

The Fractured Case Against Eggs

Eggs for breakfast? Not anymore, according to a newly released study. A group of researchers has eggs back in the spotlight for seemingly negative health impacts. This time, they are blamed for an increased risk of developing diabetes. But… are there other factors that need to be considered? You bet there are.  Also, eggs have recently been shown to reduce the risk of diabetes. Why the conflict? Let’s unpack and find the truth about this popular breakfast food.

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Can I Eat Those Backyard Mushrooms?

If you’re noticing mushrooms popping up on your lawn, you shouldn’t be surprised or concerned. It simply means that autumn is on the way, which is the prime time for fungal growth. Fungi live in your soil at all times – they are a vital part of the ecosystem and help keep plants healthy. At the right time of year and when the weather conditions are perfect, they pop up these little fruiting bodies to spread spores and reproduce. You may have noticed that fungi proliferate in wet weather that occurs right after a dry spell, or when you’ve just laid new turf. The disturbed soil releases fungal spores that were previously dormant, so you get lots of toadstools popping up on that nice new lawn.

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6 Foods Proven To Kill Breast Cancer Cells

Being in my late 20s, it is hard to imagine going through something as frightening and traumatic as a cancer diagnosis. Unfortunately, I already know two girls my age who developed breast cancer — one is no longer with us. The uncertainty of cancer is unnerving, which has so many of us wonder how to actively prevent the ugly “c-word” from forming. Considering around one in eight American women will develop invasive breast cancer in her lifetime, prevention is more important than ever.

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Banish Ear Fungi and Ease Pain With ACV

Apple cider vinegar is an ancient remedy made from fermented apple juice that has been used for thousands of years to alleviate many conditions and ailments. You’ve probably heard of apple cider vinegar for things like cleaning, soothing a sore throat, and lowering blood sugar, but did you know that it may help relieve an ear infection as well? Read on for our favorite ways to use ACV for ear infections and a few other helpful hints. 

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Good Poop, Bad Poop (What Works in Your Garden)

You may have heard that poop is good for your garden. If you want to grow big healthy plants and beautiful produce, you need poop! However, all poop is not the same – some types may actually undo all the hard work you’ve put into cultivating your garden. Before you go putting poop on your garden beds, make sure you know the difference between good poop and bad poop.

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Is Smoking Weed Shrinking Your Testicles?

If you’re male and you haven’t done this already, get to know your testes. All men should know how their testicles feel and report any changes to their physician. If you’re experiencing testicular atrophy (shrinking testicles) you’re probably a little frightened and wondering what the heck is happening. Let’s delve into possible reasons and solutions for shrinking testicles.

Get more sleep

Most understand the importance of a good night’s rest for overall health. But if your testicles are shrinking, it could be due to a lack of sleep. A study from the University of Southern Denmark found a link between the quality of sleep and testicle size. Researchers conducted a cross-sectional study that included 953 young Danish men from the general population. Researchers studied sleep schedules, interruptions in sleep, and sleep habits. The men’s testicles were also measured. Researchers also took sperm and assessed for sperm count and viability.

It turns out that sleep-deprived men actually have lower testosterone levels. They also have reduced sperm counts — not to mention, testicle shrinkage. In those men who suffered from insomnia, staying up late, or had inconsistent sleep throughout the night and woke up often, researchers found that sperm counts dropped by 29 percent. Additionally, sperm was more deformed and testicles were smaller.

Cool it on the booze

If you are a lover of beer, wine, or liquor and you’re noticing shrinkage “down under,” listen up! An animal and human study published in ScienceDirect found that chronic alcohol consumption caused changes to Leydig cell shape and function. These cells are located adjacent to the testicular seminiferous tubules (where sperm cells are produced). Alcohol causes the tubules to shrink. Additionally, the processes involving the way alcohol alters testicular energy metabolism and sperm cell mitochondria leads to cell death. Together, these processes eventually lead to testicular shrinkage in both animals and humans.

However, the study was primarily created to see if testicles could “bounce back” to their original size through alcohol abstinence. And the good news is, if you stop drinking, or even reduce your chronic intake of alcohol, your testicles will likely regain their full size.

Avoid aluminum

Aluminum can be found in common household items, like deodorant, and it contributes to testicles shrinking.
Aluminum can be found in common household items, like deodorant, and it contributes to testicles shrinking.

Aluminum can be found widely throughout our daily lives. In fact, it’s the most abundant metal in the earth’s crust. Aluminum is used to make food and beverage cans, pots and pans, airplanes, siding and roofing, foil, and a variety of consumer products such as:

  • Antacids and buffered aspirins
  • Astringents and cosmetics
  • Antiperspirants
  • Flour and baking powder
  • Coloring agents and anti-caking agents

Aluminum compounds can also be found in water treatment, pharmaceuticals, utensils, and food additives. So, this makes it difficult to avoid exposure. The problem is, overexposure to aluminum may contribute to a low sperm count and infertility in men, with a side effect of smaller testicles. A study published in the International Journal of Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology reviewed the toxic effect of aluminum exposure on the male reproductive system.

Researchers found a link between exposure and adverse effects on sperm motility, viability, and count, histology of testis and epididymis (duct behind the testis) as well as reproductive hormone levels. Exposure may also lead to oxidative stress in the testicles, causing cells to die and the testicles to shrink.

Limit your exposure to aluminum by choosing aluminum-free deodorants, personal care products, antacids, and buffered aspirin. In fact, according to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry antacids contain 300 to 600 milligrams of aluminum hydroxide (about 104 to 208 milligrams of aluminum) per tablet. And buffered aspirin may contain 10 to 20 milligrams of aluminum per tablet.

Protect your testicles

Just the mention of getting kicked in the gonads can cause a man to wince. That’s because testicles have the most pain receptors concentrated in any one area of a man’s body, with nerves extending to the ears, stomach, and groin. Because the testes are located within the scrotum, which hangs outside of the body, they’re not protected by muscles and bones, says the Cleveland Clinic. That means it’s easier for testes to be struck, hit, kicked, or crushed, which happens most often during contact sports.

In a study by the Department of Radiology at Addenbrooke’s Hospital and the University of Cambridge, researchers found that trauma to the scrotum is not only a cause of testicular atrophy but may also affect testicular size months or years following an injury. Researchers performed clinical and sonographic examinations in 10 patients who had suffered blunt trauma to the testicles. A significant reduction in the volume of the injured testis was found in five out of 10 cases.

So, while most men don’t experience such trauma daily, athletes should make sure they are well-protected by wearing athletic cups during sports and even skateboarding.

Stop smoking weed

Smoking too much marijuana can contribute to testicles shrinking.
Smoking too much marijuana can contribute to testicles shrinking.

Although studies on weed and its effect on reproductive hormones have been conflicting, some studies suggest that chronic marijuana use may lead to lower testosterone levels and a reduction in testicular size. Apparently, shrinking testicles have been observed in rodents and dogs after being administered cannabis extract. According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, THC (the main active compound in marijuana) is apparently to blame. But, the research is relatively outdated.

Nevertheless, although outdated, the study suggests that smoking weed lowers testosterone levels, either directly or through precursor hormones. Or, it causes testicular atrophy in animals. So, if you’ve noticed a difference in testicular size and you’re a chronic smoker, it’s best to try and stop.

Cool it on the soy

The benefits and dangers of soy may be up for debate. But one of the more disturbing claims is that soy “feminizes” men. While soy milk provides many potential health benefits, including a lower risk of heart disease and protection from prostate cancer, some research suggests it may have negative side effects for men when consumed frequently. In fact, soy is even thought to shrink testicles and lower testosterone levels.

Soybeans are rich in phytoestrogens. The chemical structure of phytoestrogens is very similar to that of the human sex hormone estrogen. This similarity allows phytoestrogens to sometimes mimic or hinder the hormone with estrogen receptors.

A study from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey set out to determine if a commonly used soy protein supplement exhibits biological activity. Researchers studied healthy male volunteers, aged 18 years or older that were in good health. They consumed two scoops of pure soy protein powder daily for 28 days. It turns out soy protein powder actually decreased testosterone levels, thanks to the estrogen. This same estrogen may also cause testicular shrinkage. The good news is, when study participants discontinued the soy protein powder, testosterone levels increased within two weeks.

Stop using steroids

Steroids can have several harmful side effects, including shrinking of the testicles.
Steroids can have several harmful side effects, including shrinking of the testicles.

Testicular atrophy, or shrinking balls, are most commonly associated with steroid use. Anabolic steroids are synthetic types of the male sex hormone testosterone. Some common names for anabolic steroids are gear, juice, roids and stackers. A medical professional may prescribe steroids to treat hormonal issues, such as delayed puberty. They can also treat diseases that cause muscle loss, such as cancer and AIDS, suggests the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIH).

The problem begins when some athletes and bodybuilders abuse steroids to boost their performance or improve their physical appearance. With that may come more than you bargained for. According to the NIH, steroid use may also:

  • Decrease sperm count
  • Contribute to baldness
  • Encourage the development of breasts
  • Increase your risk for prostate cancer
  • And, you guessed it, shrink your testicles

When the brain senses that there are high levels of testosterone in the blood, it assumes the testosterone is coming from the testicle. So, the brain then shuts off the production of FSH, a hormone that stimulates the production of testosterone in the testicle. As a result, the testicles begin to shrink.

When to visit your doctor

More than likely there is a simple reason behind your shrinking testicles. However, if shrinkage is accompanied by pain or diminished libido, visit your doctor. You may also want your doctor to test your testosterone to estrogen levels. Take charge of your health. Shrinking testicles may seem scary and embarrassing. But, being proactive will help prevent any long-term complications.  

-The Backyard Vitality Team

Ditch the Bug Zappers, Try This Instead

It’s summer, your garden is blooming, and you are anxious to host weekend outdoor parties and show off your beautiful patio and yard, but… you live in an area where mosquitoes are like vicious sharks, seemingly waiting in the air to attack. Perhaps you have tried those noisy bug zappers that annoyingly let you know every time they annihilate a flying pest (some of which are not bad pests, either).  Between the annoyance and guilt, it may be time to try something more natural to keep the unwanted guests from crashing your party. Here are a few great options.

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Top 11 Homemade Fertilizers

How you feed your plants makes a tremendous difference to the quality and quantity of your harvest. Organic fertilizer can provide your plants with the nutrition that they need to grow and thrive, defend pests, and resist disease.

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Top Brain Games for Better Memory and Mental Sharpness

We all know that staying physically active is essential for a healthy body, but did you know that your brain needs exercise too? Just like muscles, your brain thrives on challenges and stimulation. Keeping your mind engaged can improve memory, boost problem-solving skills, and even help protect against cognitive decline as you age. The best part? Exercising your brain can be fun and easy! 

Here are some of the top brain games you can start playing today to sharpen your memory and keep your mind in tip-top shape.


A classic number puzzle game, Sudoku requires logic, pattern recognition, and strategic thinking. As you solve puzzles, your brain strengthens problem-solving skills and improves memory recall. You can find Sudoku puzzles in newspapers, books, or even free apps online.

Crossword Puzzles

Crosswords are a fantastic way to boost vocabulary, improve verbal skills, and enhance memory. They challenge your recall ability and require you to think creatively about word associations. Whether you grab a crossword book or play online, this timeless game will keep your mind sharp.

Memory Matching Games

Simple yet effective, memory matching games require you to remember the placement of objects or cards. These games help improve short-term memory and concentration. You can find digital versions of memory games online or play a classic version with a deck of cards.


Chess is the ultimate strategic thinking game. It requires planning, pattern recognition, and problem-solving, making it an excellent workout for your brain. Even if you’re a beginner, learning chess can improve mental agility and cognitive skills over time.

Jigsaw Puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles are fantastic for enhancing spatial awareness and visual problem-solving skills. Completing a puzzle requires focus and patience, both of which are great for mental sharpness. Plus, it’s a relaxing activity that can help reduce stress.

Brain Training Apps

Apps like Lumosity, Elevate, and Peak offer personalized brain-training exercises that target different cognitive functions, such as memory, attention, and problem-solving. These digital games provide a fun and convenient way to keep your mind active wherever you go.

Word Association Games

Playing word association games like Scrabble or Boggle stimulates your brain’s language centers and boosts cognitive flexibility. These games help improve vocabulary, quick thinking, and memory recall while keeping things entertaining.

30-Second Storytelling

A simple but effective game, 30-second storytelling involves making up a short story on the spot about a random topic. This activity enhances creativity, memory recall, and verbal fluency. Try it with friends or alone as a quick mental workout!

Additional Lifestyle Tips for a Sharp Mind

In addition to playing brain games, certain lifestyle habits can also help maintain memory and mental sharpness:

  • Stay Physically Active -Regular exercise increases blood flow to the brain and helps improve cognitive function.
  • Eat Brain-Boosting Foods – Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids (like fish), antioxidants (like berries), and healthy fats (like nuts and avocados) can support brain health.
  • Get Enough Sleep -Sleep is essential for memory consolidation and cognitive performance. Aim for 7-9 hours per night.
  • Stay Socially Engaged – Engaging in positive conversations and fun social activities can keep your mind active and reduce the risk of cognitive decline.
  • Practice Mindfulness and Meditation – Mindfulness techniques can help improve focus, reduce stress, and enhance memory.
  • Keep Learning – Whether it’s reading, taking up a new hobby, or learning a new language, lifelong learning is one of the best ways to keep your brain sharp.

Make Brain Exercise a Daily Habit

Just as you wouldn’t neglect your body’s health, your brain deserves regular exercise, too. Brain games are a fun and effective way to keep your memory strong and your mind sharp. Pair these games with healthy lifestyle choices, and you’ll be well on your way to maintaining cognitive wellness for years. So, pick a game, challenge yourself, have fun, and keep your brain in top shape -it’s never too late to start!