

Chili Paste for Achy Muscles (trust me, it works)

In 2015, the FDA increased the warnings associated with the use of over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Taking these painkillers comes with an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Many are now questioning the use of painkillers for any reason.

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How to Have a Better Period With These Herbs

Periods are no fun, hands down. No woman is going to argue this point. The lead-up to the period can be even worse for some. Breast tenderness, moodiness, bloating, headaches, and other symptoms can last for a week or more before your actual period begins.

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How Playing in the Dirt Can Make You Happy and Keep You Healthy

If young children are left to their own devices, they would happily play in the mud for hours. Dirty hands, feet, and faces don’t seem to bother the young or the young at heart.  These people may be on to something. According to research, playing in the dirt could be one of the best prescriptions for happiness.

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This Common Weed Tastes Delicious and Reduces Inflammation

Common chickweed is a plant native to Europe. It has become naturalized throughout the U.S. and other areas of the world. You’ve probably seen it in your lawn and may consider it a weed. It tends to grow in moist soils in full sun or partial shade. But, don’t think too poorly of this common weed – it has tremendous medicinal value and tastes great!

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Sunflowers, The Happy Plant, Take the Sting Out of Insect Bites

For me, a garden is not a garden without sunflowers. I love how they tower over smaller garden plants, providing just the right amount of shade on a hot summer afternoon. Their big and bright flowerheads make me smile. And, talk about easy to grow! Did you know that sunflowers are also delicious and make a fantastic natural remedy for insect bites?

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3 Plants that Bust Inflammation and How to Grow Them

Inflammation is your body’s natural protective response to an injury or illness and can help speed up healing and encourage your body to repair itself. This is referred to as acute inflammation and is a healthy, helpful process. However, chronic inflammation, when your body is continually inflamed and at a heightened state of emergency for an extended period, can be incredibly detrimental. Rather than protecting your body, inflammation has suddenly become the enemy and can lead to pain and a host of health issues.

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