliage (no offense, foliage) or left empty. In fact, you can fill the darkest corners of your garden with some of the most beautiful blooming plants that will make you want to spend time strolling the more secluded parts of your yard just to appreciate the array of colors.  

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9 Best Perennial Plants for Arid Regions

Just because you live in a dry climate doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy flowering plants and beautiful, colorful vegetation. These are our favorite perennials for arid regions and a few tips on how to weave them into a beautiful landscape.

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