

How to Build an Herb Spiral

Once you have the materials and a plan, you can build an herb spiral in an afternoon. This sturdy bed will last for years to come and is an excellent way to maximize space, save water, and keep your herbs close by. Follow these simple steps to create your own herb spiral today!

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What is an Herb Spiral and Why You Need One

This innovative garden method is the urban gardener’s dream. It takes a long, space-monopolizing row bed and turns it into a compact, efficient spiral that utilizes vertical real estate and creates an ideal environment for many types of herbs. So what exactly is an herb spiral and why should you build one in your garden? Read on to find out!

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How to Grow and Use Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are tiny black/white seeds of the plant Salvia hispanica belonging to the same family as mint and basil. They have a long history of cultivation in South America, where they were a staple food of ancient civilizations.

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5 Reasons to Garden with Your Kids

Some of my favorite childhood memories involve digging into the earthy ground with my mom and telling our plants to “grow well” as we gave them a drink of water and patted the soil down. My sisters and I would wait anxiously to see the product of our labor and harvest our fresh summer strawberries, eating them straight off the plant with the warm, sticky juice dripping down our chins.

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5 Things You Should Do Differently in Your Veggie Garden

When planting your vegetable garden, it can be challenging to keep all the advice straight, “build a raised bed,” “make sure that you try companion planting,” “always use fertilizer,” “never use fertilizer.” Eventually, the overwhelming words of well-meaning fellow gardeners go in one ear and out the other, and you usually end up winging it. That works for a time, and usually, you will see a harvest, but here are a few essential things that you should be doing differently to maximize yield and encourage healthy growth.

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Top Veggies That Trail and Vine For an Abundant Vertical Garden

Small space gardening is all the rage and rightly so! It is absolutely amazing how many types of veggies you can grow in a very little space when you grow them upwards. While many plants are naturally inclined to trail – others need a little coaxing at first, but will happily comply as long as they have great soil, plenty of sunlight, enough water, and a good support system.

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5 Simple and Cheap Herb Gardens Anyone Can Make

The fresh taste of herbs adds an element of excitement and allurement to any dish. Rather than having to run to the store each time you need some fresh herbs, why not grow your own in your very own upside down recycled indoor herb garden. Your herbs will be hanging right there – ready for harvest and for culinary inspiration.

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What is No-Till Gardening and Why it Works

No-till gardening is essentially a method of creating garden beds over the ground without digging it up. The bed is built up in layers to the desired height, and the seeds and seedlings are then planted in it.

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9 Creative Ways to Extend the Growing Season

It is easy to look at gardeners in other gardening zones and wish that you had the ease of a tropical climate or the long growing season of southern gardens. However, there are ways that you can extend the growing season and increase your vegtable harvest with the following tips and tricks. 

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