

The Muscle Every Woman Should Not Ignore

Kegels are exercises that help to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. These are a series of muscles and tissues that support a woman’s uterus, bladder, small intestine, and rectum, holding them into place. You can do Kegels basically anytime and anyplace, whether you’re at home, standing in line at the grocery store, or at work.

If your pelvic floor muscles are weak, which can happen through age, childbirth, pregnancy, surgery, or being overweight, it can cause your organs to lower into your vagina.

This is not only uncomfortable, but it can lead to urinary or fecal incontinence, which means leaking urine when you cough, laugh or sneeze, losing a large amount of urine, or even leaking stool.

Kegel exercises are also believed to be helpful for women who have persistent difficulty reaching orgasm.

To perform them, you first need to identify your pelvic floor muscles and learn how to contract and relax them. The best way to do this is to stop urinating in midstream. If you’re successful, you’ve identified the right muscles.

Once you’re familiar with the right muscles, empty your bladder and lie down on your back. Tighten the pelvic floor muscles, holding the contraction for five seconds, and then relaxing for five seconds. Do the exercise 4 to 5 times consecutively.

Try to focus only on tightening the pelvic floor muscles, being careful not to flex the abdominal, thigh or buttock muscles. Breathe freely during the exercise, and try not to hold your breath. Your goal should be to perform at least three sets of 10 repetitions daily.

Once you really understand the technique, lying down isn’t necessary- you can do Kegels anywhere.

Avoid using Kegels to start and stop your urine stream once you’ve identified the correct muscles, as this can actually weaken them and lead to incomplete emptying of the bladder, increasing the risk of a urinary tract infection.

If you’re having trouble doing the exercise correctly, talk to your gynecologist or another healthcare provider who can help you learn to isolate and exercise the right muscles.

For those who are experiencing urine leakage, keep in mind that it can take 12 weeks to notice any effects from Kegels, and you’ll want to make a lifelong habit of this in order to reap long-term benefits.


-The Backyard Vitality Team

Hydrate Your Elbow Skin and More With This Tropical Treasure

Is there anything that coconut oil can’t do? Well, it may not rocket you to the moon, or give you the ability to travel through time…but the list is pretty short. It is becoming increasingly well known that raw organic, extra-virgin coconut oil is one of the healthiest foods you can add to your diet. There is no reason to fear the fact that it’s composed of mainly saturated fats—these are healthy fats that support the function of all of your body’s systems.

The benefits of coconut oil are so multifaceted that some of them continue to surprise us. In particular, coconut oil is just darn good for your skin. People in the Pacific Islands have been using it for thousands of years and can testify to this. Their skin is beautiful, wrinkle-free, and oh so healthy. Many will tell you it’s because they use coconut oil on their skin every day. 

The good news is that you too can benefit from all of the therapeutic properties that coconut oil has to offer.

What exactly is coconut oil?

If you are new to this tropical treasure, it might help to have an overview of exactly what this potent oil is. Coconut oil is a highly saturated oil that is made by extracting oil found in raw coconuts or dried coconut kernels. The oil is solid at room temperature but when heated, softens, and melts.

Coconut oil is a fatty acid with about 65% of its total composition being made up of medium-chain fatty acids. Fatty acids found in coconut include about 49% lauric acid and: 

  • Myristic acid
  • Caprylic acid
  • Palmitic acid
  • Capric acid
  • Oleic acid
  • Linoleic acid
  • Stearic acid

One tablespoon of coconut oil contains 12 grams of saturated fat and 1 gram of unsaturated fat.

What coconut oil can do for your skin

Here are the top reasons why you should start using coconut oil on your skin today.

Coconut oil can reduce inflammation

Chronic inflammation is the root cause of a number of skin conditions, including eczema, psoriasis, and contact dermatitis. Research reveals that coconut oil has powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. 

One of the ways that coconut oil can reduce inflammation is by improving the antioxidant status in the body. Antioxidants are essential for their role in fighting free radicals that cause oxidative damage and inflammation. By enhancing the antioxidant status in the body, coconut oil helps to cut off the source that feeds inflammation.

In one study, rats were fed coconut oil, olive oil, and sunflower oil. After the 45-day study, the virgin coconut oil had dramatically improved the antioxidant status and prevented oxidative stress when compared to the other oils.

Coconut oil has bacteria-fighting properties

When it comes to bacteria, coconut oil does not mess around. A study conducted at the Skin and Cancer Foundation in the Philippines compared virgin coconut oil to virgin olive oil in moisturizing dryness and removing bacteria from colonized atopic dermatitis skin. The study, a double-blind controlled trial, found that coconut oil was more effective than olive oil in killing bacteria, mostly because of its lauric acid content.

A study conducted at the Division of Dermatology, Department of Medicine, University of California, San Diego, looked at the antimicrobial properties of lauric acid and its potential to heal acne. The results were favorable for using lauric acid in place of antibiotics for the treatment of acne.

Coconut oil can hydrate your skin

You may have heard that coconut oil is the perfect light moisturizer, but did you know that it can be used throughout the seasons? In the summer, it’s great because it’s light and non-greasy, and blocks about 20 percent of the sun’s harmful rays.

In winter, applying a layer to your face and lips before you go outside can protect you from nasty windburn and soothe those dry spots when you get home.

Soothe minor wounds and irritations

Coconut oil has antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. Applying a thin layer to canker sores, insect bites, and other small wounds and skin irritations may help to heal them up faster, naturally.

Animal studies show that when coconut oil is combined with antibiotic medicine, it is effective at healing burns. Besides, the powerful antimicrobial properties of coconut oil may help reduce the risk of infection, which can often compromise the healing process.

Coconut oil can reduce wrinkles

Not only is coconut oil a fantastic moisturizer, but it can also help keep free radicals at bay—you know, those nasty things that promote wrinkles. Coconut oil could be the perfect anti-aging serum you have been searching for. The anti-inflammatory properties help reduce puffiness, while the antioxidants help you maintain that youthful glow you have always wanted. For best results, rub a little bit of coconut oil into the skin day and night.

Here are just a few other amazing things that this tropical delight can do

Boost your healthy weight loss efforts

A saturated fat… to help you lose fat? Yup! While you may have heard of this particular benefit of coconut oil before, it’s worth mentioning again. When added to a healthy lifestyle that includes real, nutritious foods and regular exercise, coconut oil can actually help you to lose weight… even those dangerous pounds around your belly.

How does this work? Well, as mentioned earlier,  coconut oil is largely composed of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs). These types of fatty acids are not stored as fat in the body. Rather, they are easily broken down by the liver for energy. This not only gives you the energy you need to have a great workout, but it also keeps you feeling fuller for longer—and away from those unhealthy snacks.

What about belly fat? As you may know, belly fat is especially dangerous because it coats vital organs, and has been linked to inflammation, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. A 2009 study found that women over 40 who ate two tablespoons of coconut oil each day for a month showed decreases in belly fat—compared to women who consumed two tablespoons of soybean oil and gained belly fat.

Completely transform your meals

When you replace all of the cooking oils in your kitchen with coconut oil, you will not only enhance your nutritional quotient, but you will also make your meals taste delicious. Baked goods, such as your favorite gluten-free bread, desserts made with honey instead of sugar, and casseroles, will shine with the addition of coconut oil.

This oil has a high smoke point and is also great for sautéing, making organic popcorn, and broiling. The light, tropical flavor will make you appreciate your favorite dishes in a whole new way.

Unlock the powers of virtually any essential oil

Many essential oils are too potent to be applied to the skin on their own. Enter coconut oil! Diluting your favorite essential oils in a base of coconut oil is a great way to make them gentle enough for your skin—for application to pressure points, joints, muscles, or for a general massage.

Just make sure to ask a natural health professional you trust before using a new essential oil for the first time—for tips on how much to dilute, and safe ways to apply.

Did you know coconut oil could do all this stuff? Pretty amazing, right? One thing—always get the real stuff: raw, organic, extra-virgin coconut oil from a source you trust. 

Anything less than quality is just selling yourself short.

The 7 Benefits Of Masturbation

During our teenage years, we suddenly found ourselves in an embarrassing predicament. With the onset of puberty, hormones were running rampant and our libido was skyrocketing, but where was the outlet for all this sexual tension? Well, masturbating, obviously.

But in most cultures, masturbation has consistently been viewed in a negative light, with parents shunning it and religion badmouthing it. If we were ever caught masturbating, it was seen as a punishable offense and one that would never be spoken of again. Masturbation became taboo — something that was laden with guilt and that you were ashamed of but had to do out of necessity.

As we mature into adults, most of us carry this notion of “masturbation as a crime” with us. Our need for it may be somewhat less urgent than in our teenage years, but it’s still there. But when it comes down to it, masturbation is a healthy, normal part of being a post-pubescent human, and it’s time to bring it out in the open and give it the credit it deserves.

Here are seven reasons to help you do just that.

It can improve your sex life 

Contrary to popular belief, masturbation can actually improve your sexual relations with others. This is because it enables you to work out your hotspots — what gets you going, what doesn’t, and how to get the most out of pleasuring yourself. You can pass this on to your partner during sex, making the experience more enjoyable for both of you.

You’ll feel great

It’s a well-known fact that sex makes you feel good. Newsflash: so does masturbation! That’s because our bodies release a heady wave of dopamines, endorphins, and oxytocin, all of which make you feel great and improve your mood. This influx of feel-good hormones helps to lower the feel-bad hormones swimming around in your body, specifically cortisol. Chronically elevated cortisol can have a strong detrimental effect on your body, increasing inflammation, feelings of anxiety, and weight gain.

And you’d be hard-pressed to find a more enjoyable way to get rid of it!

Your waistline will thank you

Not only does masturbation keep the pounds at bay by fighting off elevated cortisol in your body, it also reduces your junk-food cravings. During and after masturbation, the inflow of oxytocin into our brains makes us feel happier and keeps emotionally triggered food cravings for sugar-rich or salt-rich foods away.

It promotes a healthy heart

We all know that exercise is good for your heart, but it turns out masturbation, similar to exercise, gets your heart pumping and your blood flowing. Done regularly, this significantly lowers your risk of heart disease and diabetes.

It helps you sleep

Happily, masturbation has the same effect as sex in dropping you into a gloriously deep sleep. It’s believed that this is due to the flood of endorphins produced during orgasm, which produces deeper sleep and can even help you get to sleep faster, as you’ll be more relaxed.

For men, it improves sperm health

Men will be universally pleased to know that frequent masturbation keeps your sperm production on top of its game. This is because regularly masturbating minimizes DNA damage to sperm and encourages good sperm motility.

Oh, and it lowers your risk of prostate cancer, too.

For women, it improves vaginal health

Orgasms from masturbation help keep your pelvic floor strong and healthy, helping to prevent urinary problems and promote general sexual health. If you have uncomfortable periods, muscle contractions from masturbating can help to relieve period cramps.

Part of who you are is being comfortable with masturbation and the benefits it can provide. Keep these benefits in mind next time you feel the misguided taboos of masturbation creeping in. 

-The Backyard Vitality Team

Bust Toxins and Belly Fat With Black Lemonade

We’ve all heard of green juice, but what about black juice? When it comes to health drinks, black is the new black, with many brands incorporating activated charcoal into their health-promoting concoctions. Charcoal lemonade combines two popular detoxifying ingredients that have been used for centuries or even millennia, into an intriguing modern concept befitting the trendiest juice bars.

First, we have activated charcoal, which is known to remove toxins from the body, improve digestion, promote clear skin and increase energy.

Then we have lemon, which is a go-to for many of the same benefits as above, plus weight loss and improved immunity.

Together they pack a powerful punch that will leave you looking and feeling great.  So what exactly is behind this murky elixir?

The benefits of activated charcoal

Activated charcoal is the name given to a particular type of charcoal — not the same kind you’d use to grill up some burgers. It is a pure, food-grade form, made at extremely high heat from materials such as wood or coconut shells.

The special processing creates charcoal that is particularly porous, and combined with the negative electrical charge carried by the substance, these pores are very good at picking up foreign matter in the body.

For example, doctors in emergency rooms have historically used activated charcoal to help those who have ingested poisons or toxins, and still do today.

Scientific research has found that activated charcoal can remove harmful bacteria from the digestive system while leaving beneficial bacteria alone. This makes it a powerful remedy for gut bugs and food poisoning.

Studies show it can also improve cholesterol profiles, reducing “bad” LDL cholesterol while increasing its “good” HDL counterpart.

Although there isn’t much scientific research to back them up, there are many other anecdotal benefits of activated charcoal. Many swear by the stuff for whitening their teeth, since the porous quality can pick up substances that stain teeth. Others say it helps alleviate gas and bloating and helps prevent hangovers. And since the body is being detoxified and digestion enhanced, the carry-on benefits of activated charcoal include clearer skin, better organ function, decreased signs of aging, and more energy.

Lose weight, remove toxins, and more with lemon

Activated charcoal has an impressive portfolio of talents, but lemon is no slouch either.

Just the scent of a fresh lemon can boost your energy and lift your mood, which is very helpful if you’re feeling sluggish, sick or hungover.

It can also boost digestion, promote bile production, and support liver function, which has the overall effect of detoxifying the body and helping you lose weight.

Lemon helps you lose weight in more ways than one. It also helps you feel full longer thanks to its pectin content. Pectin is a type of fiber found in fruits that might help you be less tempted to snack throughout the day.

And finally, you’ll enjoy better immunity and younger-looking skin as a result of the vitamin C from lemons. This helps the immune system function at its best and supports the production of collagen which keeps skin smooth and firm.

Now that you’re well-versed in the benefits of activated charcoal and lemon water, let’s look at how to combine these powerful ingredients into a detoxifying elixir.

How to make charcoal lemonade

While many choose to buy a ready-made charcoal lemonade, you can also make it at home. Making your own is definitely the best way to save a few bucks if you’re on a budget.

Don’t worry about ending up with a foul-tasting brew — activated charcoal has negligible odor or taste. So while your drink might look mighty strange, it should taste much like your regular lemonade.


  • 2 lemons, organic
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup or agave nectar
  • 1 tsp activated charcoal
  • 4 cups filtered water


  1. Start by rolling the lemons firmly back and forth on the countertop to make them easier to juice. Then cut the lemons in half and juice them. Pour the juice into a bottle, pitcher or jar.
  2. Stir the maple syrup or agave nectar into the lemon juice.
  3. Add the activated charcoal, then top up the container with water.
  4. Stir or shake to combine.

Drink this amount of charcoal lemonade over a couple of hours to get the most benefit. If you can’t finish it, it will stay fresh in the fridge for a few days.

Experts suggest you shouldn’t drink charcoal lemonade more frequently than once or twice a week on a regular basis. Alternatively, if you are doing a cleanse, don’t drink it for longer than seven days.

Warnings about charcoal lemonade

There are a few things to take into account when drinking charcoal lemonade. Probably the most important is that activated charcoal is known to absorb not just unwanted toxins, but also other foreign substances like prescription medications. Consult your health professional to ensure you’re not endangering the activity of any medications you take by using activated charcoal.

Activated charcoal may also absorb nutrients from healthy food that you eat, so for this reason, drink your black lemonade away from other foods.

And finally, be sure to shake your drink well before and during consumption, as some anecdotal evidence indicates you may have stomach discomfort if the ingredients aren’t evenly distributed.

So what do you think, will you test out this trendy new detox drink? Are you brave enough to put your forebodings aside and take a sip of inky black lemonade? You might be pleasantly surprised by the wide range of benefits from this easy-to-make and affordable recipe. At the very least, you might be able to freak out your friends or colleagues.

-The Backyard Vitality Team

What is Your Poop Type? It Matters

When doctors at the Bristol Royal Infirmary Hospital in Bristol, England found that patients were reluctant to talk about the shape and nature of their stools, they devised a handy chart called the Bristol Stool Form Scale. This self-diagnostic chart helps patients discuss their bowel habits without becoming embarrassed. It is now being used all over the world as a measuring tool for bowel and digestive health.

How the Bristol Stool Chart can help you

The form of your stool depends on how long it spends in the colon. So, identifying which type of poop you have can give you an inside glimpse into your overall health. There are seven types of stools to consider:


Type one

These stools have spent the longest time in the colon and are often very difficult to pass. They resemble small nuts or hard lumps.

Type two

These stools are shaped like sausages but still have visible lumps. They are somewhat difficult to pass.

Type three

These stools are also sausage-shaped and better formed than type two, but with visible cracks.

Type four

These stools are like a smooth sausage or snake. They are well-formed and easy to pass.

Type five

Although these stools are easy to pass, they are comprised of many soft blobs with clear edges.

Type six

These stools are soft, fluffy, and mushy with ragged edges.

Type seven

If you have a type seven stool, it will be almost entirely liquid with no solid pieces.

What does healthy poop look like? 

Type four is the easiest stool to pass and demonstrative of a healthy colon. Stools should glide out smoothly and cause no discomfort. When you sit down to use the bathroom there should be no delay. In other words, you should not get halfway through “Gone with The Wind” before you have a movement. In fact, you should not have much time for reading at all.

How many times a day should you poop? 

If it takes you a long time to poop, this is a sign that you need a better diet.
If it takes you a long time to poop, this is a sign that you need a better diet.

Every time you eat, you should poop. This means that most people should poop from one to three times per day, not one to three times a week. Proper elimination is a sign of good colon health. Despite this, it is common for fecal matter to back up in the colon causing pain and discomfort. If your body is storing excrement, something is wrong. Symptoms may include headaches, bad breath, and skin problems. If your fecal matter backs up it can cause a traffic jam in your colon allowing the body to re-absorb toxins it was trying to eliminate. A diet rich in whole foods and plenty of filtered water helps to keep constipation at bay.

Is your poop well-formed?

A well-formed stool (type four) is the result of proper consumption and digestion. On the other hand, if you consume a diet low in fiber and high in processed foods, your stools will be malformed. Healthy stools do not contain undigested food parts. If they do have undigested parts, it usually means that we chewed our food too quickly or we have insufficient acid for the breakdown of food parts. Many people in America are hooked on antacids which actually result in a depletion of stomach acids. To counter this, try drinking warm lemon water in the morning.

Why does poop float? 

Floaters are good, as they indicate a healthy amount of fiber and essential fatty acids. Most people are lacking in healthy fats, and this will cause stools to sink immediately or be malformed. Contrary to what you may think, not all fats are bad. Healthy fats are, in fact, essential. If your stools are sinking like a torpedo rather than hanging around at the top of the surface, consider adding some ground flax to your daily diet. It goes great in cereal, salads or smoothies.

Always look in the toilet bowl

To know how your colon is doing, always look at your poop before you flush.
To know how your colon is doing, always look at your poop before you flush.

Go on… take a peek the next time you use the bathroom. If your stool is less than perfect, work on your diet. In the end, what comes out of your back end is the result of what you put in your front end. Keep this in mind as you make food choices.

-The Backyard Vitality Team

Do I Have a Problem if My Vagina Stinks? (and other vag questions)

Ladies, vaginal health matters. Paying attention to your vagina is as vital as brushing your teeth or making sure you drink enough water. Unfortunately, many people are too shy or embarrassed to talk about their vaginas – even to their medical practitioner.  A good rule of thumb is that it’s better to ask and be a little embarrassed rather than not ask and miss a clue that something is out of whack.

Here are some of the most frequently thought of but never asked questions women have about their vagina. 

Why does my vaginal discharge have an odor?

Here is some good news. If you have some white discharge that is mildly odiferous, it is generally a sign that your vagina is healthy. The discharge is part of the normal hormonal cycle that women go through. 

Some studies draw a connection between foods that are rich in spices to a change in vaginal smell. Coffee, onions, garlic, dairy, and meat may also alter your vaginal discharge odor. Eating more whole grains, fruits, and veggies produces a milder scent.

If the discharge is like cottage cheese in texture and has a fishy smell, you could have a yeast infection or even a sexually transmitted disease. Best to visit your doctor on this one to get a confirmation.

Why does my vagina fart?

Also known as queefing, vaginal farts should not be worrisome. During sex, air can become trapped, and as it escapes, it sounds like a fart. This does not cause any harm and is not something that can be prevented. Vaginal farts happen!

Why does my vagina itch during my period?

Most women have experienced it…that uncomfortable feeling of needing to itch your vagina. Of course, it usually happens at work or in some public place where there is no way to get the itch without drawing attention to yourself. If you are itchy before your period, it could be that a drop in estrogen is causing vaginal dryness. If you are itchy during your period, you may be allergic to the feminine hygiene product you are using. Try using natural products without dyes or fragrances – maybe it is time for a menstrual cup! If itching persists, see your physician who can test for a yeast imbalance or infection.

Is it possible to lose something in my vagina?

Although losing something in your vagina is not really possible – it is possible to get things stuck in there. The most common things that can get stuck include condoms, tampons, sponges, and diaphragms. If you forget that you already have a tampon in and insert a new one, it pushes the old one further into the vagina where it can get stuck. This can result in an infection with a strong odor. Visit your doctor to have the tampon removed immediately to avoid Toxic Shock Syndrome.

Why do I have acne in my pubic area

If you are an avid shaver, you may have acne-like bumps on your pubic area. While these are generally harmless, they can be irritating. Always use a clean razor and plenty of shaving cream when you shave. Also, follow up with a natural moisturizer like coconut oil. This will help keep the irritation to a minimum. Alternatively, you can opt for waxing which should not cause irritation or go au naturel!

Tips for keeping your vagina happy and healthy

One of the best ways to keep your vagina healthy is to look after your overall health and wellbeing. Eat a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and veggies, and stay active. Make sure that you are drinking lots of water as well. Being hydrated is essential for optimal vagina health.  Eating some fermented foods daily or taking a high-quality probiotic can help maintain the quantity and quality of vaginal bacteria.

The vagina is designed to be self-cleaning. This means that harsh soaps, wipes, douches, creams, and sprays are not necessary and can actually cause severe irritation. To keep the outside of the vagina – vulva area clean, use unscented soap and warm water. The inside of your vagina will take care of itself.

Another healthy habit to get into is using all-natural lubricants like coconut oil as opposed to perfumed lubricants that can irritate your vagina. Coconut oil is highly moisturizing and soothing with no artificial fragrances or dyes.

Here are a few additional tips to keep things healthy and happy down under

  • Wear only cotton underwear
  • Avoid wearing nylon pantyhose
  • Avoid wearing thongs

-The Backyard Vitality Team

Does Your Poop Float? Why You Need to Know

While the subject of our bathroom habits is usually either brushed under the rug or discussed in the form of embarrassing jokes, it is actually a complex and important area of health that should not be ignored.

We’ve talked about healthy bathroom habits and ways to resolve constipation, and today we will discuss the buoyancy of poop in particular. Whether your poops bob at the surface or dive to the bottom can be a sign of many things to do with your health and nutritional status.

Here are some of the hidden wellness messages that can be deciphered from the contents of your toilet.

Poor digestion of fats

A common conclusion in the health community is that floating poops are a sign of poor digestion. When the floating stool sticks to the side of the toilet bowl and is difficult to flush, or an oily sheen appears on the surface of the water, fats in the diet are likely left undigested.

So what can be done about floating poop? Talk to a trusted health practitioner about the health of your liver, gallbladder, and pancreas, all of which are involved in producing the bile that is used to digest fats.

Too little fiber

While many sources seem to indicate that sinking poops are preferred, others suggest that floaters are a sign that the diet contains a good amount of fiber. This is because those who eat more fiber, also known as prebiotics, have greater colonies of bacteria in the lower gut. This leads to poop that contains more gases produced by the bacteria. The gases make waste less dense and cause poop to float.

Regardless of whether you are seeing floaters or sinkers in the toilet, make sure that your diet contains lots of vegetables, fruit, nuts, and legumes to ensure that an adequate amount of fiber is being consumed. The goal is to get at least 35 grams each day.

If fiber is a new thing in your diet, start slowly! Otherwise, the number of bacteria feasting on all that fiber may increase too quickly and cause digestive discomfort.

Celiac disease

Some experts believe that floating poops could be a sign of celiac disease. Gluten leaves the gut inflamed and unable to digest food properly. Stools may float and be grey or tan in color and have a foul odor. A particular concern is if you see floating, soft, diarrhea-like stool frequently or for an extended period. If this is you, consider getting tested for celiac disease, or better yet, simply decide to eliminate gluten from your diet!


DoesYourPoopSinkorFloat640x359On the other hand, sinking poops can be a sign of chronic constipation. Constipation can occur when a person doesn’t have enough digestive motility (i.e., the intestines are not working to push the waste along). There are many causes of constipation, such as poor diet, anxiety, lack of exercise and not drinking enough water.

Common solutions are to drink more water to help hydrate the bowel and the stool, take magnesium supplements to relax the intestine, and use herbal remedies such as aloe vera juice and cayenne pepper, which are known to improve elimination.

Does the floater vs. sinker debate really matter?

In the end, many health experts do not emphasize the buoyancy of poop (or lack thereof). More important are the frequency, shape, color, and smell. Use the following checklist to determine if you are a healthy pooper:

  • Eliminate at least once per day (but not more than three times).
  • Have poops that are smooth and about the shape of a banana, not too hard and not too soft.
  • Color should be an even medium brown with no visible bits of food, fat, blood, or mucus.
  • The smell should be fairly neutral, not overly unpleasant.

The more points you answer “yes” to above, the better your poop health is! Ideally, you will experience a mix of floaters or sinkers on different days, along with some that just hover in the water and don’t go to either extreme.

How does your poop stack up? Make sure you take a moment to check it out next time you go!

-The Backyard Vitality Team


Why Put Baking Soda in Your Armpits

Finding the perfect deodorant can be hard. You want to stay away from the chemical-laden, aluminum-heavy, propylene glycol and paraben-infested commercial deodorants on your pharmacy shelf, but those natural deodorants and antiperspirants just don’t seem able to keep the sweat or stench away. And going au naturel isn’t an option since you don’t want to smell like you just finished running a 5k when you’re simply going about your workday. Thankfully, baking soda is to the rescue. Here’s why you should use this powder in your armpits and other ways it can prove useful in your personal-care lineup. 

Baking soda as deodorant

One of the baking sodas’ most well-known benefits is its ability to effectively absorb odors and actually get rid of them, instead of just covering them up. So it makes sense that it would rise to popularity as a natural alternative to harsh chemical deodorant. Though most of the evidence proving its effectiveness at smell control is anecdotal, studies have found that baking soda has antimicrobial benefits, which could explain its ability to fight off odor-causing bacteria under your arms.

Remember, baking soda could be irritating for your sensitive armpit skin, so it is important to test it on a small patch of your forearm before using it under your arms. Also, while baking soda is a great way to reduce odor, it may not be useful for preventing sweat since it is not an antiperspirant. 

Make a paste with water for the low-key, easy version, or use cornstarch as well to help increase the antiperspirant effects. Many people enjoy combining baking soda with shea or coconut butter and their favorite essential oils to create a more traditional deodorant paste. Experiment and do what works for you! It may take some time for your body to adjust, so be patient and don’t ditch it right away because it “just doesn’t work for you.” You can also buy natural deodorant with baking soda as an active ingredient if you don’t want to go the DIY route. 

Other ways to use baking soda for personal care

Odor removing handwash

Hate the lingering scent of garlic or fish on your hands after you finish cooking dinner? Is hand soap alone just not cutting it? Rub a 3 part baking soda to 1 part dish soap mixture into your hands and wash with warm water. The nasty odors will be gone, and your hands will even be a little softer due to the extra exfoliation. 

Halitosis busting mouthwash

Nasty odors can accumulate on your hands, but it’s even worse when your breath starts to smell up a room. Instead of chowing down on mints and gum that merely mask the scent, dissolve 1 tsp of baking soda in a glass of water and swish it in your mouth for about 30 seconds. Spit and rinse out your mouth with clean water. Because baking soda has a neutral pH, it is perfect for neutralizing acidic odors in your mouth. 

Relaxing and exfoliating bath soak

Add ¼ cup of baking soda to your warm bath along with ½ cup of Epsom salts and your favorite essential oils. The baking soda will make your skin extra smooth, while the Epsom salts and aromatherapy from the essential oils will help you relax and unwind. 

Rejuvenating foot soak

Target your feet specifically and give them some much-needed love with a rejuvenating baking soda foot soak. Simply sprinkle some into your foot soak container along with warm water, let your feet sit for about 15 minutes, and then scrub them with some extra baking soda. This gentle exfoliation is perfect for sensitive feet and will help eliminate dry, cracked heel skin, and leave your feet sandal-ready. 

Hair product eliminator

Do you feel like your shampoo isn’t getting your hair as clean as it used to? If so, you may have a buildup of styling products and conditioners on your scalp that is preventing your shampoo from doing its job. The next time you wash your hair, sprinkle some baking soda into your hand and then mix with your shampoo in your palm. Use it as you usually would, making sure to scrub your scalp. This will help eliminate the product buildup and leave your hair squeaky clean. Remember, don’t use it every wash as it can dry out your hair follicles if used too frequently. 

-Backyard Vitality Team

What your Pee Color & Smell Tell You

Sometimes it’s surprising how unexpected simple things can tell us a lot about our state of health. Take for example the color of urine — color changes in pee can be an early indicator of potential health problems. How often do you sneak a peek at your urine? If you are like most people, you probably don’t bother, right? During your lifetime, your kidneys will work very hard to filter over one million gallons of water. Urine is about 95 percent water and 5 percent uric acid, the stuff that your body does not need — including minerals, enzymes, and salts that are dangerous if they accumulate in your body. Urine can fluctuate in color and odor depending on what you are eating and drinking, how active you are, the time of day, or what supplements you are taking. However, urine color and odor can also be an indication of something more serious.

Would you have ever thought that great things could be learned from your pee? Urine should be pale yellow or clear — not glow-in-the-dark yellow or dark yellow. It should not be cloudy or have a knock-you-over odor unless you have been eating asparagus!

Anything apart from clear and odorless could be a sign of trouble.

Urine is made up of excess water and wastes that your kidneys have filtered. Urochrome, a pigment found in blood, gives urine its natural light yellow tone. Depending on how hydrated you are, your urine color can fluctuate from clear to darker yellow or even orange-tinted.

Here is a quick pee primer to fill you in on what you should look for and what your urine may be telling you.

Super clear or transparent

Yep, there is such a thing as urine that is too clear. If your urine is super clear, it may mean you are drinking too many fluids. Be careful not to over-hydrate. The best rule of thumb is to aim for half of your body weight in ounces each day.

This means, if your weight is 120 pounds, you should be drinking 60 ounces of water per day. More serious conditions, such as acute viral hepatitis or cirrhosis, can also cause your pee to turn very clear. However, you will also have other symptoms, such as skin yellowing, nausea or vomiting with these conditions. Pale straw coloring to a transparent yellow hue means you are healthy and receiving a proper amount of hydration.

Dark yellow colored

Urine that is dark yellow in color is still considered within a normal range for healthy individuals. However, it also likely indicates you may not be as hydrated as you should be.

Honey or amber-colored

These darker, orange hues are usually a good indicator that you are becoming dehydrated. It is best to increase your water intake and then check to see if the color returns to a normal yellow range. When combined with pale-colored stools, orange urine may be an indication of liver problems.

Neon yellow colored

Glowing yellow urine may be the result of excess vitamins that are not being absorbed by your body. It is best to eat a diet loaded with whole foods and stick to whole food supplements that your body can absorb.

Light to dark orange colored

This is a somewhat ambiguous color because it could mean something or nothing. This tint can be caused by food dyes, dehydration, or actual health problems with your bile duct or liver. It is always best to check with a physician.


Green or blue-colored

This is most

likely going to be caused by artificial coloring in something that you ate. However, it could be from a bacterial infection in the urinary tract or the sign of a rare genetic disorder. Consult with a physician to rule out health problems.

Brown or cola-colored

This color is a possible sign of serious dehydration or even possible liver disease. Immediately increase your water intake and check to see if the color lightens. If this darkened coloration persists, you should follow up with your physician.

Light pink to darker red-colored

This is hard to interpret. Many foods can cause urine discoloration, such as beets and blueberries. Medications can also contain dyes and compounds that can change the color of your urine. However, it might indicate the presence of blood in the urine, but many times blood in the urine is not visible to the naked eye. There are a number of possible causes that would lead to blood in the urine, like kidney disease, urinary tract infections, and prostate issues. It is always best to consult with your physician to be sure.

Other considerations

Besides color, it is a good idea to pay careful attention to other urine abnormalities including the following:

Cloudy urine

If you are having low back pain, lower abdomen pain, or urinary urgency combined with cloudy urine, see a physician. Cloudy urine may also be the result of kidney stones, generally accompanied by great pain.

Fizzy or foamy urine

Besides the color, it’s important to take notice if your urine appears to be fizzy or foamy. If this only happens on rare occasions then it is likely just a benign cause. If it is occurring regularly, it may be indicating possible high levels of protein in the urine. When in doubt, it is best to get it checked out.

A note about odor

Normal urine should not have a strong odor, but there are also many substances that can alter the way your pee smells. Urine is the reflection of what is going on inside of your body and contains many metabolic by-products and compounds. Some dogs are even able to “smell cancer” in humans.

If your urine has a very pungent aroma, like ammonia, it could be an indication of a urinary tract infection, urinary stones, or a sign of dehydration. Because dehydration causes urine to become concentrated, it will have a stronger than usual odor. According to MDHealth.com, menopause, some sexually transmitted diseases, and certain metabolic conditions can also increase the ammonia smell.

Other reasons for a change in urine odor include the following:

  • Medications and supplements — some may change the color of urine.
  • Diet — certain foods, such as asparagus, cause urine to smell foul.
  • Diabetes — can cause urine to smell fruity or yeasty.

The most important thing to remember when checking your urine color is that it can change to a myriad of colors due to a number of factors. Just knowing what normal urine should look and smell like provides a useful measuring tool. See a physician if your urine changes color and the color persists or is accompanied by other symptoms.

Though it may sound a little strange, paying attention to the color of your urine may be a warning sign to catch early health problems. Isn’t it worth a quick sneak peek in the toilet bowl to make sure everything is okay?


-The Backyard Vitality Team


Have a Better Poop and 16 Other Ways to Use Epsom Salts

Epsom salt, which is not really a salt at all but a mineral compound comprised of magnesium and sulfate, gets its named from a saline spring at Epsom in Surrey, England. Epsom salt has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for a number of ailments, and also has many beauty, gardening, and household uses. Both magnesium and sulfate are readily absorbed into the skin, which makes their health benefits readily accessible. Over 325 enzymes in the body are regulated by magnesium, which also helps reduce inflammation, alleviates the hardening of the arteries, and improves muscle and nerve function. Sulfates improve the rate at which nutrients are absorbed and help to flush out toxins.

Soothe sore muscles: An Epsom salt bath is a great way to soothe sore muscles, cramps, bruises, and joint pain. Because of this, it is a great after-workout soak. In addition, soaking in an Epsom salt bath is a wonderful way to relax and relieve stress. Add 2 cups of salts to a warm bath. Mix the salt in so it dissolves in the water. Soak for 10-15 minutes for best results.

Exfoliate skin: As we shed our skin naturally, the buildup of dead skin cells clogs pores and can cause blemishes. Exfoliation is necessary to keep skin healthy, glowing, and vibrant. The best way to exfoliate with Epsom salts is to massage handfuls all over the body in the shower or bath. Your skin will feel soft and fresh with this homemade spa treatment.

Homemade hand wash: Mix ½ cup of baby oil with ½ cup of water and add ¼ cup of Epsom salts and a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Set this homemade mixture next to your sink for a nice bathroom hand wash.

Treat insect bites and poison ivy: A compress made with Epsom salts is a great way to treat mosquito bites, bee stings, and poison ivy. Mix 2 tablespoons of salts with 1 cup of warm water. Soak a clean cloth in the mixture and hold on the affected area to remove pain, burning, and itching.

Clean your face: Your face needs to be cleaned and exfoliated just like the rest of your body. Put a teaspoon of Epsom salts in your hand and mix with a little warm water. Scrub your face with the mixture then rinse clean. This facial cleaner not only exfoliates and rejuvenates but also helps remove blackheads and prevent acne.

Remove splinters: Splinters can be tricky and painful to remove. Skip the needles and soak your splintered skin in an Epsom salt bath. The salts will draw the splinter out and leave the area clean.

Lip balm: Dry, flaky, cracked lips are not only unsightly but also painful. Heal this uncomfortable condition with a homemade Epsom salt lip balm. Mix equal parts organic coconut oil and Epsom salts. Apply to lips generously to exfoliate and moisturize.

Tile cleaner: Bathroom and kitchen tile grime can be difficult to clean. Powerful tile cleaners are not only expensive but also often contain harmful chemicals. Make your own hard-working natural Epsom salt tile scrub. Mix equal parts liquid dish soap with Epsom salts. Scrub onto tiles with a sponge and rinse clean with water.

Insect killer: Mix ¼ cup of Epsom salts with 2 cups of water and place in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture around your home and garden to safely deter insects without the use of chemical insecticides.

Relieve constipation: Epsom salts are a great way to relieve constipation. Mix 2 teaspoons of Epsom salts in a glass of water. Drink the entire cup for the best results. If the taste is not appealing to you, try mixing with fresh juice instead.

Fertilize your lawn and plants: Epsom salts make a wonderful fertilizer for your lawn and potted plants. For greener grass, mix 1 cup of the salts for every gallon of water and spray over the lawn area. To fertilize potted plants, simply sprinkle Epsom salts around the base of the plants once every week. This method of fertilizing also works great for tomatoes and other veggies.

Draw out toxins and reduce swelling: An Epsom salt bath is a wonderful way to draw toxins out of your body. Soaking in a bath for 10-15 minutes is also a great way to reduce swelling. Mix 1-2 cups of Epsom salts in a warm bath and mix to dissolve in water.

Boost your laundry: Epsom salts combined with a little essential oil make a perfect fabric softener for your laundry. In addition, the salts will help remove detergent buildup from your washer. Mix 4 cups Epsom salts with 20 drops of your favorite essential oil. Add ¼ cup to each load of laundry.

Kill foot fungus and remove odor: Soaking your feet in Epsom salts not only reduces swelling and draws out toxins but also zaps odors and foot fungus. Add ¼ cup to a large container of warm water. Soak feet for 10-15 minutes.

Sunburn treatment: Soaking in an Epsom salt bath is a great way to soothe skin irritated by sunburn. Mix 1 cup of salts in warm bathwater. Mix to combine and soak in the bath for 10-15 minutes.

Hair conditioner: Epsom salts make a great deep conditioner to add volume and remove grease from your hair. Combine equal parts of organic hair conditioner and Epsom salts and apply liberally to hair. Let sit for 20 minutes, then rinse clean.

Soften your hands: You know that soaking your feet in Epsom salts is healthy, but what about your hands? Soaking your hands is a great way to soothe rough skin, calm aching finger joints, remove nail polish and remove any dirt from under your nails. Add 1/4 cup of Epsom salts to a large bowl of warm water. Soak hands in the mixture for 5-10 minutes.

-The Backyard Vitality Team

Kill Stubborn Muffin Top in Just 20 Minutes a Day

Compared to our ancestors, today we live overwhelmingly sedentary lives. Every day revolves around immobility, as we force ourselves out of bed, sit down to breakfast, walk a few steps to the car, sit in traffic as we commute, then sit at work for hours. At the end of the day, we go home, sit on the couch, watch TV for a few hours, then return to bed.

Sitting around doing nothing isn’t a good thing, and it’s certainly not promoting a healthy lifestyle. As we sit in front of our computer at work or chow down on a bag of chips, images of our burgeoning bellies or rapidly expanding thighs guilt us into making a visit to the gym. You might work out for a while, sit on a bike reading a magazine or lift some weights or dumbbells and suddenly the guilt is gone! We’ve avoided weight gain and got the blood pumping in one fell swoop, and a whole day of immobility has been washed away in a single hour. 

Sadly, it seems that this reasoning is incorrect. A recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has found that a sedentary lifestyle is responsible for twice as many deaths as obesity. Conducted by researchers at the University of Cambridge, the study measured the height, weight, and waist circumference against self-reported physical activity levels of over 330,000 European men and women for a whopping 12 years.

Researchers estimated that 337,000 of 9.2 million recorded European deaths were attributed to obesity, while 676,000 can be blamed on inactivity sitting around and not moving regularly. And spending an hour at the gym after a day of immobility is not sufficient to counteract the detrimental effects.

The good news? A 20-minute walk every day could offset the effects of a sedentary lifestyle and add seven years to your life, reducing your chances of premature death by between 16 and 30 percent. The study showed that the benefits of a brisk 20-minute walk, which typically burns between 90 and 100 calories, were observed largely in those people studied who had normal weight. As the body mass index of test subjects increased, the benefits of that 20-minute walk decreased.

Researchers stated that although 20 minutes a day, every day, could make a huge difference to people’s health and longevity, this is the absolute minimum. Professor Ulf Ekelund, who led the study, stated, “Although we found that just 20 minutes would make a difference, we really should be looking to do more than this physical activity has many proven health benefits and should be an important part of our daily life.” 

The message is clear: The more you move around during the day, the healthier you’ll be and the longer you’ll live. While doing intensive exercise at the gym is certainly helping you to stay in shape, a daily trip to the gym alone is not enough.

The good news is, it’s ridiculously easy to incorporate movement back into your life. When you wake in the morning, take five minutes to move around with some gentle yoga or a few basic stretches. As cliché as it sounds, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park your car further away in parking lots so that you have an excuse to walk for longer to wherever you’re going. Instead of sitting around watching YouTube videos on your computer at lunch, grab a buddy and head outside for a 20-minute walk before or after eating. And find excuses throughout the workday to walk around. Make multiple trips to the cooler for water, or take the long way to the toilet. Simple things make all the difference. 

Government guidelines state that adults should aim to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, carrying it out over 10 sessions or more. This should be your baseline for staying healthy and “stopping the clock.” Mix up your exercise routine by going for a long walk in the park or on the beach one day, enjoying a bike ride the following day, then going for a swim the next day, and so on. Keep things varied and you’ll really look forward to your daily bout of movement. 

Got your attention? Find out how exercise — in addition to prolonging your life — can actually support healthy brain function and fight off dementia.

-The Backyard Vitality Team

