

9 Plants You Should NEVER Grow in Your Garden

It may seem strange to cultivate a list of flowers you should avoid planting in your garden, however it is vital to be aware of some eye-catching beauties that are more trouble than they’re worth. These plants are either toxic, invasive or could potentially cause damage to your other healthy flowers. It is best to avoid growing these 9 plants in your garden, no matter how enticing they may be.

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7 Flowers You Must Plant if You Want More Bees

When you think of bees, it probably isn’t your first instinct to want to attract more of them to your yard. These striped insects often get a bad rap due to their rather painful natural defense mechanism and are often shoed away from the garden by harsh insect repellents and pesticides.

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7 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Succulents

I would bet that if you have any houseplants as living decor in your home, you have at least one succulent taking up residency on a bookshelf, coffee table, or resting in a sunny windowsill. And this is with good reason! Succulents are super cute, easy to care for, and incredibly popular right now which makes them a no-brainer addition to your collection. But did you know that succulents can also be grown outside, even if you don’t live in the desert? Here are a few other facts you probably didn’t know about your favorite plants.

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5 Common Mistakes People Make when Growing Roses

For years, roses have kept the prized position among all the garden flowers. They captivate the mind, enchant the soul, and awake the senses, bringing beautiful vibrant blooms and decadent scents to anywhere they are grown. However, even though they are an excellent addition to any flower bed, many gardeners shy away from these sweet flowers because of their supposed “growing difficulty.”

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5 Beautiful Cut Flowers Everyone Should Grow

There is just something so refreshing and energizing about a vase of beautiful cut flowers. Their aroma fills a room and no matter what the weather, brings joy to any space.  I always have a vase of fresh cut flowers in several places in my house.

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What is No-Till Gardening and Why it Works

No-till gardening is essentially a method of creating garden beds over the ground without digging it up. The bed is built up in layers to the desired height, and the seeds and seedlings are then planted in it.

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Top Perennials for Gardening Zone 6

The varied climate in plant hardiness zone 6 offers many benefits for gardeners. Winters are cold but not punishing, summers are hot but not scorching, and the growing season is long enough to support a number of gorgeous perennials.

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Top Perennial Plants for USDA Gardening Zone 7

If you’re a gardener in USDA plant hardiness zone 7, consider yourself lucky. Selecting plants is a whole lot easier where winters are relatively mild, summers are pleasantly warm, and the growing season is long.

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