

11 Easy and Beautiful Flowers for the Beginner Gardener

So, you want to plant flowers to beautify your landscape but are not sure where to start. Perhaps you are brand new to gardening and have never even planted a flower before. No worries, the good news is, there are plenty of very easy to plant and maintain flowers that will bring endless color and interest to your landscape without requiring a lot of knowledge or effort. These are the best flowers for beginner gardeners because they will not disappoint and will give you the confidence to try new and exciting things next season! Let’s take a look at 11 of the easiest flowers for beginner gardeners.

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7 Perennials That Aren’t Really Perennials

We all love the bright colors and plentiful blooms of annuals. But let’s face it, they’re not exactly the most economical plants for your garden. Even if you save some money by buying annuals from seed, the cost over the years adds up, especially if you focus on annuals more than perennials. Fortunately, there is a way to ensure that you get your annual fix without having to break the bank in the process. Read on to find out about our favorite annuals that masquerade as perennials and come back every year.

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