How to Grow Oyster Mushrooms at Home in a 5-Gallon Bucket
Not everyone is thrilled with the idea of eating fungus. However, mushrooms’ nutritional value is second to none, and researchers are learning more each day about their many benefits.
Can I Eat Those Backyard Mushrooms?
If you’re noticing mushrooms popping up on your lawn, you shouldn’t be surprised or concerned. It simply means that autumn is on the way, which is the prime time for fungal growth. Fungi live in your soil at all times – they are a vital part of the ecosystem and help keep plants healthy. At the right time of year and when the weather conditions are perfect, they pop up these little fruiting bodies to spread spores and reproduce. You may have noticed that fungi proliferate in wet weather that occurs right after a dry spell, or when you’ve just laid new turf. The disturbed soil releases fungal spores that were previously dormant, so you get lots of toadstools popping up on that nice new lawn.
Improve Energy by Drinking Mushrooms in Your Coffee
How do you like your coffee? Maybe a little cream, a little cinnamon, honey, or perhaps a few mushrooms? Maybe I had you at cream, cinnamon, and honey…but lost you at the mushrooms. Believe it or not, fans of mushroom coffee rave about benefits like increased energy, stress reduction, better sleep, and clear thinking. But does it work?
9 Cash Crops that Can Help You Meet Your Financial Goals Sooner (even if you live in the city)
Gardening is a fantastic hobby and a way to provide fresh food for your family. Did you know that that it can also be lucrative? What if I told you that you could accelerate your savings by growing some popular cash crops? There are even some great options for people who have limited space in which to grow plants. Now that I have your attention let’s take a look at how your garden can keep you in the green (if you know what I mean).
3 Summer Fun Garden Upcycle Projects
Now that your garden is going gangbusters and you have a bit of a reprieve from your planting, it’s a good time to engage in some super fun garden upcycling projects. You will be amazed at what you can make to decorate your garden with items you have lying around. Below you will find a few of my favorite garden recycle projects. Have fun!