

From Corporate Control to Community Farms: How We Can Re-Claim Our Food System

The USDA reports that in just one year, the U.S. lost 14,950 farms and 2,100,000 acres of farmland. This continues a decades-long trend, bringing the total loss to 150,000 farms since 2017. 

A generational shift is underway. With the average American farmer over 60 and nearly 40% now over 65, farmland is changing hands at an unprecedented rate. 

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Skip the Supermarket: Grow a Kitchen Garden Instead

Now more than ever, growing your own organic, kitchen garden is essential. With stay-at-home orders still in effect, and grocery store shelves still rather barren, there’s no time like the present to embrace gardening and increase your sustainability to help provide fresh, safe products for you can your family. No matter how much or how little space you have, anyone with a patch of sunlight can grow a bountiful kitchen garden. Here’s how. 

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New Lettuce Recall Involves Potentially Fatal Strain of E.coli

Haven’t we all had enough stress for one year? An out of control virus that just won’t go away, civil and political unrest, and now….. An increasing number of food recalls continue to threaten our health and wellbeing. Do you buy produce at Walmart? If you have shopped over the weekend at Walmart and purchased single head romaine lettuce – don’t eat it! 

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7 Reasons You Never Want to Eat at a Salad Bar

A salad bar is the ultimate freedom in eating out. You get to choose just what you want on your healthy lunch or dinner. And the options are better than ever; your choice of lettuces and greens, shiny cherry tomatoes, hard-boiled eggs, peppers, cheeses, seeds, nuts, and the list goes on.

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Homesteading: How to Grow 100 Percent of Your Food

Many Americans believe that to feed a city, it takes miles and miles of machine-laid and chemically-grown crops. But in reality, with the right soil and a little space, you can grow enough food to feed your family in your backyard. A homestead garden is your ticket to becoming self-sufficient and less reliant on commercial grocery stores. In fact, there’s no better time than now to become self-reliant — especially with the pandemic still looming over our heads and climate change on the forefront. Here’s what you need to know to grow 100 percent of your food.    

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What is a Chicken Moat and How to Build One

The concept of a moat to protect a piece of property is not a new one. In medieval times, a wide, deep trench was dug around the perimeter of a castles property and usually filled with water. This ditch or moat served as a unique natural defense system and deterred enemies from approaching the stronghold. This same concept can be applied to the modern garden. However, instead of using depth and water as the natural barrier, you use chickens.

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Top Garden Trends for 2019

Just as there are trends for fashion, makeup, and home design, there are yearly garden trends as well. It can be difficult to keep up on all of the exciting developments in the yard and garden. Keep in mind that, ultimately, the true heart of gardening is a timeless act. The therapeutic process of selecting a plant or seed and placing it into the ground, tending it with care and diligence will always remain the same. These steps of gardening have been around since the dawn of agriculture and contribute to the fact that gardening will never go out of fashion.

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