

6 Easy to Grow Therapeutic Herbs (and why you should grow them)

Growing herbs is a rewarding experience that can also be quite practical. Herbs have a long history of both culinary and medicinal use. Loading your garden up with a few powerhouse herbs like the ones below offers not only great beauty but also a treasure trove of therapeutic benefits.

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The One Herb Everyone Should Grow Now

During these uncertain times, fear and anxiety for the future are commonplace. If you’re struggling to relax and find that you can’t unwind, it may be time to plant a lovely, aromatic patch of chamomile in your herb garden to help ease your worries. Here’s why we love this useful herb and how you can grow some today. 

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Are These 12 Immune-Boosting “Weeds” Growing in Your Backyard?

If you’re like me, you eagerly await the arrival of spring so that you can escape the house and start gardening again. You probably work hard on your garden like I do – with one of the biggest chores, of course, being weeding. Until recently, I had a serious vendetta against weeds. But then I found out that by obsessively removing all the weeds from the garden, I was actually throwing away valuable produce!

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How to Grow Horseradish: The Herb with a Spicy Punch

If you love spicy things, you have to love peppery tasting horseradish ( Amoracia rusticana). This hardy clumping perennial herb dates back over 3000 years and is harvested for its roots that add a zip to a variety of dishes, including roast beef and cocktail sauce. The leaves of the plant are also edible when they are young, but take care not to allow animals to eat them as they are mildly toxic.

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The Key to Fresh Indoor Herbs All Year Long

While indoor plants for decor are undoubtedly beautiful, there’s something to be said for plants that are pretty and functional. If you love to cook, want easy access to fragrant herbs for drying or tea making, or simply have an empty kitchen windowsill that you want to fill, consider planting an indoor herb garden. Don’t worry, it’s not as hard as you think, and if you follow these simple tricks, you’ll be able to enjoy fresh, free herbs all year long.

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Why You Should Grow These Veggies and Herbs in the Shade

Most vegetables need plenty of sun to flourish. Corn, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, squash, beans and peas are sun lovers, and you need to grow them in full sun for bumper crops. However, there are a number of vegetables that do better with a bit of shade, especially during the hotter parts of the day.

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Grow These Herbs to Reduce Blood Pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension is a common condition where the heart pumps blood with extra force. This puts the arteries under heavy load and eventually leads to cardiovascular disease, a major cause of death in many developed countries, including the United States. 

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How to Grow and Use This Delicious Natural Sugar Substitute

Unlike other sugar alternatives such as honey, maple syrup, and molasses, stevia is not metabolized by the body and has absolutely zero calories. This sweet sensation has skyrocketed in popularity over the past few years and is quickly becoming the go-to sweetener for people with diabetes, those looking to lose weight, or people with a sweet tooth who still want to eat a healthy diet. Thankfully, growing stevia at home is super easy and is a great way to round off an herb garden, increase your sustainability, and improve your health by ditching processed sugar. 

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3 No Fail Herbs to Grow from Seed

Herbs are an essential addition to any garden and are an excellent ways for the beginner gardener to get their feet wet. They are easy to grow and will produce throughout the whole year if cared for properly. From the kitchen to various beauty products, and medicinal salves, you are almost guaranteed to start using fresh herbs in virtually every room in your house. Thankfully, growing herbs from seed is easy and is a wonderful (and inexpensive) way to create a bountiful herb garden.

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Everything You Need to Know About Growing Marjoram

Marjoram (Origanum majorana) is a milder and sweeter cousin of the popular pizza seasoning oregano, but not as well known. It’s usually referred to as ‘Sweet Marjoram, while, interestingly, oregano is called ‘Wild Marjoram’ (Origanum vulgare) in their native Mediterranean region. Both belong to the mint family.

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This Plant Does More Than Keep Mosquitoes Away

Lemon balm is often grown in gardens to fight the mosquito menace. The active mosquito-repellant component is citronellal, which gives the herb its pleasant lemony smell. Fortunately, that smell is repulsive to insects.

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