

Eat More Sweet Potatoes – and Put Them on Your Face Too

I love sweet potatoes; they are a highly nutritious and delicious root vegetable. Known as Ipomoea batatas, sweet potatoes are not only one of the best vitamin A sources, but they are also packed with vitamin B5 niacin, thiamin, and carotenoids. Research has also uncovered a host of therapeutic benefits in sweet potatoes. They contain anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-diabetic properties. Sweet potatoes are a delicious addition to any meal and can even help keep your skin healthy.

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Supercharge Your Water With Delicious Homegrown Produce

Water, we can’t live without it, and consuming it on its own has a myriad of health benefits such as keeping us hydrated, aiding in weight loss, and keeping our skin, hair, and nails looking great. Plus, it can aid in digestion, maintain the balance of body fluids, energize muscles, help kidneys and bowels with regular function, and so much more. But…do you sometimes get tired of water and wish that it actually tasted like something other than, well, water? You are in luck. There are a number of easy-to-grow, delicious and nutritious herbs and fruits that you can add to your water.

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Drink This Plant Potion for Better Immunity and a Great Night’s Sleep

For as long as humans have been able to warm water, they have enjoyed herbal teas. Herbal teas are not really true teas like green, black, and oolong tea, which are all brewed from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. Herbal teas can be made from any part of a plant, including the roots, leaves, flowers, seeds, berries, or bark, and they can sometimes contain thousands of different compounds, each with distinctive healing capabilities. 

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Honey Fixes for Radiant Skin and Healthy Hair

Do you enjoy a dollop of honey in your tea? Perhaps you have traded out refined sugar for local raw honey in your favorite muffin recipe. You might not know about honey because it contains many therapeutic properties that make it a fantastic natural substitute for sugar and a sweet elixir for great hair, skin, and overall health and well-being.

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Lower Blood Sugar with Cinnamon: Here’s How to do It

Cinnamon has a long history and is one of the oldest spices known to humanity. It received honorable mentions in the Bible and was used in ancient Egypt to flavor beverages, as medicine, and as an embalming agent. Some ancient Chinese botanical medicinal writings date its use as far back as 2700 BC.

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7 Ways to Eat Blueberries for Brain Health and More

They may be small, but this blue fruit packs a powerful punch. In fact, just one cup provides a fourth of the daily requirement of vitamin C and manganese, as well as vitamin K, along with a host of other nutrients in smaller quantities. All these and a considerable amount of fiber come with very few calories, making blueberries a sweet snack that everyone can enjoy.

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