

So You Got a Dehydrator: 5 Delicious Things You Can Make

Once you have a dehydrator, there’s a whole new world of delicious and nutritious recipes for you to enjoy. This method of drying your food preserves most of the nutritional content and is a great way to keep your bountiful harvest from going to waste. Read on for some of our favorite ways to use a dehydrator.

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How to Make Super Healthy Honey Infused with Herbs and Flowers

Ah honey, that sweet and delicious gift from the bees that we all love so much. Not only does it tempt our senses but honey is also highly desirable for its long-standing and scientifically proven health benefits. Pure, raw honey has a host of therapeutic uses stemming from its antibacterial and antifungal properties and antioxidant power. Honey is a wound healer, immunity booster, a gut soother and can ease a sore throat, to name just a few of its many benefits. If you have access to raw, local honey, it is easy to make your own infused honey that is beautiful, delicious, and highly nutritious. 

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7 Yummy Things to Do With All Your Fall Fruit

There’s nothing quite like apple picking on a crisp, fall afternoon. Even better if your apple tree is in your own backyard and you can simply snack on fruit whenever you wish. However, fruit from trees can get a little overwhelming once harvest begins in earnest, and it can often be hard to figure out how to take advantage of your basketfuls of fruit. Read on for our favorite yummy ways to enjoy the abundance of the season. 

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3 Fruit Tips for a Bigger and Better Harvest

I remember when I first started growing fruit. I assumed I could just plop a tree or bush in the ground, and mother nature would take care of the rest. Boy, was I wrong! Through a process of trial and error and some self-education, I came to learn how to best care for my neglected fruit trees. Here are some lessons I learned.

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Delicious Cool Weather Crops You Can Plant This Fall

Though it is sad to think of it, the end of summer is here. As you enjoy the last few weeks of warmth and sunshine, you are probably busy in the garden, getting everything prepared for the winter and harvesting your late summer veggies. But don’t put those tools away quite yet, as long as you have at least 60 days before your first expected frost, there are plenty of veggies you can plant today and enjoy in just a few weeks. 

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Soil Building 101: Start With the Best and Your Plants Will Deliver

“The cause of plant disease is poor nutrition and an unhealthy soil ecosystem. The fate of plants is as inseparably entwined with that of the soil as our fate is entwined with theirs. If we want to eat nutritious food we need to take care of the soil, for we too are part of this web of life.” – Heide Hermary

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7 Ways to Eat Blueberries for Brain Health and More

They may be small, but this blue fruit packs a powerful punch. In fact, just one cup provides a fourth of the daily requirement of vitamin C and manganese, as well as vitamin K, along with a host of other nutrients in smaller quantities. All these and a considerable amount of fiber come with very few calories, making blueberries a sweet snack that everyone can enjoy.

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Why You Should Grow These Veggies and Herbs in the Shade

Most vegetables need plenty of sun to flourish. Corn, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, squash, beans and peas are sun lovers, and you need to grow them in full sun for bumper crops. However, there are a number of vegetables that do better with a bit of shade, especially during the hotter parts of the day.

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Top Ways to Keep Pesky Critters Out of Your Garden (organically)

Gardening is a soothing, peaceful pastime that brings you in touch with the earth and allows you to spend time cultivating life and growing food and flowers for your family. That is until a massive wave of pests come through and rips your carefully tended plants to shreds. Though it’s impossible to keep every single creature from your garden, there are ways to limit the pesky critters that seem obsessed with eating your plants. Check out our favorite pest control methods, that don’t require harmful chemicals.  

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Grow These Herbs to Reduce Blood Pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension is a common condition where the heart pumps blood with extra force. This puts the arteries under heavy load and eventually leads to cardiovascular disease, a major cause of death in many developed countries, including the United States. 

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The Top Soilless Mediums for Growing Veggies

Starting out with hydroponics can be a little confusing, but one of the first things you’ll need to understand if you want to try this sustainable and innovative water-agriculture is the idea of growing mediums. Hydroponics doesn’t use typical soil; however, it does utilize the power of water and specially mixed soilless growing mediums to encourage hearty, productive plants. Soilless mediums are used in place of traditional soil to support the root systems of your plants and retain nutrients in this type of gardening.  Here are a few of our favorites to use for your next hydroponics project. 

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