

4 Things to do With Your Extra Tomatoes

It’s that time of the year again, when the summer heat has been working its magic, and the tomato plants are absolutely overflowing with bright, colorful fruit. Whether you’ve got your hands full of tiny grape tomatoes, some ripe Romas, or big old beefsteaks, you might be wondering what to do with those buckets and buckets of tasty fruit.

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Yes, I Add Broken Eggshells and Baking Soda to My Tomato Planting Hole

I get asked about growing and caring for tomatoes more than any other fruit or vegetable. It seems that everyone is after that perfect, prize-winning tomato and will stop at nothing to achieve it! Well, the good news is that tomatoes are not too tricky once you learn the basics, and you can have a beautiful tomato crop year after year, once you have the basic knowledge down.

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