

Ditch the Bug Zappers, Try This Instead

It’s summer, your garden is blooming, and you are anxious to host weekend outdoor parties and show off your beautiful patio and yard, but… you live in an area where mosquitoes are like vicious sharks, seemingly waiting in the air to attack. Perhaps you have tried those noisy bug zappers that annoyingly let you know every time they annihilate a flying pest (some of which are not bad pests, either).  Between the annoyance and guilt, it may be time to try something more natural to keep the unwanted guests from crashing your party. Here are a few great options.

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Mix Dish Soap with This to Kill Aphids for Good

They may be tiny, but they are also insanely damaging. Aphids are among the most destructive insect pests on garden plants in temperate growing zones. They cling to plants and suck sap, which weakens the plant and makes it susceptible to a host of viruses. They also leave ugly honeydew deposits (a sugary, rich liquid) on leaves, closely followed by sooty mold growth. 

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Solve These Common Garden Problems with Cinnamon

While TV advertisements and mainstream gardening advice would have you believe that all sorts of chemicals are required to manage issues in your garden, we think otherwise. A holistic approach often works best – preventing any toxic side effects and also saving you money. Here is how you can enjoy the superpower of cinnamon in your garden.

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6 Most Annoying Indoor Plant Pests and What to Do

If your houseplants are dying and you can’t figure out why, you might have a pest problem on your hands. Here are a few of the most common indoor plant pests and how to get rid of them for good.

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Top Carnivorous Plants Anyone Can Grow

Carnivorous and plant aren’t exactly two words that go together, and you probably don’t often think of plants that “eat” bugs. However, this category of intriguing flora is incredibly fascinating and deserves a lot more attention than it gets. If you’ve always wanted to try growing a plant that catches its own food but didn’t know where to start, you’ve found what you’re looking for. These three carnivorous plants are great for beginners and are incredibly easy to grow if you follow a few simple guidelines. 

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Keep Pests Out of Your Garden With This Special Salt

Epsom salt is familiar to gardeners as a fertilizer. When you find your plants looking tired, giving them a small dose of Epsom salt is a quick way to rejuvenate them. This is particularly true for ferns and palms. Roses, azaleas, tomatoes, peppers, and fruit trees also respond well to its regular application with increased flowering and yield. If that’s not enough, this inexpensive non-toxic solution can help keep pests out of your garden, too.

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How to Throw the Perfect Backyard Party

The long, lazy days of summer are a great time to reconnect with old friends and get to know new ones. Once your garden is in bloom, and the weather has warmed, there’s nothing like a classic backyard party to create priceless, lasting memories. Follow these simple tricks, and soon you’ll be throwing backyard get-togethers like a pro.

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What is a Chicken Moat and How to Build One

The concept of a moat to protect a piece of property is not a new one. In medieval times, a wide, deep trench was dug around the perimeter of a castles property and usually filled with water. This ditch or moat served as a unique natural defense system and deterred enemies from approaching the stronghold. This same concept can be applied to the modern garden. However, instead of using depth and water as the natural barrier, you use chickens.

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Want to Attract More Wildlife – Here is What You Should Do

If you are anything like me, there is nothing more enjoyable to you than sitting on your patio in the warm twilight air, sipping a cup of tea and watching the birds and insects trill around your garden. You don’t have to live in the heart of the country to enjoy this vision, either. Even if you are in an urban area, there are ways that you can, and should, be encouraging wildlife to find sanctuary in your yard. Here are a few tips and tricks to make your garden a natural paradise…no matter where you are.

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