

Banish Armpit Bacteria and Odor with Lemons: It Works

I love to grow all citrus fruits, including lemons. Lemon trees are so cheerful, and the fruit that they bear is incredibly useful. Fresh lemonade, lemon pie, lemon water spritzers, lemon cookies, lemon cleaning products, and even lemon deodorant! That’s right; when I discovered that lemons could naturally keep me smelling fresh all day long, it was a game-changer. I developed an even greater respect for the little yellow fruit. Let’s take a closer look at how lemons can rescue your stinky pits.

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Selfies Are More Deadly Than Shark Attacks (It’s True)

It might seem surprising, but studies have shown that more people die from selfie-related incidents than shark attacks.

People often take risks to get the perfect selfie, such as standing near cliffs, posing with dangerous animals, or even trying to take pictures while driving. These actions can lead to accidents and even fatalities.

So while sharks may have a fearsome reputation, it’s important to remember that everyday activities like taking selfies can also have potential dangers.

Here are some more surprising things that statistically pose a greater threat to human life than sharks:

  • Vending machines: Around 13 people die each year due to vending machine accidents, often because they rock or tilt the machine to try and dislodge a stuck snack.
  • Falling coconuts: It sounds like a joke, but falling coconuts are responsible for an estimated 150 deaths annually.
  • Champagne corks: Those celebratory pops can be dangerous! Flying corks can cause blindness and even death, with a few fatalities reported each year.
  • Left-handedness: Lefties are more prone to accidents in a world designed for right-handed people. This leads to a higher accidental death rate.
  • Hot water heaters: Improperly installed or maintained water heaters can explode, causing burns, injuries, and even death.
  • Lightning strikes: While still relatively rare, lightning strikes kill more people than sharks each year.
  • Cows: Believe it or not, cows cause a surprising number of human fatalities, mostly through kicking or trampling.