

Feeling Stressed? This Sweet Fruit May Help You Relax, Say Experts

When it comes to easing stress through food, oranges may not be the first thing that comes to mind—but they should be. According to registered dietitian Kristen Lorenz, oranges are packed with key nutrients that support both the immune system and the body’s stress response.

Oranges are rich in vitamin C, which boosts immune function by supporting white blood cells and protecting them from damage. This matters because stress and immunity are closely connected: a strong immune system can better manage inflammation caused by stress, while chronic stress and elevated cortisol can weaken immune defenses.

Beyond vitamin C, oranges also contain flavonoids—antioxidants with anti-inflammatory benefits—and B vitamins like folate, which help regulate mood by aiding neurotransmitter production. Even magnesium, found in small amounts in oranges, plays a role in calming the nervous system.

Oranges offer other perks, too. Their fiber supports gut health, while potassium helps regulate blood pressure. Plus, with 86% water content, oranges help keep you hydrated—another important factor in managing stress.

While other citrus fruits like grapefruit, lemons, and limes may contain more vitamin C by weight, oranges stand out for their taste and versatility. They’re easy to eat and enjoyable, making them a practical choice for everyday stress relief.

Want to eat more oranges? Try adding them to smoothies with banana and vanilla, layering them in a yogurt parfait, tossing them into a fresh salad with avocado and greens, or roasting slices with honey for a caramelized treat. For a savory twist, use them in salsas or pair with grilled meats.

Always Plant This Kind of Fruit in Containers

Growing fruit is easier than it sounds, even in a limited space. There are several types of fruit that can be grown in pots. Container-grown fruit allows you to have a little orchard even if your outdoor space is limited to a patio or balcony. And, you can bring the pot in for the winter if you choose a fruit that is not hardy. Check out the best fruit varieties to grow in containers and some tips on how to get a good harvest.

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Why Fish Heads are the Secret to Massive Tomatoes (and a few other tested tips)

There is nothing more delicious than a juicy tomato picked from a homegrown tomato vine. I can remember plucking and eating fresh tomatoes, warm from the summer sun, from my grandparents garden. My grandparents ran a little country market in Iowa and grew some of the biggest and tastiest tomatoes ever. How did they do it? Here are a few of their time-tested tips that they happily shared with anyone who visited their market.

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Supercharge Your Water With Delicious Homegrown Produce

Water, we can’t live without it, and consuming it on its own has a myriad of health benefits such as keeping us hydrated, aiding in weight loss, and keeping our skin, hair, and nails looking great. Plus, it can aid in digestion, maintain the balance of body fluids, energize muscles, help kidneys and bowels with regular function, and so much more. But…do you sometimes get tired of water and wish that it actually tasted like something other than, well, water? You are in luck. There are a number of easy-to-grow, delicious and nutritious herbs and fruits that you can add to your water.

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7 Things to Do With Avocado Pits

If you aren’t already obsessed with avocadoes, you are in the minority. This precious fruit is full of healthy fat, fiber, potassium, and so much more. How could you not love it? But what can you do with that leftover pit once you’ve enjoyed your green treat? Read on to find out. 

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A strawberry is not an actual berry, but a banana is

While most people think of strawberries as berries, they are technically aggregate fruits, or false fruits, because they develop from multiple ovaries. Each seed on a strawberry is actually an ovary. Bananas, on the other hand, are true berries as they develop from a single ovary and have a fleshy middle, a peel, and seeds inside.

The confusion between the common and botanical names for fruits arises from the fact that people have been naming fruits for thousands of years, long before botanists came up with a precise definition. Even today, botanists sometimes disagree on the exact classification of some fruits, and the criteria for defining berries and fruits differ between common language and botanical language.

More examples of false fruits:

  • Apples: The thalamus of the apple is the edible part of the fruit. 
  • Pears: A pome fruit, like apples, with a tough outer layer and a fleshy core. 
  • Cashews: The cashew apple is the false fruit, while the cashew nut is the true fruit. 
  • Pineapples: A multiple fruit formed when many unpollinated flowers fuse together. 
  • Watermelons: A Cucurbitaceae plant that produces a false berry.
  • Pumpkins: A Cucurbitaceae plant that produces a false berry. 
  • Zucchinis: A Cucurbitaceae plant that produces a false berry. 
  • Gooseberries: A Ribes plant that produces a false berry

Secretly Poisonous Plants We Eat all the Time

While health experts recommend eating more fresh, natural foods, some are best left alone. Many plants are not here for our benefit but to protect themselves from predators. That’s why some plants have developed chemical weapons to avoid being eaten. Surprisingly, our daily diets contain several of these potentially-toxic plants, which humankind has figured out how to eat safely. Be warned, some of your favorites could be on this list! Here are 11 secretly poisonous plants that we eat all the time. 

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Stop Buying Grapes at the Grocery Store, Grow Your Own Instead

For over 6,000 years, gardeners have been growing grapes. Don’t let the idea of cultivating grapes scare you; it is easier than you might think. And, it is a good idea to stop buying grapes from the supermarket as they are one of the most heavily sprayed commercial crops. Do you even know what you are eating with your grapes?

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5 Ways to Create a Beautiful Edible Garden

There has long been an incorrect assumption in the garden community that ornamental plants are the only ones that can look good, while vegetables and fruits are strictly for practical purposes. Essentially the opposite of a mullet, gardens are viewed as “party in the front, business in the back”. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a large front yard for flowers and ornamental purposes and a spacious backyard that can be reserved for edible crops, however. And some people feel like they have to choose one or the other…practicaltiy or beauty. Thankfully, recent breakthroughs have turned this misconception on its head, and a new practice is rising in popularity…edible landscaping.

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Why Bringing Back the Victory Garden Is A Great Idea NOW

In the wake of WWI and WWII, millions of American citizens embraced the idea of the victory garden. With food shortages, rising costs, and the need to support the war effort overseas, the government called upon communities and individuals to grow their own food for nourishment and to keep up morale in a country afflicted by the mounting effects of such an enormous war. Citizens answered the call with relish, and by 1943, almost 40% of all fruits and vegetables in the U.S. were being produced in victory gardens. 

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