

Why You Must Stop Peeling Carrots Now (The Truth is Shocking)

Carrots are a staple in kitchens and home gardens worldwide, adding crunch to salads, depth to soups, and sweetness to roasted dishes. But here’s a kitchen habit you need to break immediately – peeling your carrots. That’s right; the extra steps you’ve been taking all these years are unnecessary and wasteful. The truth about carrot peels will shock you, and once you learn why, you’ll never pick up a peeler again.

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Are You Still Using Pesticides? Why You Will Regret It (and what really works)

Yes, I get it; pests can be a problem. In just a few hours, pests gone wild can destroy your beautiful cabbage crop, annihilate your cucumbers, and leave your lettuce looking like it went through a war. All of this is heartbreaking, and I have had it happen to me more than once. There is a solution to this problem, and it is not to pour a vat of toxic chemicals into your garden either. Once I got the formula down – the best method to repel nasty pests – my garden has never been so beautiful. If I can do it, so can you.

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How to Make Your Own Chemical-Free “Miracle Grow” Plant Food

When it comes to plant fertilizers, there are plenty to choose from. However, not all plant food is created equally. There is good reason to be overwhelmed with all of the options out there, especially if you are a new gardener. There are two broad categories of plant fertilizers – inorganic and organic. One type of plant food reigns far superior in my books, and that is organic. Let’s look at why and how you can make your very own miracle plant food using common household items that plants love.

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14 Reasons to Grow Sprouts on Your Kitchen Countertop

Sprouts are seeds that have been germinated in water. They form a tiny root and shoot that can be consumed in its entirety. These baby plants are a nutritious food you can grow all year round – no soil needed. Some of the most popular types of seeds to sprout include radish, alfalfa, pea, sunflower, and mung bean. Broccoli sprouts have also become increasingly popular due to their health properties. 

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How to Throw the Ultimate Pollinator Party

Have you ever taken a stroll through your veggie or fruit patch to find full blooms and gotten really excited only to see that nothing comes of them? This is one of the most disheartening things that can happen to a gardener, and the reason behind this is a lack of pollination. 

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