

What is No-Till Gardening and Why it Works

No-till gardening is essentially a method of creating garden beds over the ground without digging it up. The bed is built up in layers to the desired height, and the seeds and seedlings are then planted in it.

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Top Perennials for Gardening Zone 6

The varied climate in plant hardiness zone 6 offers many benefits for gardeners. Winters are cold but not punishing, summers are hot but not scorching, and the growing season is long enough to support a number of gorgeous perennials.

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How to Grow Your Own Chia Seeds and Why You Should

Health enthusiasts revere the little chia seed as a nutrient-packed superfood. This tiny seed has been cultivated since ancient times in the Americas. Native to South and Central America, legend has it that Aztec warriors prized chia seeds for energy and strength. To enjoy the benefits of chia seeds you don’t have to look far—they’re in nearly every grocery store and available online. But, if you may want to grow your own, here’s what you need to know.

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Top Perennial Plants for USDA Gardening Zone 7

If you’re a gardener in USDA plant hardiness zone 7, consider yourself lucky. Selecting plants is a whole lot easier where winters are relatively mild, summers are pleasantly warm, and the growing season is long.

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Top Perennials for Gardening Zone 4

Northern climates offer a particular and unique beauty, but the cold winters and short growing seasons present a challenge for gardeners. If you’re a zone 4 gardener, don’t be dismayed; you can select from many beautiful, super-hardy perennials that can tolerate your climate with style and grace.

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