

7 Underrated Seeds That Are Nutrient-Dense and Practically Immortal

Seeds are nature’s tiny powerhouses, packed with essential nutrients like protein, healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. These little gems support heart health, boost energy, improve digestion, and promote glowing skin. Did you know some of the most underrated seeds are best for you? These seeds can also be stored for years, sometimes even decades while retaining their nutritional potency.

If you’re looking to expand your diet with nutrient-dense, long-lasting seeds, here are seven underrated options to consider:

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Grow These Ancient Survival Grains in Your Home Garden

There’s a good reason why our ancestors relied on ancient grains for survival — and why they’ve resurfaced in home gardens today. Ancient grains are highly nutritious superfoods, far healthier than the processed wheat products lining the store shelves. In addition, many ancient grains flourish with far fewer pesticides and less fertilizer and irrigation, making them an ideal survival grain for gardeners looking to minimize their carbon footprint.

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What is Pigweed and Is it Edible?

If you live virtually anywhere in North America, you’ve likely heard of, and been irritated by pigweed. This green, unassuming weed has long been considered a severe nuisance since every single plant can produce nearly 100,000 seeds each season. If you’ve ever looked into healthy grain alternatives, you’ve probably come across something known as amaranth. A “super grain,” gluten-free, pseudocereal that is prized for its notable health benefits. Believe it or not, these two plants are actually one and the same. Read on as we delve into the truth behind pigweed and set the record straight once and for all. 

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