

Urban Homesteading: How to be Self Sufficient in the City

Living sustainably is no longer limited to the size of the land you own. Although you might not have enough space in your garden to grow large crops like wheat and corn, you can still grow fruits, vegetables, and trees in a city garden — or even containers. There’s a growing number of urban dwellers looking to become self-sufficient while reconnecting with nature. So, if you’re a big city dweller and dream of becoming a modern-day homesteader one day, why wait? Here’s how to be self-sufficient in the city.

Know your limitations

Maybe you were born in the city, came to be educated, or simply arrived looking for work. Whatever your situation, you’re here now and quite enjoy everything the city has to offer. But even with all those modern-day conveniences, you still dream of living off the land and creating a self-sustaining lifestyle. That’s where an urban homestead garden fits in.

First, make sure you realize your limitations on your homesteading journey. Chicken coops, livestock, and making your own cheese may be out of the question — for now. But, even if you don’t have a large garden at your disposal, you can certainly create a sustainable garden in your small city space. If you have the desire to create a sustainable lifestyle and reconnect with the environment and the food you eat, then you can apply homesteading principles to your urban garden.

Utilize your space

The traditional homesteads tend to have a lot of land ready to grow on and harvest food year-round. In urban settings, you likely don’t have that kind of space. So, you’ll need to create as much garden or growing space as you can. Balconies, patios, and even concrete walkways are ideal for containers and raised beds. In fact, you can even remove sod from a small backyard to create your vegetable and herb garden. And if you are space-challenged horizontally, then there’s only one way to go…up.

Discover vegetables and fruits that climb vertically or can be guided to climb with a little persuasion. Climbing vegetables include Vine tomatoes, Malabar spinach, cucumbers, zucchini, Indian and runner beans, peas, pumpkins, gourds, and more. Raspberries and blackberries also naturally climb. Don’t forget to utilize the borders of your property with trained fruit trees, bushes, and climbing vegetables.   

Create a living wall

Living walls or green walls are vertical gardens that attach to exterior or interior structures. Unlike ivy walls that root to the side of fences or buildings, living walls root in structural supports that are fastened to the wall. They can be as large or small as you like. So they can be tailored to suit the size of your space. You can invest in stackable planters fastened to a fence or structure from the ground up. You can even create your own with painted, recycled containers and holes punched in the bottom for drainage. Additionally, you can use window boxes secured one above the other.

Water collection

A great garden relies heavily on its water source. Rainwater collection is an inexpensive way to feed your crops. By installing a water collection system, you can utilize the earth’s hydrological cycle. This reduces the demand from water facilities, which in turn improves conservation efforts. Keep in mind, while it is not entirely illegal to collect rainwater in any of the 50 states, some states currently have restrictions on the amount of rainwater that can be collected and the method by which it is collected.

Create your own compost

Compost is great for the environment because it reduces food wastage. Scrap food and plants decompose over several months before turning into nutrient-rich soil (or hummus.) If space permits, why not create your own compost for your garden?

  • Select a container for your compost and set it in a grassy, reasonably shady part of your garden. Make sure that the container doesn’t have a bottom. Compost should be directly touching the ground.  
  • To help aerate the compost, lay a few inches of branches and twigs at the bottom.
  • Balance your compost with nitrogen, carbon, water, and air. Nitrogen comes from the green materials you scrap, and carbons comes from the brown material.
  • Include: Dried leaves, grass clippings, fruit and vegetable scraps, peelings, coffee grounds, and tea leaves, dust from sweeping and vacuuming, shredded newspaper, human and pet hair.
  • Don’t include: Meat, dairy, and bread, which rot and attract pests. You should also omit processed foods, since they take a long time to decompose.  
  • With a spade or shovel, aerate once a week, and water when the compost gets too dry.
  • After a few months, your compost is ready to use.

Preserving your harvest

The more skills you acquire, the more self-reliant you’ll become. And that means relying less on grocery stores and more on your ability to grow and create. As you become more familiar with the homesteading lifestyle, you can certainly up your skill level and begin to make, sell, and even barter your hand-made goods. The purpose of homesteading, after all, is to create a frugal lifestyle that allows you to grow your own food while reducing your carbon footprint. But to get there, you’ll need a certain skill set.

Learning to preserve your harvest is a must. When practiced properly, canning is a safe and important method of food preservation. It will keep you well-fed during the cold, winter months. There are three safe methods of canning according to the Clemson Cooperative Extension, Home and Garden Information Center (HGIC):

The boiling water bath method — Food is preserved in jars completely covered by boiling water. Safe for jarring tomatoes, pickles, and fruits, as well as jams, jellies, and other preserves.

The atmospheric steam canner method — In steam canners, jars are set in a rack above a reservoir of water. Steam created from boiling the water provides the thermal treatment to the jars. The advantages of using a steam canner include using less water than a boiling water bath. It also reaches processing temperatures faster and requires less energy. However, this method is not suited for low-acid foods like vegetables. The steam canner is useful for naturally acidic foods that have a pH less than 4.6 like pickled veggies, fruits, and preserves.

The pressure canner method — Filled jars are placed in two to three inches of water and then heated in the pressure canner to 240° F. The pressure canner method is only safe for canning low-acid foods or those with a pH over 4.6 such as vegetables.

If you’re a big city dweller, you might have thought homesteading wasn’t for you. But thanks to space-saving items like containers, vertical planters, and living walls, you can have an urban garden that provides sustenance throughout the year. Enjoy!

-Katherine Marko

The Beginners Guide To Homestead Gardens

Do you dream of being self-sufficient and lessening your impact on the environment? If so, then homesteading might be for you. Homesteading is sustainable living at its best. Simply put, it’s a lifestyle where you grow your own food while minimizing your carbon footprint. In turn, you’ll be more self-reliant and less dependent on outside sources. Here’s a beginner’s guide to homestead gardens.

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27 Lemon Fixes That Work

The lemon was first created as a cross between a lime and a citron, and all three grow on evergreen shrubs. The Arabs introduced this small citrus fruit to the Europeans, who then brought them to Spain in the 11th century. Along with other fruits and vegetables, Christopher Columbus brought lemons with him on his second voyage to the New World in 1493, and they have been growing in Florida since the 16th century.

Besides large amounts of vitamin C, lemons also contain riboflavin, thiamin, iron, magnesium, pantothenic acid, fiber, vitamin B6, potassium, copper, calcium, and folate.
Here’s an interesting fact: lemons protected miners against scurvy during the California Gold Rush, and cost as much as one dollar each in 1849.

Although we may not be overly concerned about scurvy in America today, here are 27 extraordinary ways to put lemons to work in your life:

1. Lemons fight free radicals

Vitamin C is the most important antioxidant. This vitamin neutralizes free radicals both inside and outside of cells. Free radicals are responsible for damaging cells and cellular membranes, which lead to inflammation, chronic diseases, and accelerated aging.

Free radicals can also damage blood vessels and alter cholesterol so that it builds up on artery walls. Vitamin C helps prevent this buildup and consequently helps to stop the progression of atherosclerosis and heart disease in diabetics.

2. Boost immune system

Lemons contain vitamin C to help boost your immune system.
Lemons contain vitamin C to help boost your immune system.

When cold and flu season arrives, it is always a good idea to keep a bag of fresh lemons handy. Citric acid, bioflavonoids, vitamin C, calcium, pectin, and limonene do a great job of boosting your immune system and keeping infections at bay.

3. Protect against cancer

Lemons contain 22 anti-cancer compounds including limonene, an oil that has been shown to halt the growth of cancer tumors in animals. In addition, they also contain flavonol glycosides, which stop the division of cancer cells.

A 2005 study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that limonoids in citrus fruits protect cells from damage that can lead to cancer. Another study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry stated that limonoids can inhibit tumors in the mouth and stop the growth of cancer cells once a tumor has formed.

4. Balance pH

Lemons are considered one of the most alkalizing foods you can eat. This may seem counterintuitive, as they are acidic on their own. However, in the body, lemons are alkaline; the citric acid does not create acidity once it has been metabolized.

The minerals in lemons actually help to alkalize the blood. Most people are too acidic, and lemons reduce overall acidity, drawing uric acid from the joints. This reduces the pain and inflammation which many people feel.

5. Aid oxygen uptake

Lemons have a purer concentration of negatively charged ions than any other fruit. Dr. Pierce J. Howard, author of “The Owners Manual for the Brain: Everyday Applications from Mind Brain Research,” says, “Negative ions increase the flow of oxygen to the brain, resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness, and more mental energy. They also may protect against germs in the air.” The first man to reach the top of Mount Everest, Sir Edmund Hillary, said that he attributed much of his success to lemons!

Fact: One lemon tree can produce up to 600 pounds of lemons in a year. If you live in an area where you can grow a tree, you should plant one or two!

6. Add fiber

Most people fall far short of the 20 to 38 grams of fiber recommended daily. Without proper fiber, however, you can easily become constipated or develop hemorrhoids. Consuming adequate fiber has been shown to reduce the risk of developing health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and diverticulitis.

In fact, the American Diabetes Association includes lemons on their list of superfoods because of their high fiber content. In addition, the pectin fiber in lemons can help keep you from getting hungry and overeating.

7. Boost mood and energy

Lemons can naturally improve your mood and energy levels.
Lemons can naturally improve your mood and energy levels.

Have you ever gotten up on the “wrong side of the bed?” If you are often lethargic and cranky in the morning, or any time of the day, for that matter, you may want to consider munching on a lemon.

Our energy comes from atoms and molecules in our food. When positively charged atoms flood the digestive tract and mingle with those that are negatively charged, a positive reaction occurs.

Lemons contain more negatively charged ions than positive ions, which gives you a boost as the lemon enters your digestive tract. Just the scent alone of lemons can improve your mood and elevate your energy levels. Lemons also promote clear thinking and help reduce anxiety and depression.

8. Improve digestive health

Your body works hard to digest all that you give it. Lemon juice helps flush away unwanted materials and toxins left from the digestive process. Because lemon juice is similar in atomic composition to digestive juices and saliva, it does a great job breaking down material and encouraging the liver to produce bile.

9. Clear skin

Sometimes we forget that the key to clear and beautiful skin starts with great nutrition. Thanks to the vitamin C in lemons, these little citrus fruits can help decrease wrinkles and blemishes. Lemons help to push toxins from the body and support healthy liver function, which also keeps skin clear and supple.

10. Protect against kidney stones

When you don’t have enough citrate in your urine, you are at an increased risk of developing kidney stones. Eating lemons on a regular basis can help raise the citrate levels in your urine. They may prevent stones from forming by coating very small stones and keeping other material from attaching to the small stones and enlarging them.

11. Reduce blood pressure

Lemons are high in potassium, which is an important mineral that helps to keep blood vessels soft and flexible. This, in turn, helps to reduce high blood pressure. Vitamin B in lemons is also beneficial to heart health.

12. Refresh cutting board

No matter how clean you try to keep your cutting boards, it is inevitable that they will capture the odors of the foods that you cut on them. After each use, cut a lemon in half and rub the cutting board down. You can also pour some lemon juice in a small spray bottle and spritz the board after each use. Rinse well and allow the board to air dry.

13. Repel insects

If you have small children or pets you may be leery of using a chemical treatment for insects that decide to take up residence in your home. To keep ants and other insects out spray a little juice on door thresholds and windowsills.

If you can see where the ants or other unwanted guests are coming from, squeeze a little juice into holes or cracks. You can also cut up small pieces of lemons outside of doors as well. To deter roaches and fleas, mix the juice of four lemons, with rinds left on, with 1/2 gallon of water and wash your floors.

14. Lighten age spots

Age spots, also known as liver spots, are spots that generally appear in people over 50. They can sometimes be the result of sun exposure and are completely harmless, although some people don’t like the way they look.

If you are one of those people, you can lighten these spots naturally with lemon. Simply apply some real lemon juice to the dark area (a spray bottle works well), and let it sit on the spot for about 15 minutes before rinsing off. Keep this up daily and you will see a lightening effect in no time.

15. Highlight hair naturally

Do you dream of beautiful hair highlights but dread using heavy chemicals? Using lemons for lightening your hair is a wonderful way to get lovely highlights without exposing yourself to toxins. Mix 1/4 cup of lemon juice with 3/4 cup water and use this mixture to rinse your hair. After you rinse, sit in the sun until your hair dries. Repeat this once daily for up to a week until you see the desired results.

16. Fight dandruff

Many people are plagued with dandruff and tirelessly seek relief. Thankfully, there is a very easy way to ease dandruff using lemon juice. Massage two tablespoons of lemon juice into your scalp and rinse with water. Next, stir one teaspoon of lemon juice into a cup of water and rinse your hair with it. Repeat this until you see an improvement in your dandruff.

17. Freshen breath

Rinsing your mouth with juice from lemons can give you fresh breath.
Rinsing your mouth with juice from lemons can give you fresh breath.

For long-lasting fresh breath, rinse with straight lemon juice. Rather than spitting the juice out, swallow it. Citric acid, found in lemon juice will alter the pH level in your mouth, killing the bacteria that cause breath odor. Rinse your mouth and teeth well, as long-term exposure to the acid can damage tooth enamel.

18. Remove berry stains

Berries are a delicious and nutritious treat and so much fun to go pick yourself. If you find that your fingers become stained from the berries (and they will if you pick enough), you will also find that regular soap and water will not come close to removing the stains.

However, pour some undiluted lemon juice on your hands, wait a few minutes, and wash with warm and soapy water. Repeat until your hands are stain-free; it shouldn’t take more than a couple of washes.

19. Clean brass and chrome

Does your brass or chrome need a pick-me-up? If so, let lemons do the work for you. You can easily make a paste with lemon juice and baking soda. Just mix enough of each to make the consistency of toothpaste. Apply the mixture to your brass or chrome and let it sit for about five minutes. Wash it off with warm water, then dry and polish with a clean cloth. You can also clean your kitchen sink with this mixture. The bonus is that it smells amazingly fresh. It will work to remove mineral deposits as well.

20. Clean and whiten nails

Whether you dig in the dirt a lot, have yellow stains from nail polish, or just have dull and listless nails, lemon juice is just what you need for your nail revival. Lemons contain natural bleaching power that can restore your nails to a vivid white. Fill a bowl halfway with fresh lemon juice.

Place your nails in the juice for about fifteen minutes. Use a soft brush or even a toothbrush to gently scrub the yellow from your nails. Rinse your hands with lukewarm water and apply a thin coat of coconut oil. Do this daily until your nail color has been restored.

21. Firm up soggy lettuce

Do you hate soggy lettuce and often find yourself throwing it out? Before you do, try this: add the juice of half a lemon to a bowl of cold water and place the soggy lettuce in this bowl in the fridge for an hour. You will be amazed at what happens to your limp lettuce. Just take the leaves out of the lemon juice mixture and dry them off before using them in your salad.

22. Aid in proper food and water absorption

A daily glass of lemon water with Himalayan salt may provide a better overall mineral balance, which promotes proper food and water absorption in your body. This allows essential nutrients to get where they need to be.

23. Get rid of allergies

Drinking lemons in warm water can help combat allergies.
Drinking lemons in warm water can help combat allergies.

It has been suggested that the combination of lemon and salt, specifically mixed into warm water, acts as a natural antihistamine for allergies. It may be the perfect alternative to those pink pills that leave you feeling drowsy.

24. Exfoliate lips

If you are suffering from dry lips, apply a bit of raw lemon juice to your lips before bedtime. In the morning you will find your lips noticeably softer. Repeat this process for several weeks to promote hydration and remove dead skin cells.

25. Boost libido

The vitamin C content and hormone-balancing properties of lemon water can help lift your mood. This might be all it takes to boost your libido, without the need for that little blue pill.

26. Get rid of blackheads

Lemons have both antibacterial and astringent properties that help promote the elimination of waste and excess oil on the skin. To help reduce blackheads, rub some lemon on your skin and let it sit for ten minutes. Splash your face with cold water. Repeat as necessary. Do not use this treatment before spending time in the sun.

27. Fight stinky armpits

Lemons have properties that help them act as a natural deodorant. Citric acid kills bacteria that cause bad odors. Simply rub the juice of a fresh lemon under your arm for a practical and effective emergency deodorant.

What is the difference between real lemons and bottled lemon juice?

Real lemons contain about 139 percent vitamin C, while bottled juice contains 100 percent of the daily value. The calcium content in real lemons is seven percent, while in bottled juice it is three percent. In addition, some bottled lemon juice may also contain fructose and other dangerous additives. Make sure you are using the real thing — it will make a difference.

-Susan Patterson, Certified Health Coach and Master Gardener


Kids Home? Here are Fun Ways to Keep Them Engaged in Gardening

Instead of plunking your kids in front of the tv or game console during the remainder of the stay at home order, why not try to use this time well by getting them into the yard and introducing them to gardening. Even if you are a novice yourself, you can learn alongside your child and grow beautiful food and flowers for your family. Here are a few easy ways to get them involved and keep them interested in planting and cultivating a garden. 

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Debunking The Connection Between Cholesterol and Heart Disease

The documentary Statin Nation: The Great Cholesterol Cover-Up, presented by Rethink Productions, provides strong evidence that the widely-believed ideology that high cholesterol leads to heart disease is completely false. It details how the scientific groundwork that this belief is based upon was heavily manipulated from the start and presents large-scale studies that clearly show the lack of connection between cholesterol levels and heart disease.

In short, mounting evidence shows that our focus on lowering cholesterol, and our growing reliance on statins, a class of cholesterol-lowering pharmaceuticals, is both drawing research focus away from investigating the actual causes of heart disease, and, literally killing us.

The idea that saturated fats and high cholesterol levels cause heart disease, nicknamed the ‘diet-heart hypothesis,’ was invented by Ancel Keys, a 20th-century physiologist and advisor to the Department of Defense during World War II.

It was Keys, who had a dark history of performing inhumane medical experiments, that came up with the Seven Countries Study, which shows a linear relationship between high cholesterol levels in seven countries, and corresponding high rates of heart disease.

The graph Keys drew shows that in his chosen seven countries, the higher the cholesterol levels, the higher the rate of heart disease was in that country. However, he omitted 22 countries from his graph, which when added, showed that the relationship was not linear at all.

Many countries that he failed to include had high cholesterol levels, and low rates of heart disease. Due to his selective omissions, the Seven Countries Study was an entirely fraudulent representation that created an assumed relationship between cholesterol and heart disease where none actually existed.

Statin Nation interviews medical experts from a variety of fields, who each present a wide array of large-scale studies showing that there is no evidence-based relationship between high cholesterol and heart disease at all.

In fact, studies have found that LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol is actually LOWER in heart disease patients than in the general population, and also that low cholesterol levels are associated with earlier death. Additionally, a study performed in Japan found that those with the lowest cholesterol levels had a three-fold higher likelihood of dying of cancer.

Sweden, a nation that has rejected the diet-heart hypothesis and instead has embraced a low-carb, high-fat diet, is reporting significant improvements in the overall health of its citizens.

Today, over 40 million people worldwide take prescription statins to lower their levels of LDL cholesterol. However, in doing so, important cellular functions are severely compromised.

HDL and LDL cholesterols serve as carriers of essential CoQ10, beta carotene, and vitamin E to the mitochondria, the energy source of cells. CoQ10 is essential to the functioning of heart muscles, and cholesterol itself is vital for the body’s overall function, including brain function and hormonal stability.

When cholesterol is prevented from doing its job, the body is not able to work as it should. Numerous statin patients testify that they developed a number of new health conditions when they started taking statins, which gradually improved when statin use was stopped.

Some of the most common was severe memory impairment, a loss of energy, depression, muscle pain, and eye problems. Researchers estimate that only about 1 in 200 adverse effects of statins are actually reported by physicians.

One of the most frightening facts about statins is that in 75 percent of cases, they are prescribed to healthy individuals for preventative purposes, as a ‘primary prevention’ measure against heart disease. However, overwhelming research shows that using statins for primary prevention does nothing to increase life expectancy.

Studies show that the instances of heart attacks in statin patients were somewhat lower, but this was canceled out by the other diseases that occurred in these patients while on statins, very likely caused by the statins themselves due to their inhibition of cellular function and their blockage of vital nutrients.

In the 25 percent of patients prescribed statins after a cardiac event, stroke, or surgical heart intervention, the statins did increase life expectancy slightly. However, when the statistics were compiled, the life expectancy of these patients rose by only 14 days.

Statins are one of the most widely prescribed classes of drugs in the world and provide the pharmaceutical industry with billions of dollars in profits each year. Dr. John Abramson of Harvard Medical School explains how the scientific evidence backing statin use is entirely influenced by commercial interests.

In an interview, he details how starting in the Reagan administration, government funding for research in the public interest was significantly cut, and how the great majority of funding for research now comes from the drug companies themselves.

“You have 5 times better odds of getting the results you want if you pay for the science,” Dr. Abramson states. “The real data is not available to the editors of the journal or the peer reviewers.”

One example of how the pharmaceutical companies with a commercial interest in statins doctored studies supporting their use is the Jupiter Trial. Several years ago, this extremely popular study presented that statins reduce the risk of heart attacks by 54 percent, causing doctors worldwide to prescribe them in huge numbers.

However, Dr. Abramson explains that this was a ‘relative percentage,’ and when the actual numbers were analyzed, it was discovered that heart attacks were only reduced by 0.48 percent.

Nevertheless, the media took the Jupiter Trial as fact, and widely reported the success of statins. According to Dr. Abramson, “the only media in the United States that got it right was that renowned medical expert Dr. Stephen Colbert, who said, ‘the Jupiter Trial was a great breakthrough in figuring out how to get people to take drugs who don’t need them.’”

heartHeart disease is a serious problem worldwide, causing 7.8 million deaths in 2008. As the death toll continues to rise, it is no surprise that people are afraid, and wish to take preventative measures.

However, increasing evidence shows that lowering cholesterol is not the answer, and the use of statins causes great harm with very questionable benefits, at best. Statin Nation proposes a strong link between stress levels and heart disease, a link that demands further study, as it may hold the key to saving a great number of lives.

As far as statins, Dr. Abramson puts it bluntly: “hopefully when we look back on this era, and we see the fraud that went on in misleading physicians about the scientific evidence, we’ll see that this stands as organized crime…. of a higher-tech nature than robbing banks with machine guns. But there’s a lot more money in this, and in fact, many, many more people get hurt.”

Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride agrees. She urges us to rethink our obsession with cholesterol. “The last thing you want to do is interfere with your blood levels of cholesterol. Your body knows what it is doing. Whatever level of cholesterol you have in your blood at that moment is the right level for you. Don’t mess around with it.”

-The Backyard Vitality Team

9 Gardening Activities To Keep Kids Busy At Home

Helping in the garden is one of the best learning activities for kids. They can get in touch with nature, indulge their curiosity, and gain self-confidence, all while soaking up the sunshine and getting their hands dirty. Whether or not you’re a keen gardener yourself, you can easily enjoy these simple activities with your little ones. 

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How to Store Fresh Fruits and Veggies for Months Without a Refrigerator

Believe it or not, people enjoyed fresh produce for hundreds of years before refrigeration was introduced! You don’t need a fridge to keep food fresh. In fact, refrigeration could actually decrease the lifespan of some fresh produce. Plus, if you want to become self-sufficient, it is a good idea to stop relying on the potentially unstable power grid to keep your harvest fresh and edible, and if you have a large garden, you’ll likely need more space for storage regardless. Here are our favorite tips for storing fruits and veggies without refrigeration and a few methods that will keep your produce good for months on end. 

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The Truth About Skid Marks and Anal Leakage

f you are honest, you will admit that you have found skid marks on your underwear at least once. What about skid marks in the toilet?  You know, the sticky residue from a movement that doesn’t get flushed away? Well, there are good reasons for both types of skid marks and things you can do to “clean up your act.” Let’s take a closer look to reveal the truth about skid marks.

Skid marks on your undies

If you suffer from frequent skid marks on your underwear it is best to go down a list of possible reasons and through a process of elimination to find the root cause for the skids. Here are some things to consider:

  • You might not be wiping properly (more on this to come).
  • You may sweat a lot.
  • Your underwear might be too tight.
  • You may sit a long time on the toilet.
  • You may have pooping inconsistencies.
  • You may have a lot of hair on your bottom.
  • You might have hemorrhoids.
  • You may not be completely emptying your bowel.

How to prevent skid marks on your undies

Here are some tips for reducing skid marks.

Wipe better

The top reason why most people end up with a little fecal streaking on their underpants is because they are not wiping sufficiently. This is common with children but also common with many adults who leave some feces on their undies. 

Soft and sticky movements make things more difficult. A solid feces generally leaves little behind to wipe, while a soft movement can require several wipes, often leaving some fecal matter behind that gets transferred to our underwear. To help get yourself as clean as possible, follow wiping with a flushable wet personal wipe that you can toss into the toilet when finished.

Add more fiber

If you have frequent soft stools, try adding more soluble and insoluble fiber to your diet. This will increase the number of good bacteria in your colon and add bulk to your poop. Most people don’t get nearly enough fiber in their diet. Men need between 31 and 38 grams of fiber daily, and women require 21-25 grams. You can get more fiber by eating fruits, vegetables, oats, and whole wheat.  

Shave your butt hair

If you have excessive hair on your butt, you may want to consider shaving it. Hairs tend to trap poop particles as they exit the rectum. These particles can be transferred to your underwear. They can also cause you to have a stinky butt, which is often referred to as “swamp butt.” Keeping your butt hairs trimmed or shaved is one of the best ways to prevent odor and skid marks at the same time.

Quit taking your phone to the toilet with you

For many of us, the bathroom is just one more place that we take our phones for fear of missing an urgent call, text, or email. However, you know that dreaded rabbit hole that you go down on your phone when you first check your text, then your emails, and then sneak your way over to social media. Before you know it – you are on the pot for twenty minutes or more watching funny cat videos. Besides the risk of getting fired because you spend way too much time on the toilet, there is a risk that poop will dry on your bottom and reactivate later when you sweat, which makes it more difficult to get a clean wipe. In addition, sitting too long on the toilet can cause hemorrhoids to develop,

Wear looser undies

If your underwear rides up your butt crack, it is likely to pick up any fecal matter left behind from wiping. Men, this means going to boxers or boxer briefs, and ladies, skip the G string and go for a roomier style of underwear.

Clean well in the shower

Each time you shower, be sure to get your bottom as clean as possible. A handheld showerhead works great to rinse your booty clean gently. If you are going to use any cleaning products like soap, be sure to use a gentle and all-natural product. 

Take care of hemorrhoids

Both external and internal hemorrhoids can cause skid marks. This is because feces get stuck in the sphincter, and wiping doesn’t help. The best solution is to work with your physician to alleviate the hemorrhoids. Also, gently washing your bottom area in the shower will help prevent skid marks.

Here’s to ending skid marks for good!

-The Backyard Vitality Team

Kill Stubborn Muffin Top in Just 20 Minutes a Day

Compared to our ancestors, today we live overwhelmingly sedentary lives. Every day revolves around immobility, as we force ourselves out of bed, sit down to breakfast, walk a few steps to the car, sit in traffic as we commute, then sit at work for hours. At the end of the day, we go home, sit on the couch, watch TV for a few hours, then return to bed.

Sitting around doing nothing isn’t a good thing, and it’s certainly not promoting a healthy lifestyle. As we sit in front of our computer at work or chow down on a bag of chips, images of our burgeoning bellies or rapidly expanding thighs guilt us into making a visit to the gym. You might work out for a while, sit on a bike reading a magazine or lift some weights or dumbbells and suddenly the guilt is gone! We’ve avoided weight gain and got the blood pumping in one fell swoop, and a whole day of immobility has been washed away in a single hour. 

Sadly, it seems that this reasoning is incorrect. A recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has found that a sedentary lifestyle is responsible for twice as many deaths as obesity. Conducted by researchers at the University of Cambridge, the study measured the height, weight, and waist circumference against self-reported physical activity levels of over 330,000 European men and women for a whopping 12 years.

Researchers estimated that 337,000 of 9.2 million recorded European deaths were attributed to obesity, while 676,000 can be blamed on inactivity sitting around and not moving regularly. And spending an hour at the gym after a day of immobility is not sufficient to counteract the detrimental effects.

The good news? A 20-minute walk every day could offset the effects of a sedentary lifestyle and add seven years to your life, reducing your chances of premature death by between 16 and 30 percent. The study showed that the benefits of a brisk 20-minute walk, which typically burns between 90 and 100 calories, were observed largely in those people studied who had normal weight. As the body mass index of test subjects increased, the benefits of that 20-minute walk decreased.

Researchers stated that although 20 minutes a day, every day, could make a huge difference to people’s health and longevity, this is the absolute minimum. Professor Ulf Ekelund, who led the study, stated, “Although we found that just 20 minutes would make a difference, we really should be looking to do more than this physical activity has many proven health benefits and should be an important part of our daily life.” 

The message is clear: The more you move around during the day, the healthier you’ll be and the longer you’ll live. While doing intensive exercise at the gym is certainly helping you to stay in shape, a daily trip to the gym alone is not enough.

The good news is, it’s ridiculously easy to incorporate movement back into your life. When you wake in the morning, take five minutes to move around with some gentle yoga or a few basic stretches. As cliché as it sounds, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park your car further away in parking lots so that you have an excuse to walk for longer to wherever you’re going. Instead of sitting around watching YouTube videos on your computer at lunch, grab a buddy and head outside for a 20-minute walk before or after eating. And find excuses throughout the workday to walk around. Make multiple trips to the cooler for water, or take the long way to the toilet. Simple things make all the difference. 

Government guidelines state that adults should aim to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, carrying it out over 10 sessions or more. This should be your baseline for staying healthy and “stopping the clock.” Mix up your exercise routine by going for a long walk in the park or on the beach one day, enjoying a bike ride the following day, then going for a swim the next day, and so on. Keep things varied and you’ll really look forward to your daily bout of movement. 

Got your attention? Find out how exercise — in addition to prolonging your life — can actually support healthy brain function and fight off dementia.

-The Backyard Vitality Team




Gardening Basic Took Kit: What Everyone Should Own

One of the most fun things for a gardener is going shopping for new tools. In fact, it is right behind plant shopping, which is saying something. There’s just something about the brand new, unblemished metal, pristine wood, and sharp edges that make me look forward even more to getting out in the garden and putting my shiny new tools to work. However, if you don’t have any gardening tools, figuring out what you actually need can be difficult, especially if you are a gardening novice. This list is a great place to start. These are the tools that you’ll actually use and keep in your shed for years to come. Happy shopping!

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9 Ways to Irrigate Without Breaking the Bank

Garden irrigation is one of the most challenging areas to master. You don’t want to water too much, but you also don’t want to water too little. And solely relying on rain is usually not an option in most climates. A lot of people simply give up and water whenever and however they feel like doing it. Unfortunately, if you don’t make an effort to water properly, you’ll be shocked by your bill at the end of the month. Most gardeners on metered water systems are always looking for ways to get the most bang for their buck and keep their plants hydrated and happy without breaking the bank on the water bill. Here are a few helpful ways to do just that. 

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