

9 Ways to Irrigate Without Breaking the Bank

Garden irrigation is one of the most challenging areas to master. You don’t want to water too much, but you also don’t want to water too little. And solely relying on rain is usually not an option in most climates. A lot of people simply give up and water whenever and however they feel like doing it. Unfortunately, if you don’t make an effort to water properly, you’ll be shocked by your bill at the end of the month. Most gardeners on metered water systems are always looking for ways to get the most bang for their buck and keep their plants hydrated and happy without breaking the bank on the water bill. Here are a few helpful ways to do just that. 

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What Not to Do in Your Garden…Ever

Anyone who has been an avid gardener for some time knows that there are a few things you just need to get right to have a fruitful relationship with plants. Once you get the basics down and know what not to do in your garden, sit back and watch your plants amaze you with their beauty and fruitfulness.

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7 Things To Do With Your Christmas Tree Besides Tossing it Out

With the Christmas season over and the new year bursting forth, it is time to figure out what to do with that now not-so-beautiful Christmas tree that is shedding needles all over your floor. If you have been accustomed to dragging your dead tree to the curb and waiting for the trash pick up, why not try something different this year that is environmentally friendly and creative? Here are some ideas.

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Tips for Using Live Evergreen in Your Home This Christmas

There’s nothing quite like a wreath, swag, or other arrangement made with fresh evergreen to truly help get you in the Christmas spirit. In fact, even the act of cutting down the prettiest greenery and arranging it with the rest of your Christmas decor will have you whistling your favorite Christmas song and lingering by your mantle to catch a whiff of the sweet, pine scent of live evergreen. But how exactly can you keep this fresh greenery from drying out and turning brown in just a few short weeks? And how can you decorate effectively with this classic Christmas element? Read on to find out our top tips for using live evergreen in your home this Christmas. 

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How to Host a Holiday Plant Party

Though plant parties are usually reserved for the spring and summer when your backyard is in bloom, and you’re tanned from spending time in the garden, a Christmas plant party is a great way to break up the winter and enjoy some quality time with your best plant-loving friends. Here are our steps to hosting the perfect holiday party…garden style. 

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What You Should Put on Your Greenhouse Floor

As you are planning for your greenhouse, don’t forget one of the most critical elements, the floor. What you might not know is that floors are the foundation of a greenhouse in many ways. An improper floor can be highly counterintuitive to what you are trying to accomplish, so much care needs to be put into both material and installation.

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Easy Herbal Soap that Anyone Can Make

Soap making can be incredibly complicated and time-consuming. This recipe, however, simplifies the entire process by using premade glycerin cubes and allows you to focus on creating the scent you desire without having to worry about the technical aspects of creating soap from scratch. Anyone can make this easy herbal soap, so give it a try today!

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Green Tomato Pickling: Why It Rocks and How to Do It

It’s always a sad day when that temperamental wind races through your garden and dislodges unripe tomatoes from the vine. Not to worry! You can turn those tomatoes into yummy pickles with just a few simple steps. Here are our favorite ways to enjoy green tomatoes and give you a delightful snack throughout the winter months. 

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Designing the Perfect Sunroom (9 Elements You Need to Have)

Your sunroom should be an oasis. A place where you can relax, unwind, and enjoy being close to nature while still in the comfort of your own home. If your house has an underutilized sunroom that is nothing but a bare room with some wicker furniture and a potted plant, it’s time to kick things up a notch and take advantage of your beautiful space. If you are looking to add a sunroom to your home, there are a few things you should keep in mind as you design it. Either way, if you include these nine elements and a little personal flair, you will soon have an ideal relaxation paradise.

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Looking For Great Homestead Land? Do This First

The search for the perfect piece of land for your homestead can be overwhelming. After a while, all property starts to look the same, and making a decision becomes difficult. However, don’t be discouraged. Remember, finding your forever homestead land is an adventure and enjoying the journey is half the fun.

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11 Things You Need to Know Before You Get Goats

So you have a flock of chickens, an ever-expanding vegetable garden, and you are well on your way towards increasing your self-sufficiency and sustainability. But what about goats? You often see them on lists of the best “homestead animals,” and fresh, raw milk would be nice too, right? Before you start researching the nearest goat breeder and building an enclosure, there are a few things you need to consider. 

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