

Enjoying Moss Rose in Your Garden

Portulaca grandiflora, or moss rose, is a member of the purslane) Portulacaceae family. This small family contains less than 100 species, including the edible purslane weed, which is a prolific self-seeder. Moss rose plants are beautiful when used in pots and container gardens and also make an excellent ground cover. Don’t let this plant’s small stature fool you; portulacas are sturdy and beautiful at the same time. They are a great option for hot and dry climates and have a short and sweet spreading habit.

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Which Plants Grow Best on Slopes

Planting a flower bed in a flat area is simple. Choose plants that complement each other, stick them in a pleasing arrangement, dig a hole, give them some water, and you’re good to go. You don’t have to worry about things like erosion control, root hold, and trailing tendencies. Slopes, on the other hand, can be the gardener’s worst nightmare, since you have to take all of these concerns into account and more. If you’re at a loss on how to deal with a slope in your yard, these plants and helpful ideas could be useful.

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Awesome Alternatives to Conventional Lawns

There is nothing quite like the perfect picture lush green lawn, right? Unfortunately, no matter how lovely lawns are, they are not particularly eco-friendly. The good news is, there are many super cool, attractive alternatives that are totally earth-friendly.

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7 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Succulents

I would bet that if you have any houseplants as living decor in your home, you have at least one succulent taking up residency on a bookshelf, coffee table, or resting in a sunny windowsill. And this is with good reason! Succulents are super cute, easy to care for, and incredibly popular right now which makes them a no-brainer addition to your collection. But did you know that succulents can also be grown outside, even if you don’t live in the desert? Here are a few other facts you probably didn’t know about your favorite plants.

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