

Garden Mistakes Everyone Wants to Avoid

The best gardeners in the world have learned from their mistakes, but there’s no reason to repeat them. Learn from the mistakes of others if you’re just getting started in gardening. You can avoid a lot of problems, save time, and prevent the sad death of plants by learning some common and easy-to-make gardening errors before you make them.

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This “CLEAN” Compost Trick Will Make Your Veggies Grow Huge

It’s spring, and for many gardeners around the country, it is time to prepare garden beds and start planting. One of the best things you can do for your plants is to supercharge your soil with rich, nutrient-dense compost. Don’t have time for composting? Don’t fret; there is one really neat compost trick that takes little time and effort but pays off big – building up the soil and making nutrients available to hungry plants and beneficial critters deep inside the soil.

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Plants Can Talk! The Fascinating Science of Silent Communication

A team of Japanese researchers has captured real-time footage of plants communicating distress signals to their neighbors, shedding new light on the intricate world of plant interactions. Led by molecular biologist Masatsugu Toyota of Saitama University, the study, published in Nature Communications, observed how plants respond to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released by others experiencing mechanical damage or insect attacks.

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Plant This Next to Beans for Better Flavor

Did you know that cultivating the right combination of plants close to each other can make your garden blossom from mediocre to outstanding? Companion planting is an ancient gardening practice that has been making a comeback for one simple reason… it works. Planting a diverse mixture of plants, including annuals, perennials, flowers, and veggies, makes for a much healthier garden and, often, a tastier harvest. On the flip side, planting the wrong combination of plants can result in an unhealthy garden and a mediocre or even poor harvest.

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These 10 Common Fruits Are Relatives of the Rose Bush

The rose family, scientifically known as Rosaceae, includes a diverse group of plants. Apart from roses (Rosa), the family contains many other well-known fruit-bearing plants and ornamental species. Here are some of the key members of the rose family:

  1. Apples (Malus): Includes cultivated apples and ornamental varieties.
  2. Pears (Pyrus): Includes cultivated pears and ornamental species.
  3. Cherries (Prunus): Includes sweet and sour cherries, as well as ornamental cherry trees.
  4. Plums (Prunus): Includes edible plums and prunes, as well as ornamental varieties.
  5. Peaches (Prunus): Includes peaches and nectarines.
  6. Strawberries (Fragaria): Includes garden strawberries and related species.
  7. Raspberries (Rubus): Includes raspberries and blackberries.
  8. Blackberries (Rubus): Includes both wild and cultivated blackberries.
  9. Almonds (Prunus): Includes the cultivated almond tree.
  10. Loquats (Eriobotrya): A small tree with edible fruit, native to East Asia.

These plants share certain botanical characteristics, such as similar flower structures and the presence of five-petaled flowers, and they are often grown for their fruit, flowers, or as ornamental plants.

Roses, in fact, bear fruit as well. The fruit of the rose plant is called a hip. Rose hips are typically small, round, or oval-shaped, and they develop after the rose flower has been pollinated. The hip is actually a swollen part of the flower’s base, and it contains seeds inside.

Rose hips are often red, orange, or sometimes purple, depending on the variety of rose. While they are not usually consumed raw due to their tartness and potential fuzziness from the seeds, they are commonly used to make jams, jellies, syrups, and teas. Rose hips are also valued for their high vitamin C content.

Rough Day? Rub These Plants on Your Temple and Breathe Deeply

Are you busy at work, busy with kids, busy with school, and just plain busy all the time? If so, you are not alone. Millions of Americans suffer from over-business, which leads to…you got it. Stress. There is nothing fun about being busy and feeling stressed about being busy. Quite simply, this is a recipe for disaster. Although it is important to slow down, on those days when you just can’t seem to catch a break, two easy-to-grow plants come to the rescue.

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Are You Still Using Pesticides? Why You Will Regret It (and what really works)

Yes, I get it; pests can be a problem. In just a few hours, pests gone wild can destroy your beautiful cabbage crop, annihilate your cucumbers, and leave your lettuce looking like it went through a war. All of this is heartbreaking, and I have had it happen to me more than once. There is a solution to this problem, and it is not to pour a vat of toxic chemicals into your garden either. Once I got the formula down – the best method to repel nasty pests – my garden has never been so beautiful. If I can do it, so can you.

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This NO-DIG Garden Method Produces a Huge Harvest

When I discovered just how easy it was to grow my favorite veggies, herbs, and even flowers in straw bales, I was hooked. Straw bale gardening combines the best of composting and compact gardening in one.  

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How to Create the Ultimate Outdoor Living Room

Extending your indoor living space into the great outdoors is not only healthy but also fun. There is nothing quite so cozy as sitting with your favorite book on your outdoor sofa listening to the birds chirping. Or, what about entertaining under the starry sky? Either way, an outdoor living room takes personal space and entertaining to a whole new level.

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Always Wanted to Sprout an Avocado Seed? Here’s How To Do it

Why would you want to sprout an avocado seed? Well, the most simple answer:  because you can! There are not many fruits and vegetables that are near as fun to grow from seeds as avocados. Some seeds are a real pain to get started. For instance, seeds of peaches, plums, and apricots need to be either subjected to cold stratification or their hard pits broken mechanically before planting.

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