

Everything You Need to Know About Growing Big, Beautiful Beets

Some people hate them because they taste a bit too earthy, while others love them for the same reason. If you fall into the “love” camp, then growing your own beets make a whole lot of sense. Not only do homegrown beets taste leaps and bounds better than those purchased in the grocery store, but they are tons of fun to grow. Here are some tips for growing the biggest and best beets ever.

Beets can be cooked in a variety of ways and pack a nutritional punch. Though the bulbous parts of beets are most commonly served, the greens are delicious and contain even more iron than spinach. This annual plant must be sown every year, but it is incredibly easy to start from seed and one of the hardiest crops you can grow. 

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Love Eggplant? Here’s How to Grow, Harvest, and Store It

Eggplant, also known as aubergine or brinjal, is a favorite in Mediterranean cuisine. Additionally, it’s low-calorie, provides fiber and nutrients, and makes an excellent grilling vegetable. However, eggplant can be tricky to grow. Nevertheless, with these tips, you’ll be harvesting your eggplant just in time for your favorite Italian feast. If you love eggplant, there’s no reason why you can’t make it the star of your garden. Here’s how to grow, harvest, and store it!  

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Everything You Might Not Know About Growing Perfect Peppers

Peppers are a wonderful addition to any home garden, and there are many varieties to choose from, ranging from super hot to sweet and everything in between. No matter how you like them, there is a pepper for you. Growing the perfect pepper plant is not as easy as simply plopping a young seedling into the ground and walking away! However, if you pay attention to a few things that peppers really love, you will be in luck, and your plants should produce an abundance of pepper for you to enjoy.

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These are “Pests” That You Want to Attract to Your Garden

Often, the word pest is used to describe anything that crawls, slithers, hops, flies or otherwise invades our neat little worlds or annoys us. We seldom realize that some of these “pests” are actually beneficial, especially for our garden. It is these beneficial pests that we should strive to attract to our yard and garden. Here is a look at those that make our garden a better place and how to attract them.

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Live in the City? Try These Awesome Urban Gardening Hacks

Do you live in the city? Perhaps in an apartment, townhouse, or a condo where you have limited outdoor space? If this is the case, and you are longing to grow your own fresh, delicious, and nutritious produce, I have great news for you. Not only is it possible for you to grow your own food in a very limited space, including a balcony or patio, but you are going to have a blast doing it. Here are my top garden hacks for those of you who live in the city.

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Grow Food Instantly Without Soil Using This Method

Getting into the world of hydroponics can be more than a little intimidating. If you’re new to this type of gardening and just want to get your feet wet (no pun intended), you don’t have to have an extensive growing system with complicated pumps, electricity, or miles of land. All you need is a few basic supplies, and you can get started growing your own food right away…no work required.

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How to Grow Loads of Potatoes in a Bucket

Potatoes are one of those staple foods that you should always have on hand. They last for a long time (especially when stored properly), are super filling, and can be incorporated into a wide variety of dishes. Plus, they are incredibly easy to grow, even in a tiny space like a balcony, porch, or small yard. All you need is some soil and a few five-gallon buckets, and you are well on your way to a bountiful potato harvest. 

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The 20 Fastest-Growing Foods To Get Self-Reliant Now

If you’re feeling the stress of current events, you’ve probably spared a thought to the security of your food supply. What would happen if there was nothing on the shelves at the grocery store next week? Though that is unlikely to happen, it is still important to be prepared.

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Why Bringing Back the Victory Garden Is A Great Idea NOW

In the wake of WWI and WWII, millions of American citizens embraced the idea of the victory garden. With food shortages, rising costs, and the need to support the war effort overseas, the government called upon communities and individuals to grow their own food for nourishment and to keep up morale in a country afflicted by the mounting effects of such an enormous war. Citizens answered the call with relish, and by 1943, almost 40% of all fruits and vegetables in the U.S. were being produced in victory gardens. 

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These Are the Best Seeds to Stockpile Now

While stockpiling seeds is a great idea, keep in mind that seeds do have a shelf life. They don’t last forever, and if you’re planning to have some on hand for an emergency, it is important that you practice growing them so that you can guarantee success when it matters most. Use a rotating seed system to plant, store, and refresh your stored seeds regularly and add these plants to your garden today to deepen your emergency gardening experience. Don’t wait until it’s too late! Start your emergency garden today. 

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If You Were to Only Plant 1 Seed During This Crisis, This Would be It

While all fresh produce has great value, especially when you grow it yourself, spinach is a crop that you don’t want to forget about. Not only is it easy to grow from seed, but it is loaded with nutrients and highly versatile in cooking. In fact, if you were to plant only one seed during the present crisis, spinach would be the winner!

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