

5 Steps to Reviving a Sad Looking House Plant

Houseplants bring great joy and health benefits to any home. Unfortunately, even under the most diligent care, they don’t always thrive. If your houseplants are looking a little ragged, don’t despair! You can still nurse it back to health. These are the most common reasons your houseplant may be struggling and steps to revive it. 

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Want the Best Grass on the Block? Do These Things

Any suburban dweller with a plot of grass in front of their home knows the status that comes with having a green, lush, weed-free lawn. Though it may seem like having a great lawn is a luxury for those with endless free time to spend on their precious grass, it is not as far out of reach as you may think. Follow these simple tricks and soon you’ll be basking in the glow of your “best lawn of the month” award…without spending four hours per day on yard work.

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Why You Should Grow These Veggies and Herbs in the Shade

Most vegetables need plenty of sun to flourish. Corn, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, squash, beans and peas are sun lovers, and you need to grow them in full sun for bumper crops. However, there are a number of vegetables that do better with a bit of shade, especially during the hotter parts of the day.

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Keep Pests Out of Your Garden With This Special Salt

Epsom salt is familiar to gardeners as a fertilizer. When you find your plants looking tired, giving them a small dose of Epsom salt is a quick way to rejuvenate them. This is particularly true for ferns and palms. Roses, azaleas, tomatoes, peppers, and fruit trees also respond well to its regular application with increased flowering and yield. If that’s not enough, this inexpensive non-toxic solution can help keep pests out of your garden, too.

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What is a Keyhole Garden and Why Make One?

Keyhole gardens are a way of integrating several gardening chores for easy management. It includes growing vegetables, watering the beds, and composting garden waste, all at the same time. Pioneered in Africa, keyhole gardening is now a time-tested technique that saves time, space, and minimizes the effort required to maintain a productive garden.  

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Chickens in New York City? Urban Chicks on the Rise

Raising chickens in urban and suburban areas has become more popular than ever. Just one supplier of chickens reported delivering over 3,000 to locations in New York City in three recent years. There are many reasons to raise chickens, including a steady supply of organic eggs and the benefits they bring to gardens. Before starting a flock, though, it’s important to understand how much work goes into raising chickens and be aware of the legal implications.

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