

Everything You Might Not Know About Chickens and Their Eggs

Perhaps you are ready to add some chickens to your homestead or even to your backyard garden area. Chickens are a great addition to a country or a city home and can bring much enjoyment along with the added benefit of natural garden pest control and delicious and nutritious eggs. If you have been dreaming of chickens but have some questions when it comes to eggs, let me help you on your way so that you can start enjoying your feathered friends today.

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Urban Homesteading: How to be Self Sufficient in the City

Living sustainably is no longer limited to the size of the land you own. Although you might not have enough space in your garden to grow large crops like wheat and corn, you can still grow fruits, vegetables, and trees in a city garden — or even containers. There’s a growing number of urban dwellers looking to become self-sufficient while reconnecting with nature. So, if you’re a big city dweller and dream of becoming a modern-day homesteader one day, why wait? Here’s how to be self-sufficient in the city.

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Kids Home? Here are Fun Ways to Keep Them Engaged in Gardening

Instead of plunking your kids in front of the tv or game console during the remainder of the stay at home order, why not try to use this time well by getting them into the yard and introducing them to gardening. Even if you are a novice yourself, you can learn alongside your child and grow beautiful food and flowers for your family. Here are a few easy ways to get them involved and keep them interested in planting and cultivating a garden. 

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Grow These Ancient Survival Grains in Your Home Garden

There’s a good reason why our ancestors relied on ancient grains for survival — and why they’ve resurfaced in home gardens today. Ancient grains are highly nutritious superfoods, far healthier than the processed wheat products lining the store shelves. In addition, many ancient grains flourish with far fewer pesticides and less fertilizer and irrigation, making them an ideal survival grain for gardeners looking to minimize their carbon footprint.

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Are These 12 Immune-Boosting “Weeds” Growing in Your Backyard?

If you’re like me, you eagerly await the arrival of spring so that you can escape the house and start gardening again. You probably work hard on your garden like I do – with one of the biggest chores, of course, being weeding. Until recently, I had a serious vendetta against weeds. But then I found out that by obsessively removing all the weeds from the garden, I was actually throwing away valuable produce!

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7 Flower Bulb Shopping Tips

Shopping for spring-flowering bulbs isn’t as easy as it seems. Take a few minutes to review these helpful tips and tricks before you end up with hundreds of unused bulbs sitting in your shed or unsuccessful bulbs that never come up when the weather warms. If you stick to these shoppin guidelines, you will have a beautiful garden that welcomes the spring with a brilliant display of color. 

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7 Spring Cleaning Tips to Get Your Garden Shed and Tools in Order

As the weather starts to warm up, you are likely itching to get outside and start all of those spring garden tasks that keep you busy until its time to plant. But before you can begin trimming bushes, adding compost to your soil, and planting seeds, you’ll want to make sure that you embrace the spring cleaning fervor outside as well as inside your home. Preparing your garden shed and tools now will help you stay organized and make each of your precious garden days count. 

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Top Perennials for Floridians

If you live in Florida, you’ve likely experienced the unexpected difficulty of trying to start a perennial garden. While it may seem like everything should grow in abundance in such a lush environment, the humidity and heat actually create a unique tropical climate unlike that of any other state, making it a challenge to find the perfect plants for your home garden. We’ve rounded up a few of our favorite perennials that are specifically suited for the sunshine state that will help your garden flourish.

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7 Spring Garden Ideas For Refreshment and Beauty

Depending on where you live in the country, you may be dreaming of spring soon to come. What a magical time of the year to plan and execute beautiful gardens. When I step into spring, new growth is appearing, buds are blooming, and it really warms my heart. This spring, why not focus on enjoying the entire process of breathing new life into your gardens? Here are some suggestions to really showcase your property this spring.

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How to Grow and Harvest Flaxseed

Flaxseeds are incredibly healthy, and are often towards the top of lists of the healthiest seeds, right along with chia and hemp. They are loaded with omega 3 fatty acids, proteins, dietary fibers, vitamins of the B group, and minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc. If you’re looking to add a new crop to your garden this season and grow your very own flax, this article will help you get started. 

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How to Host a Holiday Plant Party

Though plant parties are usually reserved for the spring and summer when your backyard is in bloom, and you’re tanned from spending time in the garden, a Christmas plant party is a great way to break up the winter and enjoy some quality time with your best plant-loving friends. Here are our steps to hosting the perfect holiday party…garden style. 

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