

This Non-Toxic Pesticide and Herbicide Works (hint: you drink it daily)

Polly put the kettle on…but not for tea. Boiled water is an excellent asset in your garden and around your landscape. Did you know that when you use commercial pesticides and herbicides, you expose yourself, your family, and your pets to dangerous and even deadly chemicals?  Why not go a safer route with something you drink every day – water? Let’s take a closer look at how to use plain ol’ hot water to end weeds and ants for good.

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Replace Dangerous and Expensive Herbicides and Pesticides With this Simple Kitchen Solution

Every year there are 136 million pounds of pesticides used on North American gardens and lawns. Surprisingly, homeowners are reported to use about three times the amount of pesticides as farmers. In fact, the majority of wildlife poisoning and water contamination is not from farms or other large organizations — it’s from single-family homes.

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3 Reasons to Stop Using Peat and What to Use Instead

Peat is a fibrous material made up of partially decomposed plant materials and natural forms in the earth in locations that fulfil particular requirements. For instance, the climate has to be mild (not rising above a certain temperature), stagnant water must be present, and it will only form in anaerobic conditions, which essentially just means the the absence of oxygen. Peat is most commonly found in Russia and Canada.

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What are Hitchhiker Weeds and How to Control Them

When new plants are uprooted and introduced to new areas, many of them become invasive, crowding out native species, which in turn affect native insect pollinators and other animal populations dependant on them.

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The Penny-Priced Roundup Alternative That’s Safer for Your Garden

Roundup and other chemical herbicides have been the go-to solution for killing weeds in gardens, driveways, and farmlands for years. However, growing concerns over health risks, environmental damage, and soil degradation have led many to seek safer, natural alternatives.

The good news? You don’t need to spend big money on organic herbicides—there’s a penny-priced, safer alternative you might already have in your kitchen! 

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9 Backyard Makeover Tips That Won’t Break the Bank

Are you tired of your outdoor living space? Are you ready for something new but don’t have a massive budget to blow? No worries, there are many easy and inexpensive ways that you can breathe new life into your landscape. Transformation is just a few dollars away. With these ideas, you can create a brand new, inviting outdoor oasis!

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11 Rules for the Best Lawn in Your Neighborhood

It happens in neighborhoods all over the country, and perhaps in yours. With the first tiny sign that spring is around the corner, people get busy cleaning up their lawnmower blades, shopping for weed and feed, and chomping at the bit to win the “best lawn” award for their community. If having a lush and healthy lawn is important to you – and perhaps winning the best lawn award is something you aspire to do – the following rules for a great lawn might just propel you to the top of the class.

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How to Create the Ultimate Outdoor Living Room

Extending your indoor living space into the great outdoors is not only healthy but also fun. There is nothing quite so cozy as sitting with your favorite book on your outdoor sofa listening to the birds chirping. Or, what about entertaining under the starry sky? Either way, an outdoor living room takes personal space and entertaining to a whole new level.

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Try This Simple Trick to Save 60% More Water in Your Garden

Spring gardens often thrive due to April showers. The same can’t always be said for later season gardens that often lack the blessing of rainfall. If you live in an area that is particularly dry during the hot summer months, you know how much time and expense is required to keep plants well-watered. Luckily, there is one thing that you can do at the beginning of the season that will save time and a great deal of money by slashing your garden’s water consumption by up to 60%.

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Wow Your Friends with These Creative and Frugal Container Projects

Container gardening is so much fun! Not only do containers make gardening a possibility for everyone, even those with little space, but they also make great conversation pieces. This is especially true when you use recycled, free or cheap containers. Most garden plants are happy in any container as long as there is great organic soil with excellent drainage. 

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