

7 Underrated Seeds That Are Nutrient-Dense and Practically Immortal

Seeds are nature’s tiny powerhouses, packed with essential nutrients like protein, healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. These little gems support heart health, boost energy, improve digestion, and promote glowing skin. Did you know some of the most underrated seeds are best for you? These seeds can also be stored for years, sometimes even decades while retaining their nutritional potency.

If you’re looking to expand your diet with nutrient-dense, long-lasting seeds, here are seven underrated options to consider:

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How to Store Fresh Fruits and Veggies for Months Without a Refrigerator

Believe it or not, people enjoyed fresh produce for hundreds of years before refrigeration was introduced! You don’t need a fridge to keep food fresh. In fact, refrigeration could actually decrease the lifespan of some fresh produce. Plus, if you want to become self-sufficient, it is a good idea to stop relying on the potentially unstable power grid to keep your harvest fresh and edible, and if you have a large garden, you’ll likely need more space for storage regardless. Here are our favorite tips for storing fruits and veggies without refrigeration and a few methods that will keep your produce good for months on end. 

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Green Tomato Pickling: Why It Rocks and How to Do It

It’s always a sad day when that temperamental wind races through your garden and dislodges unripe tomatoes from the vine. Not to worry! You can turn those tomatoes into yummy pickles with just a few simple steps. Here are our favorite ways to enjoy green tomatoes and give you a delightful snack throughout the winter months. 

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