

Why You Must Stop Peeling Carrots Now (The Truth is Shocking)

Carrots are a staple in kitchens and home gardens worldwide, adding crunch to salads, depth to soups, and sweetness to roasted dishes. But here’s a kitchen habit you need to break immediately – peeling your carrots. That’s right; the extra steps you’ve been taking all these years are unnecessary and wasteful. The truth about carrot peels will shock you, and once you learn why, you’ll never pick up a peeler again.

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14 Reasons to Grow Sprouts on Your Kitchen Countertop

Sprouts are seeds that have been germinated in water. They form a tiny root and shoot that can be consumed in its entirety. These baby plants are a nutritious food you can grow all year round – no soil needed. Some of the most popular types of seeds to sprout include radish, alfalfa, pea, sunflower, and mung bean. Broccoli sprouts have also become increasingly popular due to their health properties. 

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