

These 3 Super Herbs Can Reduce Blood Pressure and More

Nearly half of all Americans have high blood pressure (also called hypertension), a preventable condition that is the number one risk factor for heart disease.  Sadly, millions of people with this condition go undiagnosed.  The good news is, numerous lifestyle changes can help prevent, manage, and even eliminate high blood pressure. Additionally, nature has provided relief for this condition as well. Let’s take a closer look at some easy-to-grow herbs that can be used to regulate blood pressure.

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5 Herbal Remedies You Can Make at Home

Herbs are beautiful, edible plants that emit enticing aromas. Plus, they are highly beneficial for adding delectable flavor to outstanding cuisine and are highly prized for their therapeutic value. For thousands and thousands of years, herbs have been central in wellness elixirs, tinctures, salves, oils, teas, and more. 

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Surprising Pesto Ingredient Packs a Punch Against Inflammation

If you love pesto, you’re already on the path to better health, whether you realize it or not. Basil, the star ingredient in pesto, is more than just a fragrant herb that adds flavor to pasta and pizza. It’s a potent anti-inflammatory powerhouse packed with compounds that can help fight chronic diseases, ease joint pain, and support overall wellness.

Let’s dive into why basil is a natural anti-inflammatory champion, the science behind its benefits, and how you can incorporate more of this healing, easy-to-grow garden herb into your diet.

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The Top “Happy” Plants for Busting a Sour Mood

I always feel better after taking a walk through my garden. Plants are mood boosters and can turn any frown upside down. Certain plants have even been found to scientifically improve moods. Planting and enjoying these beauties is a sure way to keep your spirits high.

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5 Immune-Boosting Survival Foods You Can Grow Indoors All Year Long

You don’t have to be a gardening mastermind to grow your own edible plants; you don’t even have to have space outside for a garden! In fact, there are lots of health-promoting plants that can be grown indoors, even in a tiny apartment space. Just imagine, all you have to do is wake up in the morning and take a few steps to tend your crops. 

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6 Easy to Grow Therapeutic Herbs (and why you should grow them)

Growing herbs is a rewarding experience that can also be quite practical. Herbs have a long history of both culinary and medicinal use. Loading your garden up with a few powerhouse herbs like the ones below offers not only great beauty but also a treasure trove of therapeutic benefits.

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The Key to Fresh Indoor Herbs All Year Long

While indoor plants for decor are undoubtedly beautiful, there’s something to be said for plants that are pretty and functional. If you love to cook, want easy access to fragrant herbs for drying or tea making, or simply have an empty kitchen windowsill that you want to fill, consider planting an indoor herb garden. Don’t worry, it’s not as hard as you think, and if you follow these simple tricks, you’ll be able to enjoy fresh, free herbs all year long.

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How to Make Super Healthy Honey Infused with Herbs and Flowers

Ah honey, that sweet and delicious gift from the bees that we all love so much. Not only does it tempt our senses but honey is also highly desirable for its long-standing and scientifically proven health benefits. Pure, raw honey has a host of therapeutic uses stemming from its antibacterial and antifungal properties and antioxidant power. Honey is a wound healer, immunity booster, a gut soother and can ease a sore throat, to name just a few of its many benefits. If you have access to raw, local honey, it is easy to make your own infused honey that is beautiful, delicious, and highly nutritious. 

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Grow These Herbs to Reduce Blood Pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension is a common condition where the heart pumps blood with extra force. This puts the arteries under heavy load and eventually leads to cardiovascular disease, a major cause of death in many developed countries, including the United States. 

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3 No Fail Herbs to Grow from Seed

Herbs are an essential addition to any garden and are an excellent ways for the beginner gardener to get their feet wet. They are easy to grow and will produce throughout the whole year if cared for properly. From the kitchen to various beauty products, and medicinal salves, you are almost guaranteed to start using fresh herbs in virtually every room in your house. Thankfully, growing herbs from seed is easy and is a wonderful (and inexpensive) way to create a bountiful herb garden.

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6 Summer Teas to Enjoy at Your Next Garden Party

You’ve finally developed the perfect outdoor living space. You have comfy chairs, cooling fans, and lighting strung in the trees to set the mood. What better way to welcome summer than by throwing a vibrant garden party with your closest friends on your newly revamped porch or patio? Of course, you need fabulous potted plants and vines to complete the look, but no party is complete without these healthy and refreshing summer teas. Check out our favorites below!

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