

Lower Blood Sugar with Cinnamon: Here’s How to do It

Cinnamon has a long history and is one of the oldest spices known to humanity. It received honorable mentions in the Bible and was used in ancient Egypt to flavor beverages, as medicine, and as an embalming agent. Some ancient Chinese botanical medicinal writings date its use as far back as 2700 BC.

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Make FREE Apple Cider Vinegar From Scraps (it’s easy)

Do you have an apple tree in your yard? Perhaps you have access to loads of apples in the fall from your local farmers’ market or nearby orchards. Making applesauce is a great idea, but you can also take it a step further to get the most out of your apples. 

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Don’t Make These Common 7 Indoor Seed Starting Mistakes

Depending on where you live and what plants you are growing, it is getting close to seed starting time. I love this time of year, when I can start plants indoors to transplant them lovingly into my spring garden. Seed starting time means that garden planting time is just around the corner. No matter when seed starting time is for you, the tips below will help you avoid some common mistakes so that you can give your plants the best start possible.

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Solve These Common Garden Problems with Cinnamon

While TV advertisements and mainstream gardening advice would have you believe that all sorts of chemicals are required to manage issues in your garden, we think otherwise. A holistic approach often works best – preventing any toxic side effects and also saving you money. Here is how you can enjoy the superpower of cinnamon in your garden.

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Don’t Throw Out That Citrus Peel, Use it to Start Your Seeds

Sure, you can get a starter kit for your seeds, or you can turn something you probably have lying around the house into a useful and compostable (even better), seed starter. These materials are basically free, and you can feel good about their simplicity and earth friendliness. All you have to do is fill with a potting medium, start your seeds and, when ready, plant them in your garden.

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Your Ancestors Grew Their Own Food and So Can You

In the early pioneering days of America, most people grew their own food, learning how to cultivate and grow it, not for fun but because a home garden was necessary for survival. In the 17th century, those settlers farmed their own fruits and vegetables, often using small, enclosed gardens that sat just outside their front door. Typically these gardens were focused on essential edibles, culinary and medicinal herbs. While food gardening has waxed and waned since then, it will never stop. 

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The Ultimate Guide to Growing a Massive Harvest Without Soil

For most people, gardens are going like gangbusters right about now. You have gotten plenty of rain and are happily harvesting and sharing fresh veggies with friends and neighbors. However, you also know that soon, all too soon, it will be time to clean out the garden as the season winds down for another year. If you want to continue to have fresh greens for your family all winter long, consider hydroponics, the art of growing plants without soil. 

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How to Grow the Perfect Lemonade Garden

Who doesn’t love an ice-cold glass of lemonade on a hot summer day? What is even better than a glass of lemonade is a glass of homemade lemonade made with plants from your very own lemonade garden. You won’t believe how incredibly easy it is to create and care for your own lemonade garden. Here’s how to do it.

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How to Make Your Very Own Five-Gallon Bucket Hydroponic Garden

Don’t let the word “hydroponic” scare you. Although large-scale growers use this system to grow massive amounts of produce in a short period of time, the system is not limited to commercial agricultural use. You can make your very own inexpensive hydroponic system at home and get started right away to grow tasty produce all year long.

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