

12 Tips to Keep Your Garden Harvest Fresh for Longer

Have you ever been so blessed by a massive harvest that you become overwhelmed? I know the feeling! Sometimes you just have so many fresh veggies that you become worried about using them all before they go bad. Believe me, this is a problem. However, you can turn your problem around if you follow these tips on preserving and keeping your harvest fresh for longer.

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Flower Power vs. Microplastics: Natural Antioxidants to the Rescue

New research highlights the potential of antioxidants found in fruits and flowers to counteract the detrimental effects of microplastics on the reproductive system. Anthocyanins, the compounds responsible for the vibrant colors in many nuts, fruits, and vegetables, have shown promising protective effects against reproductive toxicity caused by microplastic exposure.

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Ditch the Bug Zappers, Try This Instead

It’s summer, your garden is blooming, and you are anxious to host weekend outdoor parties and show off your beautiful patio and yard, but… you live in an area where mosquitoes are like vicious sharks, seemingly waiting in the air to attack. Perhaps you have tried those noisy bug zappers that annoyingly let you know every time they annihilate a flying pest (some of which are not bad pests, either).  Between the annoyance and guilt, it may be time to try something more natural to keep the unwanted guests from crashing your party. Here are a few great options.

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Becoming a Mindful Gardener Amidst a World in Chaos

When an envelope of chaos surrounds your life, it is important to know that your garden can be a place of refreshment, renewal, and hope. It can be a safe place where you can be still and become one with the natural world around you. This is a good thing. We often trip on our thoughts, on fear, and on the what if’s. In the garden, you can be still, content, and soak in the beauty that surrounds you. When you become a mindful gardener, you have arrived at a place that allows you to escape the chaos of the world and just be.

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Easy and Creative Vertical Garden Ideas

Do you love to be surrounded by vibrant plants but are short on space? You can fit a vertical garden anywhere, indoors or outdoors, and have plenty of gardening fun. A vertical arrangement will help you fit more plants in a small area. Try these ideas for fun ways to try your hand at vertical gardening.

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7 Flowers That Can Help You Breathe Easy

Deep breathing can sometimes feel like a luxury in a world filled with pollutants, allergens, and stress. But nature has gifted us with pretty flowers that actively support respiratory health.

Scientific studies have shown that certain plants and flowers contain compounds that can help clear congestion, soothe inflammation, and even enhance lung function. 

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These 10 Common Fruits Are Relatives of the Rose Bush

The rose family, scientifically known as Rosaceae, includes a diverse group of plants. Apart from roses (Rosa), the family contains many other well-known fruit-bearing plants and ornamental species. Here are some of the key members of the rose family:

  1. Apples (Malus): Includes cultivated apples and ornamental varieties.
  2. Pears (Pyrus): Includes cultivated pears and ornamental species.
  3. Cherries (Prunus): Includes sweet and sour cherries, as well as ornamental cherry trees.
  4. Plums (Prunus): Includes edible plums and prunes, as well as ornamental varieties.
  5. Peaches (Prunus): Includes peaches and nectarines.
  6. Strawberries (Fragaria): Includes garden strawberries and related species.
  7. Raspberries (Rubus): Includes raspberries and blackberries.
  8. Blackberries (Rubus): Includes both wild and cultivated blackberries.
  9. Almonds (Prunus): Includes the cultivated almond tree.
  10. Loquats (Eriobotrya): A small tree with edible fruit, native to East Asia.

These plants share certain botanical characteristics, such as similar flower structures and the presence of five-petaled flowers, and they are often grown for their fruit, flowers, or as ornamental plants.

Roses, in fact, bear fruit as well. The fruit of the rose plant is called a hip. Rose hips are typically small, round, or oval-shaped, and they develop after the rose flower has been pollinated. The hip is actually a swollen part of the flower’s base, and it contains seeds inside.

Rose hips are often red, orange, or sometimes purple, depending on the variety of rose. While they are not usually consumed raw due to their tartness and potential fuzziness from the seeds, they are commonly used to make jams, jellies, syrups, and teas. Rose hips are also valued for their high vitamin C content.

Furry, Soft, and Tacky Plants That Love to Be Touched (and smelled and tasted)

If you are a gardener, it is likely that you, like me, love to touch, smell, taste, and even listen to plants. It’s not weird! When we garden, we like to gaze at plants, run our hands over the leaves and petals, and bring our noses down to take in the beautiful scent. Something about this brings me great pleasure – to know that I have planted and cared for such a beautiful thing and then to have the joy of partaking of it with all of my senses! 

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3 Annual Flower Window Box Ideas For a Beautiful View and Tips For Success

Whether you live in the city, suburbia, or the country, window boxes add beauty, texture, color, charm, and even drama to your view. Adding window boxes brings flowers and foliage to eye level, which offers a different perspective than having them in your garden. From inside your home, plants create a lush view to the outdoors that can brighten your day no matter how gloomy the weather. And from the outside, plants and window boxes provide curb appeal that becomes part of the architecture. Here are three ideas for a beautiful view.

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