

This “CLEAN” Compost Trick Will Make Your Veggies Grow Huge

It’s spring, and for many gardeners around the country, it is time to prepare garden beds and start planting. One of the best things you can do for your plants is to supercharge your soil with rich, nutrient-dense compost. Don’t have time for composting? Don’t fret; there is one really neat compost trick that takes little time and effort but pays off big – building up the soil and making nutrients available to hungry plants and beneficial critters deep inside the soil.

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Tilling Alternatives: How to Make a Double Dig Garden

As more and more people embrace organic gardening that works with the earth rather than against it, tilling is finally falling out of fashion. For decades, tilling was seen as the only viable option for spring planting. However, this method actually damages the delicate balance of the soil by causing soil compaction, harming microorganisms, and increasing erosion. But if tilling is out of the question, what other options do you have when creating a garden? Read on to find out.

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