


The Easiest Way to Grow Herbs all Year Long

Container gardening is one of the easiest methods for growing herbs. Not only can you move the pots around to catch sunlight or give them a bit of shade, but you also have easy access to all your kitchen herbs right outside your backdoor. If you are in the middle of preparing dinner and realize that that spaghetti sauce needs a hint of fresh basil, you can simply step outside and cut a few leaves.

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12 Tips to Keep Your Garden Harvest Fresh for Longer

Have you ever been so blessed by a massive harvest that you become overwhelmed? I know the feeling! Sometimes you just have so many fresh veggies that you become worried about using them all before they go bad. Believe me, this is a problem. However, you can turn your problem around if you follow these tips on preserving and keeping your harvest fresh for longer.

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These 3 Super Herbs Can Reduce Blood Pressure and More

Nearly half of all Americans have high blood pressure (also called hypertension), a preventable condition that is the number one risk factor for heart disease.  Sadly, millions of people with this condition go undiagnosed.  The good news is, numerous lifestyle changes can help prevent, manage, and even eliminate high blood pressure. Additionally, nature has provided relief for this condition as well. Let’s take a closer look at some easy-to-grow herbs that can be used to regulate blood pressure.

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11 Amazing Benefits of Sweet Basil

Fresh sweet basil is floral, pungent, and readily available in the U.S. You’re probably well aware of the flavor it contributes to dishes, like pasta and salads. But what you may not be aware of are the powerful healing compounds associated with the essential oil. In fact, sweet basil oil can help the digestive, immune and nervous systems. If you haven’t tried it yet, here are some natural fixes that can really boost your health.

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Low on Money? 7 Ways to Make More Green with Green

When you think of side hustles, ways to make a little extra money, you may conjure up images of things like selling clothes you don’t wear, walking dogs, babysitting, or even baking and selling cookies. But, have you ever considered taking your love of plants, gardening, and homesteading (even urban homesteading) and using it to turn a quick profit?

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Rough Day? Rub These Plants on Your Temple and Breathe Deeply

Are you busy at work, busy with kids, busy with school, and just plain busy all the time? If so, you are not alone. Millions of Americans suffer from over-business, which leads to…you got it. Stress. There is nothing fun about being busy and feeling stressed about being busy. Quite simply, this is a recipe for disaster. Although it is important to slow down, on those days when you just can’t seem to catch a break, two easy-to-grow plants come to the rescue.

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7 Easy to Grow at Home Spices

Spices add flavor and zest to any meal. They are aromatic, delicious, and packed with health-promoting properties. They can also be kind of expensive if you use enough of them. The good news is, you can grow an abundance of beautiful spices right in your home garden. 

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Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth With the Natural Sweetener You Can Grow

Stevia is well known today as a nonnutritive sweetener, a sugar substitute. You can buy powdered stevia products to add sweetness to foods and drinks without adding calories. These products contain rebaudioside A, an extract made from stevia leaves. A more natural way to sweeten foods without calories is to use the whole leaves of stevia. 

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9 Cash Crops that Can Help You Meet Your Financial Goals Sooner (even if you live in the city)

Gardening is a fantastic hobby and a way to provide fresh food for your family. Did you know that that it can also be lucrative? What if I told you that you could accelerate your savings by growing some popular cash crops? There are even some great options for people who have limited space in which to grow plants. Now that I have your attention let’s take a look at how your garden can keep you in the green (if you know what I  mean).

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Avoid Salmonella Sickness: Grow Your Own Herbs

Consumers need to be on their toes now more than ever as the bacteria outbreaks and food recalls show no sign of slowing down. If you have recently purchased parsley or Herbes de Provence from World Market, Walmart, or any other grocer in the United States, it may be part of the latest food recall. A customer tested as ample of High Quality Organics’ parsley, and salmonella was possibly discovered.

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16 Ways to Use Lavender in the Garden, Kitchen, and Bedroom

What if I told you that you could grow your very own 100% natural sleep and anxiety aide in your garden? Lavender, a well respected culinary and landscaping herb, is also recognized as an insomnia remedy and a tension and stress buster.  Its versatility makes it a must in any garden.

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